“I am but anxious about what will unfold upon my return. How will the Nurian king and my lieges react to my impurity? And the Mevians’ attack must be reported. Their actions hold frightening implications. Only my Queen’s blades and my closest friend Rai knew of my plans to flee.”

“The Nurian king has no hold on you. You are my mate.”

“A bit arrogant don’t you think? You have no intention of claiming me.”

“The fact still exists if another man touches you, I will kill him.”

His voice rang with truth. She frowned. “If you decide to never claim me, are you saying I cannot be with another man?” The very idea was repulsive to her, but she had to know.

“Not if you value his life.”

She spluttered in outrage, and he had the audacity to chuckle.

“So the Nurian king cannot marry me?”


Saieke’s head fell on muscular chest, her lips kissing his skin. “I cannot make it known that I am the mate of a Darkan.”

Pressure of his finger tilted her chin up to meet his eyes. “Your battles are mine to fight. You fear for naught.”

“I suppose you think you can fight the empire of Mevia and Boreas?”

She flinched from the coldness that slid across her mind. “Remove it from your thoughts!”

Saieke gripped the hair at the nape of his neck pulling his lips close to her. “I know what you fight for…what your king fights for, a life of peace for the Darkage. Not only peace, Drac, but you desire a life of prosperity for your people. Healing waters when needed, wheat and grains that are not grown here, crystals from Avindar. You threatened that with your thoughts.”

“If you are threatened, it is a threat against the Darkage.”

“You realm is so feared, Drac, even now I disbelieve that I am here. What Gidon is trying to accomplish is bold…and may be impossible. The rumors of your people’s brutality are not far removed from the truth. Yet your world is so much more, so beautiful, and I have been treated with kindness…by most.” She traced the claw of his beast that boldly marked his cheeks.

“The other kingdoms have warriors amounting to millions; they have powerful head families with destructive keni. Lachlan told me the Darkage has a population of less than fourteen million. I understand that everyone here is a threat, a potential force to be reckoned with due to their beast. Gidon needs to change that fear, so that your kind are seen for more than slaughter and

mayhem. That cannot be threatened,” she said softy. “Not even if my death is ordered.”

She moaned as his lips slanted against her so slowly.

“You understand what we hope to fight for. Gidon wishes to rule without war and bloodshed, but he will understand, he’ll champion me if anyone tries to claim what belongs to the Darkage. You belong to the Darkage.”

He stiffened, something akin to shock skating across his features. What realization did he have? Saieke smiled as a unique tightness filled her chest. She did not resist as he roiled with her onto the bank of the cave to the pallets laid out. A moan of pleasure, a sigh of fulfillment echoed from her as he slid deep inside of her.

“Ahh,” she moaned, quivering and pulsing around his rigid girth.

“Shhh,” he placed a soothing hand under her buttocks and lifted her even harder onto his cock. “I wish I could claim you…brand you with the ink we place on our mates for all of Amagarie to see,” he breathed into her as his hips started that slow rhythm of maddening pleasure.

They remained in the cave for hours. They bathed, made love again and talked. Well she did most of the talking about his realm and hers—the complexities of their nation, the beauty and the trading possibilities. He listened to her keenly and gave her sound insight on what his king was trying to accomplish, the structure of government, and its conception. The last thing Saieke felt was his lips kissing her forehead, and Drac tucking her under a coverlet as her body refused to help him, drained by exhaustion.


Saieke’s eyes flew open and everything seemed as if it were bathed in silvery moonbeams. Her mind stretched and the softest of flutter against her consciousness woke her fully. She could feel the shadows of Drac’s mind brushing and seeking hers, and she eagerly reached for him.

I am in the grand solarium. Follow my voice.

She stretched and stumbled from the bed, flashing to the bath chamber. Saieke groaned and winced, her muscles ached, and then she smiled.

I will miss you, Drac

The thought pains you