Page 108 of Predestined Hearts

I squealed in my car, then a bad case of the nerves followed on the heels of my excitement. What if I was wrong about what he implied? How do I respond? Was this the warning he’d been talking about last night? Shit!

Me: I’m thinking that’s a good idea someday.

Gael: Glad we’re on the same page.

Me: Me, too.

Talking about this through text was less daunting than in person. At least now, it was out there. Giddiness filled me as I began the forty-minute drive back out to the island.

About halfway there, my cell phone rang. It was Steven.

“Hey, Steven!”

His broken voice came through the speakers. “Ashlin, Amelia’s been in an accident. She’s hurt … badly. They have her in surgery.”

Panic seized me and I turned my car around without thinking. “What? What kind of surgery? What are they saying, Steven?”

“They don’t know all the damage. She was hit by an SUV on the highway. Her car rolled several times. They’re trying to stop the internal bleeding. If it hadn’t have been for two guys that stopped to help her, she’d be dead.”

A sob erupted. NO! NO! NO! How could this be happening? I needed to get to her. I needed to be there. I needed my best friend to be okay. “Steven, I’m on my way! I’m coming! I’m on the way to the airport now. What hospital?”

“New York Presbyterian. They airlifted her there. Amelia’s parents are on their way. It doesn’t look good, Ashlin.”

Fortifying my strength, I pushed away the panic. Losing emotional control with Steven wouldn’t help. Thank goodness she was at one of the best hospitals in New York. “She’s strong, Steven. Amelia is a fighter. Stay positive. Let me get to the airport. I’ll let you know when I’ll be there. Keep me posted on any changes.”

Desperation filled his voice. “I can’t lose her, she’s my life.”

“I know. I’m coming. Steven, stay strong for Amelia. She needs you to be strong.”

“Okay, Ashlin. Thank you.” Steven sounded like he was losing hope.

My tone got shaky as I responded and saw the sign for the airport. “She’s a fighter, Steven. Amelia is going to make it. She loves you too much to let go.”

“I hope so.”

“She will, Steven. She will.” I prayed the words I spoke would be true. I could not lose my best friend, too. I couldn’t. Hearing his desperate cries brought my thoughts to Daniel, momentarily. There’s no doubt he’d felt the same desperation as he tried for over a year to get back to his beloved, only to have her yanked from him.

No, Ashlin. Amelia is going to be fine. Say positive.

Hanging up, I called the airlines. I was able to book the first direct flight into New York City. There was one leaving in forty-five minutes and another leaving in two hours. Fingers crossed, I made the first flight. The arrangements were finalized when I made it to the airport. As I walked in, I called Gael. There had been no time before now.

Lovingly, he answered on the first ring. “Hey, sweetheart.”

All of the emotion, I had bottled up came rushing to the surface. “Amelia’s been in a bad accident. Steven called me. I turned my car around for the airport and now I’m on a flight that leaves in forty-five minutes. She’s in critical condition. Gael, I’m scared.”

“Fuck, Ashlin. I’m on my way. Get me a ticket too.”

In all my panic, I’d forgotten Gael had a lot going on with the Christmas party, let alone his parents. I wanted him with me, but he’d said so himself that the new chef couldn’t handle the party. “No—”

“Ashlin, you are out of your mind if you think I’m not coming with you.”

It was tempting, but the likelihood of Gael making this flight was slim to none. It’d be hours before I’d see him. “I love that you want to drop everything, but I can’t miss this flight. Come tomorrow. Get through the party and come tomorrow. I do need you, but I’ll feel guilty the entire time if you leave. This is a huge deal for you, Gael.”

“You’re more important. There will never be a job I can’t walk away from for you.”

I worked on calming myself to hopefully convince Gael I could wait for him to come. “I know and I love you for it. But, please stay. There was a six a.m. direct flight tomorrow. I’ll book you on it. We’ll be together before lunch. I don’t have any clothes with me. You can bring me some. That’d be a huge help.”

He sighed. “I don’t like this, Ashlin. I feel like I should be with you. But, I think I’ll stress you out more if I come. Fuck!” Gael paused. He was right, it would add to my worry. “Okay, but I need to be on that six o’clock flight. I’ll be checking on you. Please keep your phone near you. I love you.”