‘Valdar, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?’

‘This is far from a social call, my lady.’

Immediately his hand went to his sword’s hilt. Without even looking, Kara knew Ash had entered behind her. From the footsteps, it would appear his men were there, ready and waiting for Ash’s signal. Ash had made plans she knew nothing about. So much for no secrets. Were his plans to be a farmer also lip service?

‘No bloodshed,’ she murmured.

‘If he draws his sword, I doubt I can control my men,’ Ash retorted in an undertone. ‘They are loyal.’

‘Control them or consider yourself an unworthy commander.’

‘My lady has spoken. It seems sometimes she doesn’t require a farmer.’ Ash’s voice held more than a note of irony.

‘Valdar Nerison, you are always a welcome friend who comes in peace and friendship,’ she said, advancing forward, ignoring that Ash stood behind her glowering at the other warrior. Ash should know after what had just passed between them that she had no feelings for Valdar. She paused and attempted to gather her wits for the rest of the formal greeting.

‘For you, my Lady Kara, always.’ Valdar inclined his head, but his hand still hovered above his sword hilt.

‘I’m sorry we weren’t here to greet you,’ Ash said, stepping in front of her. ‘Kara and I were out tracking.’

‘I see.’ Valdar’s face fell and his hand dropped from the sword.

‘Ash took over Rurik’s training and I wanted to make sure that what he proposed for Rurik would be acceptable.’ Kara was aware that her face had gone bright red. Somehow, her words seemed to make the situation worse instead of better as Valdar paled.

‘Kara finds my training more than acceptable.’ Ash gave a short laugh, obviously starting to enjoy the situation. ‘There again, Rurik is my son. Funny how that works out.’

‘Rurik is a son that any man would be proud to call his.’ Valdar inclined his head. ‘I welcome the fact that the Lady Kara has finally agreed to his proper training. I had hoped she might consent to my services, but I can see the child’s father would be preferable.’

‘A huge responsibility, but I am more than willing to shoulder it,’ Ash commented.

Valdar turned sharply towards her and concern flickered across his face.

‘Ash intends to stay, Valdar,’ she said quietly.

‘I see.’

Kara pressed her lips together. Valdar had known before that it was impossible. Silently she prayed that Valdar had not appeared in the hope that all remained uneasy between her and Ash.

‘Rurik has amply entertained me with tales of his training.’ Valdar ruffled Rurik’s hair. ‘You have the makings of a fine warrior. Hopefully we shall see you ice-skating this winter, as well.’

Kara schooled her features. It hurt that Valdar also thought she had been overly cautious with Rurik. ‘We shall have to see what the winter brings.’

‘Rurik understands why his mother is being careful,’ Ash said.

‘My mother had only me to look after her. It is different now that my true father has come back,’ Rurik piped up.

‘Who taught him that one?’ Kara murmured, giving Ash a sideways glance.

Ash appeared unrepentant. ‘I thought the sentiment had a ring of truth.’

‘Indeed.’ Kara ground her teeth.

‘Did you come merely to see Rurik and how he fares?’ Ash asked in ringing tones. ‘Or was there another darker purpose?’

‘I came to see you, Ash Hringson, on urgent matters.’ Valdar stood and reached into his pouch and withdrew a wooden tablet. ‘The king instructed it be placed in your hand. You are to return to Sand immediately. There is to be an enquiry. I have the authority to bring you in chains, if you do not come willingly.’

Kara’s stomach roiled. The king had turned against Ash. She had thought everything was settled before they had left. ‘Why?’

‘My uncle demands my ship plus tribute.’ Ash gave the rune-stick the briefest of glances. ‘He swears my ship attacked his on its way up the river. An act of aggression against Raumerike on my orders. Unfounded, but effective. My oarsmen had their orders to come straight here. The king takes a cautious approach and wishes to investigate. I had expected it might come to this.’

‘You already knew? You expected this?’ Kara stared at him in astonishment. He’d kept something so important like that from her! After declaring no secrets! He couldn’t be certain his men had followed orders. Sell-swords were notorious for going after easy prey. She sank down on a stool. If the charges were proved against Ash, Harald Haraldson would be within his rights to demand all of Ash’s holdings, including this estate.