I sighed and curled up into him, toyed with the string from his sweatshirt. “Is that what it’s like for you? People gawking at you?”

He sighed. “It took about a week before people found out who I was. Though people still looked at me because I’m so incredibly good-looking,” he said in a Zoolander impression.

I chuckled into his chest. “I don’t know very much about the modeling industry,” I admitted. “You were big I take it?”

“I did well. Made a good amount of cash at a young age. I was also an extra in the film First Chance. It was a Rom Com and I was just in the background at a party, but the director liked my look and told me I should go into acting. Even got an agent in touch with me.” He chuckled. “That’s what got my mother on the scent.”

“Wow.” I continued to play with his string. “So people have seen you in the film?”

“Yeah. I don’t say anything but I’m in a lot of shots. On a small campus like this, I guess that rockets you into celebrity status.”

“And does this agent still contact you about opportunities?”

I felt him tense. “Sometimes.”

“Like what?”

“There’s a movie being filmed this summer and into the fall. They want me to play a member of a rival band. Small role but there are a few lines. It would be a different gig than my last one.”

My hand stilled. “But there’s no chance you’ll consider it?”

“No. He’s been rather insistent, even called my mother—but I stopped answering his calls.”

Relief flooded through me. I sat back on my knees to look at him. “When I was a little girl I wanted to act.”

He grinned. “Every little girl wants to be an actress.”

“I think it’s proper nowadays to say actor for both sexes.” I tried to arch a brow like he always did, giving him my best condescending look.

“I think you’re right.” His eyes dropped to my lips and I unconsciously licked them. “Are you still into acting?”

I shook my head emphatically. “No way. I’m way too shy.”

The side of his lips turned up. “I wasn’t talking about that kind of acting.”

“Oh.” I glanced down and my eyes fell on the fly of his jeans. I instantly reddened and shifted in my kneeling position on the couch. Times like these I felt naïve, like Ian knew the score, and I was only pretending to keep up.

“We’ll find out soon enough. How are you feeling today?”

“Better. Good.” I peeked up to see him watching me. “I don’t feel sore at all, in fact.”

He reached out and ran a thumb along my lips. “Is that so?”

“Mm hmm.”

His thumb slid into my mouth. I instantly closed my lips around it, sucking softly. His eyes widened and his lips parted in a silent gasp.

“What are you doing?” he asked, even though he knew exactly what I was doing.

I licked the length of his thumb, gave one final suck before releasing him with a coy smile. There was a noticeable bulge in his jeans that gave me more than a little satisfaction. He wasn’t the one in charge.

Ian’s eyes narrowed. “Proud of yourself, aren’t you?”

I shrugged—but yes, I was very proud of myself.


We returned to campus hand-in-hand. The moment we emerged from the basement of the block, people turned to look at us and Ian gave me a reassuring squeeze. Confronting all the faces felt a lot better with him beside me. At least the people who’d been skeptical now knew the truth, and the females weren’t as apt to give me dirty looks with Ian there to witness it.