We discussed how my appointment went and fawned over my new scan pictures of the baby. I told her how I was showing everyone the DVD later and I mentioned how excited Bronagh was to see it and that made Kiera smile.

“How are Bronagh and Dominic doin’?” she asked me.

I took a gulp from my water bottle, swallowed it down then said, “Great, they’re still goin’ strong. They’re both mad, but they’re pretty cool people. I love them, they’re like me family now.”

Kiera smiled. “I’m glad, even though I’m very surprised they are together still.”

I raised my eyebrow. “You are? Why?”

She sighed. “They hated each other in school, and when I say hate I really mean hate. I could tell Dominic fancied Bronagh though and he didn’t know what to do with her cold shoulder. The poor lad was sent into a three-sixty the moment she walked late into class that morning. I’ll never forget the look on his face the moment he first saw her—it was perfection. He sat up straight and stared at her when she walked towards her desk. I’m pretty sure he was about to say somethin’ sweet to her until she told him he was seated at her desk in a snarky tone.”

I laughed, “I wish I could have been there. He worships her now. I wonder if it was instant for him.”

“Instant attraction? Yeah, I’m sure it was. He thought winnin’ her affections was a game, and one he would easily win. She made it very hard for him though, bless her.”

“He adores her.” I smiled. “He gets her little gifts all the time just to shower her with them. He is a sucker for gettin’ her flowers.”

We laughed together for a few moments until Kiera gasped.

“What?” I asked, alarmed.

She face palmed herself. “I completely forgot to tell you about a delivery you got this mornin’.”

“A delivery for me?” I questioned.

Kiera nodded. “I signed for it and told the delivery man your classroom number. Class was in session so he left the delivery with the caretaker who said he would bring it to your room during break time. Whatever it was, he left it in there for you.”

I yawned. “Good thing I didn’t go home right away today. Usually, I do durin’ the week to get to Kane early for his injections.”

“I’ll say.” Kiera smiled. “Enjoy your weekend. Don’t hurt Kane... too much.”

I stood up and saluted her. “Yes, Miss. Mckesson.”

Kiera snorted at me and waved me on as I left the staff room. I cracked my back as I left the room and groaned out loud. I was tired, my back hurt, my feet were sore and no matter what I ate, I still felt hungry.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I took it out and answered it. “Hello?”

“Do you want me to come get you?”

I rolled my eyes at his rudeness. “Hey, Kane. How are you on this fine Friday afternoon?”

I heard him sigh. “Hello, babydoll. Do you want me to come pick you up?”

I grinned. “Hiya and no, I’m fine. I have me own car, Keela dropped it off for me two hours ago.”

“Oh, right.” Kane was silent for a moment. “Are you swinging by my house or going home after work?”

I yawned. “I’m going to yours to give you your injection, then home. I’m knackered.”


I sighed. “Oh, what?”

“Well, I thought we were going to show everyone the DVD of the baby today?”

I groaned, “I forgot about that. I was just talkin’ about it and I still forgot. I’m not with it today.”

“It’s okay we can—”

“No, it’s fine,” I cut Kane off. “I’ll just go to your house and stay there for the day. I’ll nap on the sofa or somethin’.”

“Or something,” Kane grumbled.


He cleared his throat. “Nothing, I’ll see you soon.”

“‘Kay, bye.”

I hung up my phone, pocketed it, and continued to walk down the never-ending hallway to my classroom. Kiera kindly swapped rooms with me for the reminder of the year because it was closer to the staff room than what my old room was. I didn’t see the logic of her offer when I was thirteen weeks pregnant, but now that I was showing and feeling a little strained, I was glad I didn’t have to walk as far.

My students liked it as well because they got to see more of the older students. The school I worked in was huge; it was both a primary and secondary school in one, which meant there were students of all ages roaming around.

I made it to my temporary classroom, but just as I walked inside I halted all movements. “Oh, my God,” I whispered as I walked closer to the huge bouquet of flowers on my desk. There were so many flowers and colours packed into a single glass vase. I was stunned to silence. I didn’t know what to think or do—I just stood and stared.

I didn’t know how much time had passed by before I slowly began to make my way over to the breathtaking arrangement on my desk. When I was close enough to do so I leaned in, closed my eyes and inhaled a deep breath.

The scent was divine.

I smiled as I opened my eyes and roamed them over the stems, petals and then to the white envelope that was placed neatly on the side of the bouquet. I reached in and picked the envelope up, then gently opened it. I pulled out the card from inside and read what was written: Halfway there, Mama Bear.

Who could have sent these?


I don’t know why, but he was the first person that came to mind and it made me a little giddy. It only took a few seconds for that giddiness to quickly turn to annoyance. I was annoyed at myself, not necessarily at Kane. He was being very sweet to me lately. He gave me no ammo for arguments so they have been few and far between, but not arguing with him made me mad.

The fact that I knew I was starting to really like him really bothered me as well. I didn’t want to get invested in him in case things went badly between us. I would only end up being hurt.