His own time wasn’t quick enough for me.

“Even if he realises his mistake, he is in Brandon’s circle now. He can’t be jumped out. Once you’re in his circle, the only way you get out is by dyin’. You know that, and so do I.”

Keela’s hand squeezed my shoulder. “Brandon is me uncle, he loves me. If Gavin wants out, I’ll get him out. Trust me on that.”

That reassured me a little.

“I can’t even think of Gavin right now, me head is a mess,” I admitted and sniffled when a sudden lump formed in my throat.

Keela wrapped her arms around me. “It’s goin’ to be okay, you’ll see.”

I hugged Keela back. “How can I tell him?”

Keela pulled back and looked at me. I didn’t need to verbalise the name, she knew I was talking about Kane.

“I don’t know. Kane is a closed book; it’s hard to read him.”

“Really?” I asked, surprised. “I think it’s easy to understand what he is feelin’ or thinkin’. You just have to pay attention to him.”

Keela raised an eyebrow. “And you pay attention to him?”

I deadpanned, “I’m pregnant with his child, what do you think?”

Keela laughed, “He does act differently around you. He clearly likes you and more than just sexually. You’re the only person he lets give him his insulin when he clearly has a problem with needles.”

Kane didn’t like me. The only thing he liked to do was piss me off, even when I was helping him. Judging from our past, he possibly liked it when I got naked too.

I gnawed on my inner cheek. “Maybe because he knows I won’t take his bullshit and that’s why he lets me jab him?”

“Could be.” Keela smiled.

I smiled a little until Keela spoke again.

“Have you been takin’ care of yourself?” she asked me.

I shook my head when images of nights out over the past three months flashed through my mind. “No, I’ve been drinkin’ and eatin’ badly over the past few weeks. What if I’ve done somethin’ wrong and it hurts the baby?”

My heart constricted with pain. I might not be ready to have this baby, but there was no way in Hell I wanted to harm it.

“Calm down,” Keela said and placed her hands on my shoulders. “We can go to the Coombe now and find out if everythin’ is okay. The emergency room never closes, I heard Branna say it before.”

I gasped when I thought of Branna.

“What if Branna sees us?”

“She works in the delivery suite, not the emergency room—we’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Very sure. Let’s go.”

I swallowed. “Just the two of us?”

Keela nodded. “Just you and I.”

The melody of “Just The Two of Us” flowed through my mind and it caused me to lightly chuckle and shake my head.

“Okay, let’s go before I change me mind,” I said and stood up.

Keela jumped to her feet and grabbed her phone and keys. “I’m textin’ Alec and tellin’ him we’re goin’ to get petrol and some sweets and that we might be awhile. He won’t suspect a thing.”


I winced. “Do you think lyin’ to him is a good idea? Especially after everythin’ that happened between you both on movin’ day. That’s all still very fresh; it was only nine days ago after all.”

Keela hesitated as she pressed on her phone then shook her head and gave the screen one final tap. “It’s not a good idea, but he will understand why I’m doin’ it. Kane should know about the baby before his brothers.”

I huffed. “When he does find out he is goin’ to rip me a new one for tellin’ you before him.”

Keela rolled her eyes. “Please, you can barely stand him, and I’m your best friend. If he has anythin’ to say, I’ll kindly tell him to kiss me arse.”

I laughed. It felt good—for a moment I was calm and relaxed, then I remembered the situation I was in and where I was about to go.

“You look like you’re about to be sick.”

I gripped onto my stomach. “I feel like I’m about to be sick.”

Keela gasped and gripped my arm. “Not on the new floor, it’s only just been polished and buffed!”

I didn’t get the chance to say I didn’t literally mean get sick because Keela proceeded to pull me out of her sitting room, down her hallway, and out of her house. The fast movements and quick turns upset my already unsettled stomach. I bent forward and vomited on her pathway.

“That was close,” she breathed when I was finished. “Are you okay?”

I growled as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “I was good until you started swingin’ me around. What the hell was that about?”

“You said you felt like you were goin’ to be sick!”

“Because I’m in a fucked up situation.”

Keela gnawed on her lower lip. “I thought you meant physically sick.”

I glanced down at the puddle of vomit and shook my head. “I can see that.”

Keela gave me an apologetic smile then ran back into her house only to emerge a minute later with a pot full of water. She poured it over the area where I vomited and cleared it away.

“I’ll clean it properly with bleach and boiled water when we get back.”

I placed my hands on my stomach. “Let’s just go.”

Keela returned the pot to her kitchen and emerged with a cold bottle of water for me. I gargled some water and spat it out before taking several gulps.

When I was ready, we headed down the pathway and got into my car that was parked outside the Slater’s house. Keela, even though she wasn’t insured on my car, got into the driver’s seat and buckled up. I got into the passenger side, buckled my seat belt and leaned my head back against the headrest.

“I’m so nervous.”

Keela patted my leg. “It’ll be okay, you’ll see.”

When we drove off, Keela began to talk, but I couldn’t begin to comprehend what she was saying. My mind was elsewhere.

Ma, please let the baby be okay.

I prayed to my mother and to God, that I wouldn’t receive bad news when I arrived at the hospital. I prayed that everything would be okay for the baby’s sake. It worried me how scared I was about someone who an hour ago I didn’t know existed inside of me.