“That’s the simple way of putting it,” I said and shot Ian a look.

“You two,” she stated again, looking between us disbelievingly. “Dating.”

“Believe it,” I snapped. I knew Ian was miles above me in the looks department, but come on—he was miles above everyone.

“But isn’t that against the rules?”

Ian grinned, his arm hanging around my shoulders casually. “I talked to Bruce about it already. S’all good.”

Melissa didn’t look the least bit happy to hear this. In fact, she was practically bristling with resentment. I cursed my luck that things hadn’t worked out with Gary. People in love are happy for other people in love.

Carly came into the room then, took one look at us and squealed. “I knew it! I knew something was going to happen between you two. In fact, I told Alexis that if you two didn’t—”

I cut her off quickly. “He doesn’t care.”

“Pretty sure I do.”

Luckily Lena’s door opened then and Ian looked in her direction. She stumbled out groggily, wearing a tank top with no bra and pink pajama bottoms, her short hair a mess.

“What’s going on?” She caught sight of Ian and crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh hey.”

“They’re telling us their news,” Melissa said with barely disguised bitterness.

“So you guys finally admitted it.” Lena smiled and rubbed at her eyes. “Sweet.”

Ian laughed. “Well I’m heading to bed.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “See you tomorrow.”

“Aw!” Lena gushed teasingly.

I w

atched him walk down the hall. At the stairwell he paused to look back and I gave him a small wave, which he returned with a grin. Then he was gone and I felt his absence like a hole. I had it bad.

When I turned around again, the girls were looking at me expectantly, their faces all smiles. Everyone except Melissa.

“So? How did it happen?” Carly asked, pulling me onto my bed. She and Lena crowded beside me, one on each side.

Melissa stayed in her standing position and crossed her arms. “I know how it happened. He spanked her at a spanking party.”

Embarrassment flushed my cheeks a dark red. I opened my mouth to deny it, but I’d never been a good liar, and I was certain my expression had already confirmed it. The looks on Carly and Lena’s faces told me they believed it too. The air in the room felt thick, congested, and my tongue was so thick I couldn’t speak.

A moment passed and then a sly grin slipped across Lena’s features. “So Lex is kinky! What was it like? With Ian, too. Hot.”

I exhaled with relief as Melissa stomped out of the room.


The news traveled fast. By Tuesday afternoon everyone in the building knew Ian and I were an item. People on campus also started to notice me. Whereas before I could go from class to class without passing students glancing my way, now people were practically checking me out. Some gave me a smile, some glared, some shot me looks I couldn’t decipher. My skin felt itchy with all the unwanted attention, good and bad. Some people even stopped me between classes with fake questions, like how to get from building A to building B. In the middle of the semester.

Ian chuckled when he opened the door and saw my expression. “Good day so far?”

“I feel on display,” I mumbled as I stomped into his bedroom. “Everyone was staring at me or making excuses to talk to me.”

“Funny—I got less attention than usual.”

“Makes sense.” I flopped onto his couch. “Now you’re off the market.”

Ian grinned and lounged beside me. “And so are you. Which makes me very happy.”