‘My lady,’ Ash called, ‘aren’t you forgetting something?’

Kara stopped. ‘Such as?’

‘Your husband. You never know if the visitors will be friendly. One day you may have cause to thank my past life as a warrior.’

Kara’s stomach knotted. She hoped Ash hadn’t decided to be a farmer simply to please her.

‘It is the duty of the woman to greet any visitor,’ she replied carefully. ‘Valdar is a welcome visitor here. Always. Rurik will be overjoyed to see his old friend.’

‘No doubt.’ His eyes became speculative. ‘I shall have to make sure Rurik shows some of the moves I taught him.’

‘He is a friend. Nothing more.’ Kara’s heart thudded. ‘Rurik likes him because the man took an interest in him. Valdar always brings him something little when he visits and he did visit quite frequently when he was wooing me. Auda even joked that he tried to woo the woman through the son, but I knew the relationship he has with Rurik is based on mutual regard.’

Ash raised a brow. ‘Did I ask?’

Kara put her hand on her hip. ‘You implied. I want you to know the truth. No secrets, remember? We agreed. A fresh start for us both.’

‘Do you know why he has arrived here?’

Kara put her fingers to her temples. ‘Let me concentrate.’ She counted to ten. ‘No, sorry. Nothing. No idea why he is here. I was never a good soothsayer, Ash.’

A muscle jumped in Ash’s jaw. ‘I can make a good guess, if you won’t.’

Kara rolled her eyes. It was gratifying in a way that Ash showed this streak of jealousy, but the last thing she wanted was for the two to come to blows. Valdar had been Ash’s friend once. They could be again.

‘Why don’t we ask him and then we will know the truth? It could be a hundred different reasons, including that he wants to wish us well. Jaarlshiem is not far from his estate. He might even be able to give you tips on farming.’

‘Do you take his tips?’

Kara put her hand to her throat. She had always planned to once they were married. Before then, she had run the estate as best she could. ‘They are worth listening to. Certainly.’

‘And will you listen to my suggestions?’

Kara tilted her head to one side. ‘I listened to you about Rurik. Does that satisfy you?’

‘You think he has come to see you, his former bride. To check you are all right and once again make his offer of protection. Will you tell him about us?’

She shrugged and concentrated on the ground. ‘As far I knew, he had no plans to come here. I’m shocked that he has arrived.’

‘You can be such an innocent, Kara. I am far from shocked. I’ve been expecting him.’ He draped an arm across her shoulders, claiming possession. ‘Shall we see him together? He needs to know that while he is welcome as a friend, he needs to look elsewhere for a lover.’

‘I am not some bone to be fought over.’ Kara ducked under his arm and freed herself. Ash had guessed. She found it impossible to rid her brain of the thought that he had seduced her today. Was that why he made his offer?

His eyes narrowed. ‘I gave up fighting, remember? At your request. I am to be a farmer.’

Her heart knocked. He was doing this to please her, just as he had tried so hard to be a warrior.

‘I’m not a prize to be exhibited. I’m your wife and I have always behaved correctly. With modesty and decorum. The entire kingdom will buzz with the gossip, like busy bumblebees.’

‘There will be no fighting, I guarantee you that.’ Ash’s eyes glittered. ‘I have won. I trust you to tell him.’

‘You could never resist grinding your opponent into the ground.’ Kara glared at him.

‘I’m not my father or my uncle.’

‘Are you coming, Mor? Far?’ Rurik called out from the doorway. ‘I want to show you what Valdar brought. My very own sword! It is very sharp.’

Ash raised an eyebrow, but Kara shook her head.

‘I knew about the sword, Ash. It was to be his present to Rurik for being his new father. Valdar promised that it would not be a full-sized sword, simply one a young boy could be proud of.’

‘Rurik already has one father. He has no need of another. Make sure you emphasise that when you greet him.’

Kara didn’t bother to reply, but walked with purposeful strides to the hall where Valdar waited, standing with his back to the hearth and his feet splayed apart. Valdar’s face lit up when he spied her. Kara’s heart sank. She had hoped he’d be dressed casually, but he appeared to be dressed as if he expected trouble with his broad sword belted to his hip.