‘You may keep them,’ Ash confirmed.

Rurik gave a glad cry and threw his arms about Ash. Instantly he enveloped his son and spun around with him.

‘Why should we wait, Valdar?’ Kara asked, watching the pair. ‘We hold the advantage now.’

‘We need an escort. One must proceed with caution, particularly now that your uncle has made his move.’

‘Your men can look after themselves and travel at their own pace, but we need to get to Sand,’ Ash said, setting Rurik on his feet. ‘I hardly want you branded a traitor because you raised a sword against my uncle’s men. He will try to twist what happened here today.’

Valdar pursed his lips. ‘I see what you mean, but even so one must be cautious. I vote we stay here until we know we have the strength to fight. And I am the one responsible for taking you to Sand. You must yield.’

Kara ground her teeth. Even she with her limited knowledge of warfare and strategy saw that Ash was correct. Sometimes you did have to take a risk. Whatever happened, she knew she was safer with Ash than staying here with Valdar’s men.

‘Allow Kara to decide. I trust her judgement on this matter,’ Ash said. ‘Do this for me and I will say your life debt is cancelled.’

An inner glow filled her. Ash trusted her judgement. He believed in her. ‘You owe Ash a life debt, Valdar?’

‘He saved my life and received the cut to his face for his pains.’ Valdar gave a short laugh. ‘It improves his looks.’

‘What is your decision, Valdar?’ Ash cleared his throat. ‘Will you accept Lady Kara’s judgement? Or do you wish to feel her wrath?’

‘Very well. Lady Kara, what do you wish to do? Press on or wait?’

Kara glanced about her. Valdar’s men would not be in any fit state to travel for several days. Time they did not have. But travelling on also meant they were at risk if Harald Haraldson should decide to attack them again. Valdar was many things, but he was no tafl player.

‘I trust Ash’s judgement. He is the expert. We see to the worst of the wounded and then we go. Valdar must ride in the cart with his injured arm—he won’t be able to control his horse.’

‘Who will ride Valdar’s horse?’

‘I will ride alongside Ash until we see the gates. Valdar can have his horse back then. There will be fewer comments if you ride your horse in. We want to catch Harald Haraldson unaware if at all possible.’

Ash kissed her cheek, but his lips were cool. Kara’s stomach knotted. She was going to have to let him go out to sea again and she wasn’t sure her heart was ready for it but how could she not let him go? She wanted Ash, rather than someone else who was steady and always there. Ash was the only man for her. ‘That’s my woman. Your head for strategy is excellent, but I will ride Valdar’s horse. My horse knows you.’

‘Then it is settled.’

Valdar bowed his head. ‘I hope you know what you are doing, Kara.’

* * *

‘Not much farther, Kara,’ Ash said from his horse. His bones ached with weariness and his facial wound pulsed, alternating with ice-cold numbness and excruciating pain. He had spent most of the night concentrating on riding Valdar’s horse. Valdar with his wound to his shoulder rode in the cart with Rurik. There was simply no way Valdar could have controlled the horse with his injured shoulder. Thankfully the warrior had seen sense.

Right now he had to hope his plan would work. All of his battlefield knowledge came down to this moment.

‘See, we have reached the outlying farms. We will be at the gates before dawn.’

‘The third farm is Auda’s. I suggest we rest there until the town gates open in the morning. Valdar is her brother-in-law. She will give us shelter.’

Kara’s being radiated tiredness. Her determination to reach Sand surprised him. If they pulled this feat off, people would talk about it for years to come. Once the thought would have pleased him, but now he worried. Fame and glory meant nothing if he didn’t have Kara to share it.

‘You can stay there if you want. Wait for me until I get this solved. You and Rurik will be safe.’

‘I want to see this through. I want to be at your side.’

Ash gave her a sharp look. In the dim light only her proud profile shone.

‘Trust me to get this right. I will protect Rurik’s heritage. We will get back to Jaarlshiem. I can do this alone, without your help.’

‘I will find that too hard.’ Kara pulled her horse to a stop.