I just didn’t know what else do to or how to act with both of us constantly being civil towards one another. Falling in like with him seemed to be unavoidable.

“You’re havin’ his baby, you shouldn’t want arguments!” I snapped to myself.

I didn’t know what the hell was happening to me, but I knew that I didn’t like it. I liked Kane’s sweet side, and yet I didn’t at the same time. I knew how to handle annoyed Kane. I could probably even stand a chance against mad Kane, but sweet Kane, are you kidding me? That was a losing battle.

Was I losing my mind?

Going crazy was the only explanation because any part of me that liked something Kane said or did was just obscene. I couldn’t fathom a reality where I could possibly like anything about him or in relation to him. Then again I would have never pegged myself to be knocked up with his child either.

It was official.

I was losing my damn mind.

“Hello?” I called out as I entered the Slater household.

I heard movement upstairs then footsteps as someone descended the stairs.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t bullshit me right now. I’m tired, hungry, and want to sleep.”

Kane snorted as he neared me. “You want me to tell everyone to fuck off?”

“No,” I laughed. “They’re all excited to see the DVD of the baby. If we deprived them of watchin’ it, the girls might kill you.”

“Why me?”

I smirked. “They can’t hurt me, I’m the pregnant one.”


I grinned. “Whatever. I’ve to wee first, give me five minutes?”

“Why five?”

“If you must know it takes me a minute or two to heave meself up from the toilet.”

Kane burst into laughter, “How long will it be before you’re calling me to help you up?”

“Never. I’m not weak, I can lift meself up from a bloody toilet… it just takes me a minute or two.”

Kane laughed as I walked past him. I adjusted the strap of my bag over my shoulder and sighed as I began to climb the stairs. I hated that there were so many flights of stairs in this house. I hated it even more that Kane’s room was on the top bloody floor.

“You could just use the bathroom on the second floor instead of going all the way to the top, you know?”

I rolled my eyes. “I know, but I want to put my slippers on and I left them in your room.”

Everyone had slippers belonging to me in their house so I could wear them when I was over. I loved how thoughtful it was and my feet really appreciated it.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Kane asked.

I shook my head. “I’m fine. I’ll be back down in a few minutes.”

“Okay, shout if you need me.”

He went into the sitting room on the second floor while I continued up two more flights of stairs to get to the fourth floor. I noticed that this many stairs would be a hazard to a child and that the entire house would have to be baby proofed.

“More work,” I grumbled to myself.

I sighed when I got to the fourth floor and headed into Kane’s room. I walked into his en-suite and relieved myself on the toilet. When I was finished, I washed and dried my hands and headed back into his bedroom.

I kicked off my shoes and slid my feet into my fluffy bunny slippers and groaned in pleasure as I did so. They felt like a million tiny kisses on my feet with each step I took in them. They were simply Heaven.

I turned to exit Kane’s room, but the sound of a phone ringing halted my movements. I scanned the room and spotted Kane’s phone charging on his locker on his side of the bed. I blinked dumbly when I realised my mind automatically put him on the right-hand side of the bed, and made it his spot while I claimed the left.

Brain, we don’t live here!

I shook my head clear and walked over to the phone. I glanced at the screen and saw Damien flash across the screen. I smiled and picked the phone up. I tapped the screen of the phone and brought it to my ear.

“Welcome to your voicemail inbox, you have one new message. Press one to hear this message.”

I went to put Kane’s phone down, I really did, but I was curious as to why Damien would leave a voicemail when he could have just rang the other brothers if he wanted to talk. He clearly had something to say for Kane’s ears, and the nosey bitch in me wanted to know what it was.

I pressed one on the screen and brought the phone back to my ear.

“Hey, it’s me. Look, I don’t want you or the others to worry, but I’ve been keeping tabs on Big Phil and his boys. Before Ryder says anything, I’ve been keeping them from a distance. I was just curious who was running the compound now that Marco is gone. Turns out Big Phil has made himself at home there.”

Damien paused when a noise sounded in the background then resumed speaking a moment later.

“Anyway, I swung by when everyone was out and found Manny on watch. Can you believe it? That dude is still the worst drunk I’ve ever come across and he is on guard duty. Fucking idiots.”

Damien paused when another noise sounded in the background. I snorted when he said, “Fucking broken window.”

He either left the room he was in or moved away from the window; wherever he was now it was quiet. Real quiet.

“So I asked Manny how things have been. He didn’t know it was me because I had a hat on and a scarf covering my face. He was kind enough to let on that the new boss was heading to Ireland because Dominic’s name resurfaced in the underground. Brandon runs his end in the underground legally now so word has spread that Dominic is his fighter, and if anyone wants to challenge him, it’s fifty grand a head. Fifty. Grand. Dominic better be getting a nice pay cheque for that price. Tell him to hit training hard. No doubt those ball busters in the underground will want that purse.”