It does

She closed her mind to his. He would not object to her leaving his nation. She was a little skeptical at that, because when she heard the word mate the thought ‘bonded for life’ had leapt in her mind. She had felt echoes of his beast’s agreement, and since forming lei, it was becoming clearer that they were one being. Inseparable.

She was falling in love with Drac, and while now was not the right time to be with him, she thought they could eventually have a future. Saieke massaged the spot over her chest. The thought of leaving him made her ache. She found it baffling and upsetting. There was a deep nagging need to be in his presence, and she wanted to reach deep inside him and absorb his essence and make it hers. A smile lifted her lips. Well he did ask to court her. She could ask him when…a century from now or a thousand years? It would certainly be foolish to wait, for she would pass her child bearing years in the next four centuries. What if he came too late for them to have a family? Would their love fade? Kings’ teeth. Could she even have a child now with the changes in her body?

She needed to locate him so that they could scour the books that recorded his kind’s trek to the other dimensions. She hoped they would find something to explain why she now had characteristics unique only to Darkans.

She bathed quickly, and then strolled into the dressing antechamber where several caftans were laid out for her. She dressed herself in a caftan of wine red. It was figure hugging and flared from her hips into flowing trousers, floating around her ankles.

Saieke ensured that she was armed with the blades from the king, but was chagrined over how to manage her hair. She brushed it and let it ripple to her hips in waves.

Saieke flashed through several lonely corridors of Drac’s castle. Some had great torches burning but it was so desolate and silent, it was eerie. She was actually grateful that her vision was now perfect in the dark. Her keener hearing identified the echo of a child’s laughter that rang out from a great distance. She flashed to the sound, descending winding stairs to cross yet another endless corridor.

There was a great door that she used her wind to gently ease open. There was a balustrade three story high that overlooked an immense hall. Drac was there with six other Darkans, including a small boy of about eight years. Saieke quietly walked down the stairs to the balcony directly overlooking the foyer.

Several Darkans stood together like graceful predators.

Instinctively, she sensed they were all aware of her presence, even though they did not glance in her direction. The small boy was shrieking in joy as Drac tossed him high in the air, caught him and twirled him around. A female, who appeared to be his mother, looked on in indulgence with a smile curving her lips. She was beautiful. Rounded cheeks, auburn hair that floated gently around her shoulders, she had the brownest eyes Saieke had ever seen. They sparkled like gems. She also had a high rounded belly that proclaimed her pregnant state.

She glanced in Saieke’s direction, and their eyes met fleetingly before she switched her attention back to the boy and Drac. Drac’s expression had the same remoteness to it, but she could feel the overwhelming affection he had for the young boy through the link that they shared.

Are you well?


Come here.

Saieke rolled her eyes. Why do you order instead of ask?

Come here please, Princess

She smiled when she felt the underlying amusement that accompanied his request. She snorted and flashed down the stairs and tried to bury her trepidation at meeting what appeared to be his family. They turned to her simultaneously when she appeared.

She buried any uncertainty she had deep inside and drew on her mantle of royal arrogance and smoothed her expression into an aloof mask. What will they think of her?

“Princess,” he greeted as she approached. The oldest male raised his eyes at how he referred to her.

“Meet Princess Saieke El Shyokara of Boreas. She has been in the Darkage as somewhat of an unofficial emissary of her kingdom,” he said smooth and low. “Princess, my family.”

She welcomed the feelings of affection that tunneled through him, grateful he was capable of more than just brutality. The affection melded from both him and his beast, at least that what it felt like to her through their link. The introductions blurred together.

“I am pleased to make your acquaintances,” she greeted everyone.

Present were his mother and father, his two sisters, and his younger sister’s mate. The young boy was their son. Drac’s father’s presence was imposing and dark. The fine lines that rimmed the smoothness of his eyes, proclaimed him to being close to an elder. His mother, Pia, was graceful and her warmth put Saieke instantly at ease.

His pregnant sister, Chedra exuded the same warmth, and though her mate, Tzar, was large and fierce, he held her with acute tenderness. His other sister, Tehdra epitomized femininity, ruthlessness and warrior in the same package. She was lithe, and coiled with power, with obsidian eyes and pale alabaster skin. Her lips were red and the contrast with inky black hair against such pale skin was eerie.

“Princess Saieke,” Tehdra said flatly.

Saieke inclined her head. She could see their curiosity.

“How long do you remain in the Darkage?” his mother asked.

“I leave tomorrow.”

“Come, please walk with me.” His mother smiled and indicated the direction they should stroll. Saieke glanced at Drac’s closed expression.
