‘Hard or impossible?’ Ash asked softly. His heart clenched. He had to know what was in her heart. ‘Once I know you are safe from my uncle, Kara, we can talk about the future.’

She ducked her head. ‘Hard, but not for the reason you think. I want to be there, Ash. Let me be there. I might be able to help. Don’t shut me out.’

‘A tangle of my making. I should be the one to put it right.’

‘Why do you find it hard to accept help? Why do you always have to be the only hero?’ The muscles in her neck tightened. ‘There are times when I wish I could strangle your father. You don’t need to prove anything to me.’

Ash looked down at her face. He might not need to prove anything to her, but he wanted to prove something to himself. ‘I love you, Kara. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I want you to be safe.’

‘Sometimes, you have only the illusion of safety if you fail to face the things you fear. You taught me that.’ She nodded towards where the farm nestled in a hollow. ‘We face what lies ahead together. If you love me like you say you do, you will allow me to be there and plead on your behalf.’

His heart panged slightly. He wasn’t alone. He had her. She had not given way, but she had compromised. He had to show her that he could meet her halfway. Deeds, not words, were required.

* * *

The gates creaked open and the king’s guard rode out. Kara’s heart sank as she recognised the leader—a loyal follower of Ash’s uncle. They had made it thus far, only for Ash’s uncle to win.

‘We demand to be taken to the king!’ Ash shouted, jumping down from his horse.

‘Our orders say otherwise, Ash Hringson. You are under suspicion of ordering an unprovoked attack. You are to be delivered to Harald Haraldson first, for safekeeping.’

‘We were attacked on the king’s road and demand justice. Have the laws of Raumerike changed that much?’ Ash spread his hands. ‘See, Valdar the Steady is with us and you know him to be an honest man. Allow him to go to the king and then take us to my uncle.’

‘I demand to be taken to the king!’ Valdar thundered. ‘Ash Hringson was put in my charge. Where I go, he goes.’

The men looked nonplussed and hurriedly retreated to confer. After a few agonising heartbeats, their leader came forward again. ‘We will accompany you to the king’s hall. We are not at war with you, Valdar the Steady, you may retain your sword.’

Valdar nodded, but he swayed slightly. Kara gave him a hurried glance. The journey had been too much for him.

‘Valdar should rest before we see the king,’ she said. ‘He is nearly dead on his feet.’

The captain smiled. ‘He may rest. He may go anywhere he likes.’

‘Forgive me,’ Valdar murmured.

‘And the Lady Kara?’ Ash asked, ignoring her swift intake. ‘Where are they to go?’

‘They are to go straight to Harald Haraldson. He will keep them safe. They are part of his family.’

Kara clenched her fists. She should have thought about the potential to be a hostage. Instead of helping, she had played directly in Harald Haraldson’s hands.

‘Neither Hringson’s son or wife has been accused,’ Valdar said, giving a quick glance at Ash, who nodded in confirmation. ‘But they are under my protection and need to travel with me. They may reside at my house.’

‘They must stay with Valdar Nerison,’ Ash agreed.

Kara’s stomach knotted. The words and actions were very unlike Valdar. Had they come to some agreement before she had found them by the hut? She went back over Ash’s words throughout the journey. He was giving her up.

‘Kara,’ Ash said. ‘Forgive me, but I have to know you are safe. Valdar will look after you should anything happen to me. I will go to meet the king alone. Once you are settled, then Valdar will come to the king’s hall.’

His uncle’s man nodded. ‘I can agree to that. Valdar Nerison is not wanted for questioning. He only needed to bring you.’

‘I want to share your fate,’ Kara said in an undertone before they led Ash away. ‘Let me come with you.’

‘You have to think about our son. He needs one parent to look after him if things don’t go as I planned. Valdar knows what to do.’

Kara bit her lip. ‘I thought it was decided. I want to be with you.’

‘I thought it was understood.’ He raised her hand to his lips. ‘Do as I ask for once. Please.’