“Lana.” Alec beamed when he and the nurse that came into the vet’s examination room briefly rounded the corner, heading towards the clinic. To the nurse, he said, “This is Alannah Ryan; she’s practically my sister.”

I was completely taken aback with the introduction, and for some reason, I got a lump in my throat. I swallowed it down and smiled politely at the nurse.

“Nice to meet you.”

“And you.” She smiled back. “I’m Tracey.”

Alec focused on the crate I was holding. “Is she okay?”

“Yup.” I nodded. “She got ’er vaccinations, she’s wormed, microchipped and is good until she gets ‘er final set next month.”

Alec’s lips twitched. “Tell Tracey what you named her.”

I scowled at him, then to Tracey, I grinned and said, “Barbara, after Barbra Streisand.”

Tracey laughed, and Alec snickered to himself as he shook his head.

“You’re a hater,” I told him. “Nobody likes a hater.”

Alec continued to grin as he excused himself from Tracey, telling her he was going to help me with Barbara to my car. I was going to tell him it was okay, but when he took her crate from me, I sighed with relief. I rubbed my shoulder where a knot had formed.

“She weighs nothin’, but the bloody crate weighs a lot.”

“You’re just weak.”

I rolled my eyes. “Bite me, bitch.”

We walked to my car, and when Alec got Barbara settled into the back seat—even putting a seat belt around her crate—he closed the door and focused on me. I raised my eyebrows, not understanding why he was staring at me so intently.

“I spoke to Ry this morning.”

My heart stopped. “Is Branna okay?”

“She’s fine, still pregnant.”

I relaxed. “Thank God.”

“When I spoke to him, he mentioned that Damien sent him a text to let him know he wouldn’t be home because he was staying over at a certain someone’s apartment.”

My entire face heated, and Alec snapped his fingers.

“I knew it,” he said. “I told Keela you both hooked up, but she was adamant he’d sleep in the spare room.”

I tried to get into my car to get away from Alec and the conversation, but he blocked me.

“No way, red face. Talk.”

I groaned. “When did you turn into Bronagh?”

“The second I realised you had your dirty way with my baby brother.”

I squealed and slapped his forearm. “Shut up!”

Alec barked with laughter. “Come on, give. What happened?”

I placed my face in my hands and groaned, before dropping them to my side.

“He did stay the night … and not in the spare room.”

“I fucking knew it!”

“Hold it.” I held up my hand, stopping him from speaking further. “We didn’t have sex … but we also didn’t just sleep either.”

“That’s my girl,” Alec said, raising his hand in the air.

I laughed as I lifted mine and clapped my palm against his.

“So, what now?” Alec pressed. “I’m confused, because haven’t you been proclaiming hate for him for … like … ever?”

I frowned, hating how accurate that description was.

“We spoke … we spoke about everythin’, and we cleared up a lot of issues we had, and while we’re not out of the woods yet, that conversation did us both a world of good. We don’t wanna play any games, and we both wanna try our hand at a relationship, so … we’re datin’. Officially. Exclusively.”

“Alannah.” Alec smiled so wide I was sure that his cheeks were stinging him. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

When he hugged me, I hugged him back.

“Thanks. I’m so scared, though.”

“That it’ll end badly?”

When we parted, I stepped back and nodded.

“Want to know a secret?”

“Always,” I answered.

“I’m still scared that might happen with Keela.”

My jaw dropped. “Shut the front door.”

“I’m serious,” Alec said. “When you have your whole life riding on someone … it’s only natural to worry they won’t always be around to be part of that life.”

Tilting my head, I said, “But you and Keela are made for each other. I’ve never seen two people happier.” I paused. “Unless I’m with Nico and Bronagh, Kane and Aideen … and Ryder and Branna. All your relationships are so solid; you shouldn’t be scared.”

“Yet in the back of my head, there is still the fear.” Alec shrugged. “All I’m saying is don’t think you’re the only one afraid of failure. Everyone is about something.”

I considered this and found myself feeling a sense of relief.

“You’re brilliant,” I told him. “I feel better hearin’ that. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Alec looked over his shoulder when his name was called, then he turned back to me.

“Got to go, but I’ll see you later?”

“You always do.”

He kissed my cheek, then turned and jogged towards the large building on the left side of the compound that I knew to be the shelter.

“If you go to Dominic’s house,” Alec shouted, “do not touch my fucking cup.”

My laughter followed him, and I wanted to ask if he loved the cup so much, why didn’t he keep it at his house, but I knew the answer. He enjoyed our bickering over it too much to take it away from me ever having it, and I loved that about him.