Assuming she'd done something wrong, she jerked her hand away and put it back on his knee.

He growled low in his throat and reaching out, he picked up her hand and brought it back to him, where he wrapped her fingers around his cock once again, holding her there with a powerful grasp. Her eyes flew up to his and they stared at each other, while they each dragged in much needed oxygen.

Her heart pounding so hard that it almost hurt, she could feel the pulse beating in his erection as well, while his hand continued to hold hers in place with a death-defying grip, letting her know unequivocally that he didn't want her to let go.

After an abbreviated moment, he asked through clenched teeth, "You love me, Courtney?"

Her stomach flipped in response. "Yes."

His eyes flared. "You want to make me the happiest son-of-a-bitch alive?"

Molten heat ran down her spine and she nodded her head, a glitter of excitement shooting through her brain at the leading question.

"You sure?"

"Yes," she answered quickly, mesmerized by his dark brown eyes.

"You know what I want, don't you?"

She nodded her head again, glancing down to where he still held her hand captured around his erection. "I don't really know what to do, though," she said softly.

"Trust me, sweetheart, as long as you don't let go, nothing about this can go wrong."

At his tone of reassurance, a new coil of sexual need shivered down her spine and landed between her legs.

"I'm going to let go, but that doesn't mean I want you to, okay?" he rattled brusquely.

"Okay," she answered, watching as he slowly removed his hand from hers and then clenched it at his side.

At the same time that she felt his erection pulse in her hand, she felt a sensuous hand slide down her throat and move to her nipple. Warmth lit her insides and she felt dampness pool between her thighs. She swayed toward him as she slid her fingers up and down his hard length in an experimental move.

He groaned again and while the one hand stayed on her nipple, his other landed on the top of her head. Her gaze flew up to his as she slid her fingers up and down again. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and a look of harsh pleasure filled his face.

She watched him refocus, and on her third stroke, the hand he held on her head became controlling. With a subtle but firm movement, he began pushing her head toward him. She took a quick breath as he began pinching her nipple harder until she felt both her torso and head sway toward him.

As he massaged her breast fully now, she couldn't stand it any longer and leaned in for her first taste of him.


Nick was in heaven. There was only one thing that could possibly make him a happier man and that was if this was happening with his wedding band on Courtney's finger. But he'd cross that bridge later.

Right now, it was taking all the restraint he could muster not to lose control and shoot his wad right here, right now.

The first tentative lick she took of his cock filled her face with color. He braced himself, more than half-afraid she'd grimace and quit doing what she was doing, but thank fuck, that didn't happen.

No, the little witch opened her mouth fully and took him inside. While she did it, he firmly manipulated her breast to make sure she maintained a heightened state of desire.

It worked. She let out a little moan, and began to almost devour him. She was new to the game, and both her hand and her mouth were clumsy, but instead of turning him off, her actions had exactly the opposite effect. It didn't matter that her movements were uncoordinated, because she was so into what she was doing that it wasn't awkward in the least; no, it was sheer heaven.

Nick relished her inexperience with a need that was almost overpowering. An image briefly entered his head of the time he'd kissed her on her eighteenth birthday. She'd been wonderfully innocent then as well, and what he was experiencing now was like that only magnified by a thousand. The ultimate compensation for the patience he'd had to maintain during the last six years was undoubtedly when he made her come, but this was a close second and by damn if he didn't deserve every touch.

With her head in his lap and his fingers tangled in her hair, he closed his eyes for only a moment before opening them again. This was pure heaven and no way was he going to miss even a second of it. Seeing Courtney wrapped around his cock was almost better than feeling it.


As he watched her, a sense of urgency overcame him that he couldn't control. Grasping her under the arms, he pulled her up until she had no choice but to let go. When her eyes opened and focused on him, they were glazed with a desire so strong that it sent his pulse soaring.