‘It has been a long time since I have been out here,’ Alwynn admitted. ‘I used to love it as a child. My father would bring me here sometimes if we had been visiting farms. His parents had a hall near here, but he had wanted something grander and more imposing.’ She stopped and tilted her head to one side. ‘Why would you build a hall here?’

‘Ease of access to the sea. It gives a commanding view. It is important to see who might be coming calling.’ He put his arm about her waist. ‘But what do I know? My hall is far away from here. And not close to the sea.’

‘Where is it?’

‘On a wide river, one of the best rivers in all of Raumerike. It stands in a sheltered glade. On summer mornings, when I was a boy, I used to stand outside and watch the eagles circle overhead. I loved watching those eagles.’

‘This is the first time you have really spoken of your home.’

‘Where I grew up,’ he corrected. ‘Sometimes it feels a very long time ago and very far away.’

She put her arms about his waist, pleased that she had decided to go with him. It was even better that it had been a wild goose chase, but she had enjoyed being alone with him. She raised herself up on her toes and brushed his lips.

‘I will bear your advice in mind if I ever decide to move the hall,’ she said against his mouth. ‘Which of my tenant builders would you recommend to design this new hall?’

He tightened his arms about her waist. His kiss had a promise of something more.

‘Your current hall’s location is far from the best. It would be hard to defend.’

‘Other than the Northmen, who would attack us? We have no riches.’

‘I still worry.’

Her heart soared at the words. He felt something for her. He had not said it in words, but if he worried about her... Her heart started dreaming futures that it had no business to.

‘We should return.’

He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. The gentleness of his touch made her knees wobble. ‘Not yet.’


He tightened his grip on her and pulled her against his arousal, leaving her in no doubt of what he wanted. She tilted her pelvis slightly so they were closer. His reaction was instant.

Alwynn inwardly smiled. She had power over this man. Her failures were in the past and had everything to do with her late husband. Out here, with Valdar’s arms about her, she knew she had truly begun to believe she was a desirable woman. And some day she might have children. Right here, and now, she believed that good things might still come to her.

‘I want to finish what we started in the garden,’ he said in a husky rasp. ‘Do you have any objection? Out here, there will be no one to interrupt or prevent us. No missing sheep to locate and no weaving to untangle.’

Instantly a heated spring coursed through her veins. Over the past few days, every time things started to become interesting, something had happened. ‘You are jealous.’

His cheeks reddened slightly. ‘Of anything that takes you away from me, yes, I am.’

‘Why do you think I so readily agreed to your suggestion to come with you?’

He pretended to consider her statement. ‘You were eager to find the Northmen?’

‘It had to be a tall tale.’ She smoothed his dark blond hair from his face. ‘However, I am flattered that you were willing to fight for me.’

‘I would always fight for you.’

Alwynn caught his face between her hands. The intensity of his look made her knees weak. She wished she knew more about what drove this warrior of hers, but it was better to keep it in the here and now. Not to wonder about the past or dream about tomorrow. ‘It is comforting to know that. But I sincerely hope you never have to fight.’

He started to speak, but she put two fingers over his mouth. ‘Hush. I’ll hear no more about it. We are at peace.’

His hands undid her cloak and it fell to the ground. She reached and rapidly took off his tunic. His skin was warm in the late-afternoon sun.

She playfully gave him a gentle shove. ‘I want you on the ground.’

He lifted a brow. ‘My lady is very insistent.’

‘Time for me to see if I can play you like you play me.’

The dimple at the corner of his mouth increased. ‘I would be honoured.’

She ran her mouth along his body. She took care to caress each dent and scar. It was the body of a warrior and there was not an ounce of fat on him.

At his chest, she allowed her tongue to play on his nipples. He groaned and his body bucked upwards.

She quickly undid his trousers and his erection sprang free. She took him in her hand and held his steely silkiness.

Another time, she would have marvelled at her boldness, but with Valdar, she simply wanted to taste. She bent her head and ran her tongue round and round his tip. A sense of power filled her. She was doing this to him.