Page 107 of Predestined Hearts

Through my morning assessing what I thought I wanted to bring to Gael’s home, I’d decided to purchase a second set of makeup and all of the other essentials for getting ready. It’d be one less thing we’d have to manage between the two places.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Sophia’s journal sticking out of my purse. I’d put it in there prior to going to the storm room last night. Still drawn to it, I picked it up and ran my fingers over her name. I admired her in so many ways. When Gael and I finished the journey with Daniel, I wanted to put both journals in one protective case, joining them back together. Having their innermost thoughts together felt right.

They’d fought so hard for their love.

It approached noon and I was about to head to the restaurant for lunch. My phone rang on my nightstand. It was Gael.

“Hey there, I was about to head to the restaurant. I packed some more clothes to bring to our place on Tybee.”

Gael was driving in his car. “I like the sound of our place.” He paused. “It’s been a crazy morning. Dad called. Mom’s been taken off in an ambulance. She was cleaning up some debris and slipped in the mud. They think her hip may be broken, but she’s awake and sounds okay. I also got a booking for a Christmas Party tonight at the restaurant. The party is going to be featured in a magazine since it’s for a group of food connoisseurs. The place they had booked fell through and Gael’s Place came highly recommended. They’re coming in from Atlanta and paying top dollar. I need to go check on Mom and get back to the kitchen. My new chef is coming in, but the party is too massive for him to handle alone at this point. The customer was understanding of what I’d be able to serve.”

I thought how I could best help. “Oh, no! Let me call in some lunch for your parents and then I’ll head up to the hospital. That way someone will be there in case they need anything else. I’m excited for you about the magazine.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll let them know.” Gael always appreciated me, never taking me for granted.

Today was turning more hectic than I’d originally planned. “Will you be working late?”

A blinker sounded. “Yeah, I’d imagine so. I figured we could stay at our place in town tonight. It’s going to be nice having a ten-minute drive versus forty.”

Our place. The sound of that had me smiling from ear to ear. “It will be. You know my schedule is light until the first of the year. Let me know if you need anything else. I’ll be up to the hospital in about an hour or so. Congrats! You deserve this.”

“Thanks. Love you, Ashlin.”

“Love you, too.”

We hung up the phone. Next on my list, was to order some lunch for Dave and Erica. They’d be busy dealing with the doctors. So, I figured it’d be safe to order something I’d seen them eat before versus bothering them with what they liked.

It was approaching three in the afternoon and I was still at the hospital talking with Gael’s parents. Amelia and I were due to talk in an hour for girls’ time. She’d understand if I needed to cancel.

Luckily, Erica had only fractured her hip versus breaking it which was the best-case scenario the doctors had been hoping for. The hospital room actually had a couch in it, which would be good for Dave to rest on this evening. They were hoping to discharge Erica tomorrow, as long as all her other scans came back normal.

Dave and Erica were beginning to doze. I stood, not wanting to overstay my welcome. “I need to head out. Gael’s got that huge party tonight. I was going to swing by his place for him to see if all the repairs from the storm were done. Do you need me to run by your house and do anything?”

Yawning, Dave came up and gave me a hug. “No, sweetie, some of Erica’s girlfriends are bringing us dinner. You’ve been too good to us already. Thank you for lunch. Erica and I are happy for you and Gael moving in together.”

I’d always dreamed of being part of a family with parents like this. “Thank you. I wasn’t sure he’d said anything yet with all the commotion from today. We’re excited.”

I turned to look over at Erica who smiled while Dave gave me two quick pats on the back.

Holding out her hand, I held it. Erica, in her white hospital gown, looked at me. “It was the first thing he told us. Thank you for loving our son like you do. You make him happy and that’s all we ever wanted for him.”

I squeezed her hand back. “Well, he makes me very happy, too. And I do love him with all my heart.”

“Excuse me, it’s time for Mrs. Stowe’s medicine and we need to check a few things.” The nurse in the blue scrubs, who had been periodically coming in to check on Erica, appeared at the door.

Letting go of Erica’s hand, I gathered my purse. “I was about to head out.” The nurse gave me a nod. I glanced back at Dave and Erica. “Let me know if you need anything.”

Dave nodded toward me. “We will.”

Taking my leave, I left the

hospital room. The sterile smell was strong with the freshly mopped floors. The nurse’s station was all hustle and bustle. With the hurricane, the place was full with the minor injuries that had been popping up during the cleanup, like Erica.

After getting in my car, I sent Gael a quick note.

Me: Leaving the hospital. I think your parents are about to nap. Erica’s friends are bringing them dinner. I’ll check on them in a bit to make sure they don’t need anything. About to head out to the island house to check on the repairs.

Gael: I’m thinking someday we’re going to make this a more permanent situation.