He groaned as his arousal grew. ‘Please.’

The whispered word echoed about the grove.

She lifted her head and saw his passion-lidded eyes. ‘Please what? You don’t want me to stop, do you?’

He shook his head, his body thrashing about on the ground. The giant warrior brought to the edge of madness by her.

‘Please, I need you. Ride me. Ride me hard.’

She quickly manoeuvred her body so she was astride him. The tip of him touched her inner core. She slowly impaled herself on him, spreading her thighs so he fitted comfortably in her, and then she began to ride him. Her gown spilled over the both of them.

His hands reached and teased her breasts over the cloth. The roughness of the linen rasped against her tightly furled nipples, sending fresh waves of pleasure throughout her. As each wave crested, another began, taking her along and increasing her sensation.

When she thought she could stand it no more, he teetered over the edge, drawing her into his shuddering climax.

She lay against his chest spent, listening to the sound of his heart thudding.

His arms came about her and held her tight.

‘I never thought that was possible,’ she confessed, drawing circles on his bare chest. Her entire body ached with a sweet languor.

He gave a playful tap on her rear end. ‘What, making love out in the open?’

‘Being this happy and content.’ Sure of her appeal, she stretched upwards like a cat. ‘I want to slow down time.’

He loosened his arms and she felt him withdraw slightly from her. ‘That is something that neither of us can do.’

She rapidly stood. ‘I...I didn’t mean— I wasn’t asking you to stay. I just want this to continue. The here and now. Autumn can wait.’

He reached for his tunic. Something made him go completely still.

‘Is everything all right?’ she asked, pleased she had not revealed her growing love for him. There would be time enough to think about that when he had gone.

‘Nothing.’ Valdar placed a rock in the leather pouch which he tied to his belt.

‘It doesn’t look like nothing to me.’

‘A stone. A memento of today, in a way. I hope you don’t consider me a fool.’

Her heart filled and she blinked away sudden tears. ‘Oh.’

‘Shall we go back? The sun is starting to go down. They will be lighting the torches soon.’

Valdar kept his voice steady as though he was speaking to one of his horses. Inside he felt sick.

It wasn’t just any stone, but the sunstone he had given the boy before he had jumped from the ship. It bothered him that the lad’s name escaped him. Girmir and his company had definitely been here. The big question was where were they now? He hoped the boy lived, but the presence of the stone and its placement made him think. Without a navigator who could read the sunstone, no wonder they hadn’t returned to Raumerike.

He doubted that he’d find a body. Girmir and his henchmen would not be inclined to leave such clues.

One more injustice to avenge.

He thought he’d done enough to save the lad’s life. And now this unwelcome discovery.

He had to find them before they found him and before they wrecked this land. Or harmed Alwynn.

Valdar stared out at the still waters. Once he had dealt with Girmir, he would have done as the gods and his honour demanded. He wouldn’t have to return home. He could live out his life here with Alwynn. His heart thudded. It amazed him how much he wanted to stay. His past had faded into insignificance. What mattered was keeping Alwynn safe.

This was why the Norns had spared him. He hadn’t understood that until this very instant. Not just revenge, or to go back to his old miserable existence, but a chance at a new life with Alwynn and her people. They needed him in a way that his people back in Raumerike didn’t. And he refused to allow Girmir to destroy this newfound hope.

‘You look very fierce.’ Alwynn linked her arm with his. ‘There is nothing here to be concerned about. Perhaps you are right, it would be a good place to build a hall.’

The simple touch did much to soothe his soul. He wanted to dream dreams of great halls and worthy sons. He wanted to take her in his arms and whisper words of love. ‘It is where I would build mine.’

Her eyes shone and for a single heartbeat, she was a vision of extreme loveliness. He wondered that he had ever considered he might be able to leave her. If he did, he might as well tear out his heart and bury it.

‘Won’t your family miss you?’

‘My family?’

‘The people who are waiting for you. The healer...’

‘She has her own husband, a child and another on the way. No one will miss me. Not for more than a few weeks.’