At his first touch, a wave of pure pleasure ran down Courtney's spine. The concern she heard in his voice and saw on his features almost did her in. But then she glanced away from his searching expression and looked down at the death grip his fingers seemed to have on her thigh. She was certainly fine, she was okay physically as he was asking, but the realization that the night before had brought a new direction to their relationship was a little mind-boggling.

It was true that she loved Nick and wanted to be with him, but why did she suddenly feel as if she'd never have a choice in the matter again? Did she even want one? As she nodded her head in answer to his question, she held an internal debate. Did it really matter that he was the type of man who'd take full control? She'd always known that would be the case, so why the flurry of emotions now? It hadn't ever seemed to matter to her before. In fact, she knew without a doubt that his character, his personality, were part of the reason she was so attracted to him in the first place. But now, faced with the aftermath of their lovemaking and the knowledge that this was happening to her now, knowing a decision needed to be made now, here in the present, was more than a little disconcerting.

But if she went to the heart of the matter, the truth was that she trusted him. She loved him beyond what she could have ever imagined, and she knew with a deep-seated belief that he not only loved her, but that he adored her and that he'd never hurt her. She'd always known it, deep inside, that Nick had been waiting for her to grow up, even when it had been a huge test of his control. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

She'd always be safe with him. Why worry about anything else? She felt her stomach muscles relax as an inner peace slid through her veins. Content, she looked back into his searching gaze and whispered, "I'm perfect."

His expression turned to one of satisfaction, and with an abrupt movement that startled her, he lifted her and pulled her over him until she straddled his hips. Her hands fell to his shoulders searching for stability as her heart began to race.

"Are you ready for your education to start?" he asked demonically as he lifted her t-shirt and tossed it to the floor.

As her bare breasts came into contact with his naked chest, her heart skipped a beat.

When she failed to answer him, his fingers went to the fastening of her shorts and with rapid movements, he began to strip the remainder of her clothes from her body. "I asked you a question, Miss Powell," he said in a sinister tone that conveyed only a hint of teasing beneath the steel.

As her bare skin emerged and his breathing became labored, an intoxicating feeling of feminine power rushed down Courtney's spine. Refusing to allow any hint of the shyness she was feeling to show, she tamped it down and allowed herself to only feel the desire that was quickly suffusing her blood. She pulled herself off his lap and slid to her knees between his thighs. How many times had she dreamed about doing this? She wasn't going to wait a second longer to experience it.

Her fingers went to the button and zipper of his jeans and as she began to tug, she looked up into dark brown eyes suddenly gone black with lust. "Yes, sir," she whispered. "Whatever you say, sir," she quipped as she slid his zipper down.

She felt the hiss of his inhalation, as with his jaw flexing, he helped her push his jeans and boxer briefs down and off.

Faced with Nick's erection for the first time in broad daylight, Courtney closed her eyes for a second as sexual heat made her pulse beat faster. Christ. No freakin' wonder she'd felt so stretched last night.

Looking down at his lap as his hands clenched into fists at his sides while he dragged oxygen in and out of his lungs as he waited, Courtney took one hand from his knee where she held herself steady and wrapped it around the base of his cock.

At her action, his torso immediately jerked back into the sofa. Lifting her gaze from his angry-looking, engorged member, she found his eyes. He stared down at her hand that held him and his teeth clenched, as if he barely remained in control. Curious and unable to stop herself, dying to explore him, she tiptoed her fingers over silky smooth skin covering flesh as hard as steel. At her action, he bared his teeth even more as an expression of an enraged animal crossed his features.