“No, Kane,” I cut him off. “I’m serious. What happened between us won’t happen again. Ever. Like you said last night, it was an act of impulse, right?”

Kane stared down at me and set his jaw when he saw I was serious. “Right,” he said through gritted teeth.

I swallowed. “So I’m goin’ to go. Don’t tell anyone about this, okay?”

“Whatever.” Kane snarled and took a few steps back away from me.

I nodded my head.

Kane walked over to his wardrobe and took out a black hoodie that he tossed my way. I caught it and quickly pulled it over my torso and pulled the hood up. I shoved my clutch into the large pocket of the hoodie, tucked my hair into the hood and walked over to the door without looking at Kane.

“My door is always open for you,” Kane said from behind me.

I halted for a moment but said nothing.

“Bye, Kane.”

“Not for good,” he grunted, “I’ll see you later.”

I closed my eyes and fought the urge to turn to him. I shook my head clear and continued walking towards the bedroom door. I opened it just as Alec knocked for a second time.

“Kane—Whoa, you’re not Kane.”

I kept my head lowered. “Excuse me,” I said with a raspy tone so Alec wouldn’t be able to tell it was me.

I tried to step around Alec, but he stepped to the left when I did. “I’m Alec, Kane’s brother, and you are?”

I stepped to the right without answering, but Alec sidestepped with me and once again blocked my path.

I grunted, “I’m leavin’, excuse me.”

Alec snorted. “Why the quick getaway? Did my little brother not show you a good time?”

I heard Kane snicker behind me and it irked me.

“I had a fine time. Please move.”

Alec laughed as he stepped out of my way. I quickly walked down the hallway and turned to the stairs. I kept my head lowered and stared down at my feet as I descended the stairs in the hope that I wouldn’t trip and fall.

When I got down to the bottom floor, I made a beeline for the door but, of course, a shirtless Nico walked out of the gym room at that exact time and blocked my path.

“Who are you?” he asked, and even though I was looking down at the floor, I could hear the smile in his voice.

I rasped up my voice once more. “I’m no one, excuse me.”

Nico snickered. “Are you ashamed of sleeping with my brother? Did he not do you right?”

Excuse me?

“Move before I kick the shite out of you!” I growled.

Nico burst into laughter and stepped aside. “I’ve heard that threat enough from Irish women to take it seriously. Have a nice day, bed bunny.”

I shook my head. “Bloody eejit.”

He continued to laugh from behind me.

I walked forward, opened the front door and stepped outside. I reached in, grabbed the door handle and pulled the door shut after me. I shivered from the cold for a moment before I wrapped my arms around myself and walked out of the Slater’s garden.

I slept with Kane Slater. I groaned to myself as I started my mile-long walk of shame.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” I snapped to myself.

How could I have possibly slept with Kane of all people?

I hated Kane and he hated me.

I really was stupid.

I didn’t know why I let my guard down. Alcohol. I was blaming it on alcohol. One thing was for sure, what happened last night with Kane—and what almost happened this morning—could never happen again.

I’d never live it down otherwise.

“Oh. My. God,” Keela said after a long period of silence.

I sighed, hung my head, and nodded. “You said you wanted every dirty detail.”

“I did, but holy fuck. I didn’t think it’d be so hot. Can you tell me that again, but this time while I’m takin’ notes?”

Excuse me?

I snapped my head up and glared at Keela. “You’re not puttin’ the events of that night in your book. I forbid it.”

Keela’s small frame slumped. “Why not? It will be me characters, not you and Kane.”

Was this bitch fucking with me?

I angrily shook my head. “I don’t care. You aren’t cashin’ in on me fuck up. Me literal fuck up.”

Keela huffed and grumbled, “Yeah, okay.”

Damn right.

When that potential nightmare was crushed, I looked back down to my feet and groaned, “This doesn’t feel real.”

“Well, it is. You’re pregnant for Kane,” Keela stated.


“Stop!” I moaned and covered my face with my hands. “You’re makin’ me feel ill.”

Keela reached out and rubbed my back while she chuckled a little. “Babe, this is an incredible thing. You’re goin’ to have a baby. How amazin’ is that?”

Not amazing, just terrifying.

“I can barely take care of meself, Keela. How can I take care of a baby?” I asked, my voice tight with emotion.

“That’s what you have me for. I’ll help you with everythin’ and so will the girls,” Keela assured me then snickered. “You’re also forgettin’ who the baby daddy is—Kane won’t let your child want for anythin’.”

I didn’t know why, but that notion bothered me.

I balled my hands into fists and looked up. “I don’t need to rely on Kane Slater. I can provide for another person, I just don’t know if I’m ready to. I’m not even in a relationship with Kane. We can barely stand the sight of one another. How we had sex is still mind-bogglin’ to me.”

Keela’s hand touched my shoulder. “You aren’t the first woman to have a baby whilst being single, and you won’t be the last. I love Kane, and you know he will actively help in every way he can, but you can do this with or without anyone’s help. You helped raise Gavin, you’re practically already a mother.”

Yeah, Mother Aideen, that’s me.

I snorted, “And what a good job I’ve done with him; workin’ for your uncle tryin’ to be somethin’ he’s not.”

“Aideen,” Keela sighed, her face sullen. “Gavin’s choices don’t reflect your part in raisin’ him. Smart people make dumb decisions every day—we’re only human. Gavin will realise his mistake in his own time.”