She put her hand to her throat. She had been singing. Her heart leapt. ‘Something I made up.’
‘You must sing it for me properly so I can truly appreciate it.’
Her heart did a little jump. When she had been younger, she used to dream of her husband returning and being pleased to find her in the garden. Theodbald had never sought her out. He had never wanted to hear her songs. But she’d stopped singing when he’d gone. Of all the things he had taken from her, it was the one thing she resented the most. But now her voice had returned. She had started singing because of Valdar. ‘When it is perfect.’
‘You look perfect to me. Any song you choose to sing will be perfect.’ He came over and put his arms about her waist, pulling her against his hard body. His mouth covered hers for a long and soul-satisfying kiss.
She allowed herself a moment of pleasure before escaping. ‘Someone might see us. Merri—she can’t keep a secret.’
He looked over his shoulder. ‘Nobody is here and I have been thinking about this all day. It made Owain’s complaints about the sheep enclosures more bearable. They are fixed for now, but the gate on the left-hand one will need to be replaced next spring.’
‘You thought of me while you were supposed to be seeing to the sheep enclosures? What sort of steward are you?’
‘The very best sort.’ He put his hand about her waist and drew her into the circle of his arm. ‘You will be pleasantly surprised by how good the harvest will be. The fine weather is bringing everything on. And I come to find you like this in the garden. My day is complete.’
‘You are very full of yourself.’
He ran his hand down her back, cupping her bottom. ‘I’d rather be full of you like I was yesterday and the day before. What new place will you have us go to? Some day I would like to spend an entire night wrapped around you.’
Her cheeks burnt, but her heart nearly burst with its dreams. ‘Valdar!’
‘You react beautifully to teasing.’ He paused. ‘I stopped by to check on Urien on the pretext of being worried about scabies and Cleofirth’s sheep. To ask her if she had seen any sign of it.’
Alwynn rested her head against his chest. The problem with Urien remained no nearer a solution. Despite going out to see her several times at Gode’s, the woman always defended her husband and spoke about returning to him once Lord Edwin returned and her name was cleared. She still insisted that it was the Northmen and Cleofirth would find the proof.
‘How is she?’
‘Jumps at every noise. And her hands are never still.’
‘The woman I knew was never like that.’
‘Give her time.’
Alwynn closed her eyes. Time, something she had too little of. ‘Thank you. Have you been back to Cleofirth’s as well?’
‘I believe Cleofirth is aware of our suspicions. But I am not sure he is in a hurry to get his wife back. Owain told me that he has his eye on a wench from the tavern. He has been drinking heavily.’
Alwynn gulped hard. The news Cleofirth had another woman saddened rather than surprised her. ‘Gode needs to be aware of it. She might let the news slip and it isn’t what Urien needs.’
His eyes narrowed. ‘Is that right?’
‘No secret is safe with Gode.’ Alwynn waved a hand. ‘Ever. Sooner or later she tells. She has always been this way.’
Valdar put his hands on her shoulders and his face turned grave. ‘Hopefully the situation will be sorted before...’
‘Before the summer ends,’ she finished saying for him. ‘It will be soon. The lavender has started flowering.’
His brow knitted and he tilted his head to one side. ‘Is that important?’
‘The dried flowers help to keep the bedding sweet in the winter. I didn’t realise time had moved on so quickly. I want each day to last for ever.’
He cupped her cheek and the simple touch sent a spear of warmth through her. ‘So do I, but it seems the more I hold on, the quicker time goes.’
She raised herself up on her tiptoes and brushed his lips. ‘We are doing what we can.’
He put his arms about her waist and deepened the kiss. Her entire body reacted. He was a drug that she could not get enough of. He had become necessary to her well-being. He was the best man she’d ever met.
A small cry shocked her back to her senses.
She turned her head to see Merri running off. They had been so careful. And now this. Her body ached where he had touched her. His lips were against her ear, suckling and murmuring.
‘Merri!’ She pushed against Valdar, freed herself from his seductive spell.
At his questioning glance, she explained, ‘Merri saw us. Together. Just now. She will tell everyone because it will only fuel the fantasy she has. She likes to believe you’re a prince and will marry me. If she tells...’