With a smile and a new sense of relief following our conversation, I got into my car and drove towards my parents’ house. When I arrived, I planned to leave Barbara in the back seat of my car after seeing she was asleep in her crate, but then the rain started to come down in buckets, and the noise was too loud for her not to get scared.

Just as I unbuckled my seat belt, my phone rang. I answered it without looking at the screen.


“What did you do to my little brother?”


I froze. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, he hasn’t stopped smiling since I picked him up from your apartment, and that was three hours ago. I’m worried his face will get stuck like this.”

A giggle burst free.

“He is fine,” I assured Ryder. “We worked a lot out last night … and I may have given ’im a nice wake-up call.”

“I knew it!” Ryder stated then he shouted, “I knew you got some, you lying asshole … uh, Alannah, who else would I call to ask why your grinning like that? … No, because I’m speaking to her that’s wh—Ow!”

There was commotion and spewed curses.

I smiled when Damien said, “Hello?”

God, I love his voice.

“Did you just hurt your big brother?”

“He’ll be fine,” he answered, and I heard the smile in his voice. “What’re you doing? I miss you.”

I smiled so wide that my cheeks stung.

“I just left the vet with Barbara,” I answered. “And I miss you, too.”

“Is everything okay with her?”

“As far as the vet can tell, she’s about nine to ten weeks old. She got ’er first round of vaccinations today, and I’ll go back with ’er next month to get the second round. I registered ’er and got ’er pet insurance. She is officially Barbara Ryan, and I am ’er mother.”

When Damien laughed, it made me smile, and I didn’t care. I knew it was probably eye rolling for anyone to see, but I was happy, and I wasn’t going to apologise to anyone for feeling like that.

“Does that make me her daddy?”

“I thought you were my daddy.”

I cringed the second the words left my mouth. I once swore on everything that was holy that I would never refer to a partner as my “daddy” because it creeped me out, yet here I was, indicating Damien was … daddy.

“Don’t,” Damien warned, his voice low. “Don’t you dare get me hard when I’m at work surrounded by these tools.”

I had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the equipment.

“I’m not tryin’ to get you hard,” I said, my lips twitching. “Though it appears it doesn’t take much to get your cock standin’ at attention.”

Damien growled but said nothing, and I was thankful because I was worried if he did, I would lose this little bit of brazen assurance that had filled me. I looked around and was glad it was raining so hard. It meant I could stay in the car a little longer and … talk.

“Go into the back room,” I said to Damien, licking my lips. “I want to try somethin’ with you … over the phone, that is.”

“Fuck,” he grunted. “Ry, I’ll be back in a minute.”

I thought I heard Ryder laugh, but I ignored it and so did Damien.

“Okay,” Damien said a minute later. “I’m in the room, and the door is closed.”

“Good,” I said, my stomach swimming with butterflies. “I want phone sex.”


Confidence surged through me upon hearing the desperation in his tone.

“Don’t you think it’ll be fun?” I questioned softly. “I think it will be great foreplay before we actually have sex.”

“You’re killing me, gorgeous.”


“I feel like I can be bold with you, so I’m steppin’ out of me comfort zone by even suggestin’ this. I’m embarrassed, but I don’t want that to stop me from bein’ a little … naughty.”

“God in Heaven, help me.”

My chuckle was low.

“Are you hard?” I asked, my voice a little breathless. “Are you throbbin’?”

“Yes,” Damien hissed.

“Your hand is my hand,” I told him. “I want to touch you.”

His heavy breathing was all I could hear, then I heard some ruffling and then a few seconds later a soft groan sounded, and I knew his hand was wrapped around his cock.

“Good boy,” I praised. “Do you like it when I touch you?”

He almost hissed his, “Yes.”

“Lick me palm,” I purred, “then close your eyes as I fist your cock.”

“Jesus,” Damien groaned.

“Are you doin’ what I say?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I grinned.

“I’m before you on me knees,” I said, licking my lips, “strokin’ you while swirlin’ me tongue around the head of your cock.”

Damien didn’t reply; the only thing I could hear was his heavy breathing.

“Can you see me on me knees in front of you, feel me touchin’ you?”

“Ye-yeah,” he replied. “Fu…uck.”

I hummed. “You like when I look up into your eyes when I suck your cock, don’t you?”