“It is true. Neither one of you would know how to have sex other than lying on your back and spreading your legs. And I doubt if you would even lower yourself enough to do that, Lily.” She nodded her head at Shade. “He’s fucking wasted on you, but he’ll get tired of your shit, and when he does, he’ll go back to fucking anything with a cunt.”

“Lily, go on up to the house,” Shade said calmly, his arm leaving her waist.

She took a step forward, going up the path with Jewell and Raci beside her.

“What set her off so bad?” Lily asked the other women.

“They told her she’s not allowed to come to the clubhouse anymore. She broke the rules when she told her sister about the votes.”

Lily went in the doorway to the basement while the other two continued on to the kitchen door.

Lily headed to Shade’s room to get changed into her workout clothes, though she wasn’t really in the mood to work out. Winter had given her an extra pair of black leggings and a new t-shirt to wear so she didn’t have to keep washing the other one every day.

Her mind was still on the closed office door and Kaley’s words, trying to drive them out of her mind.

She went back to the gym and began stretching, not saying anything when Shade came in, telling her he would get changed and be back.

She felt like pounding something.

When Shade returned, she got into position. They always did a set of maneuvers, switching it up occasionally when she became bored. Shade made one of his practiced moves, and Lily responded with more force than usual, almost managing to knee him in his privates.

“You’re getting better. You almost got them that time,” Shade complimented her. Lily gritted her teeth. He never really expected her to succeed in getting the better of him.

Lily circled the mat. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Shade lifted his brow at her assertion. This time, when he came for her, Lily responded unexpectedly, using both of her fists to hit him between the shoulder blades when she wiggled away from his hold.

“What the hell?”

“I’m supposed to pretend you’re attacking me, aren’t I?”

“Yes, but I want you to learn to stop an attacker, not piss them off.”

“As long as it works and I get away, that’s all that counts,” Lily said smugly.

“Is that so?”

“Yes.” Lily kept facing him, not letting him have her back like she usually did. She was tired of playing someone about to be attacked. She wanted to see him coming at her.

“Did Kaley go home?”

Shade had started moving toward her, but his momentum stopped at her words. “Yes.”

“Do a lot of women try to join?”

“Yes.” Shade was beginning to get the message that she was the one who was pissed, giving her a wary look.

“I bet that’s fun for the men. Don’t the women members resent the new members?” Lily couldn’t believe she was discussing this with him.

“No. Why are you interested?” Shade asked, taking his move against her. This time her foot shot out and she managed to nail him in the stomach. The unfortunate part was it probably hurt her more than it hurt him. His stomach was rock hard; however, she did force him to catch his breath. Lily walked around the mat gloating.

“You’re getting slow, Shade,” Lily said, bouncing from foot to foot. “And no, I’m not interested. You and the other men can have all the women in Treepoint that want to join your club. I won’t be one of them. I plan to find me a man who can appreciate one woman.”

“That’s a joke.”

“What do you mean by that?” Lily stopped bouncing.

“That you would ever let a man touch you. Tell me, how do you intend to catch a cowboy or any man when you have no intention of giving them anything? I bet Charles’s balls are blue around you, but I’m sure he finds one of his daddy’s waitresses to relieve him.”

“That’s not true. Charles is a gentleman.”

“He likes his cock sucked as much as any man,” Shade taunted.

“You’re disgusting!” Lily screamed at him, turning to leave the mat.

“What’s the matter, Lily? What really set off this little temper tantrum of yours?”

Lily didn’t reply as Shade blocked her path.


“Make me. I’m already shocked as shit you haven’t run to your corner like a scared little girl.”

“You’re a mean person. I hate you.” Lily slammed her hands out, shoving his chest, trying to make him move out of her way.

Lily felt her feet swept out from under her, though, and then she fell to her back on the mat.

Darn, just once she wanted to best the man. Just once, she wanted to wipe the self-satisfied smirk from his face. Her anger boiled. Lily had never lost her temper to the extent Shade could raise out of her, and she didn’t know how to deal with the anger boiling through her veins. She was a God-fearing woman, dammit, and Shade made her want to strangle him with her bare hands.

“You lose. Again.” Shade looked down at her in triumph.

He always told her to react like he was a stranger, so she did. Without thinking about the consequences of her actions, her hand reached up and viciously grabbed his balls, squeezing them in a vice.

He fell to his knees as his hand went to his balls, trying to jerk her hand away. Her hand tightened even further as she rose up on her knees, squeezing harder. Her satisfied smile widened at his pain-filled expression.

“How’s this work for taking the attacker by surprise? Are you surprised? Don’t underestimate me. I don’t like it.” Her hand twisted his balls one last time before letting him go, getting to her feet.

“It’s un-cool to talk about Charles like that. It’s his private business, just like you and Jewell in your office. I don’t care who either of you fool around with,” she snapped.

Shade got to his feet and Lily came to her senses, realizing what she had done too late. She wasn’t stupid. When she saw the look of retribution on his face, she ran toward the steps and managed to make it up several before he caught her ankle in a hard grip. Lily kicked her other foot out, balancing her hands on the upper steps, nailing him in the jaw and making him release her foot. She managed to escape him, going up the last steps to sling the door open, running into the kitchen and slamming the door in his furious face.

Everyone in line for dinner turned to look at her running into the kitchen.

She came to a stop. She heard Shade slamming through the doorway as he came up behind her.

“Lily?” Beth’s voice had her turning to the table. She saw her sister, Razer, Winter and Viper looking at her in shock.

Well, hell.

Chapter 17

“Been working out?” Beth asked, her gaze going back and forth between Lily and Shade.

“Yes. I think I’m finally getting the hang of it.” She threw Shade a gloating look over her shoulder.

“That’s great. I was so worried about you after the diner, but I knew everyone would look out for you, and Mrs. Langley doesn’t have anyone. The doctor is going to release her in an hour. I’m going to spend the weekend with her, but I wanted to stop in to check on you.”

“I’m doing great. In fact, why don’t you stay here and I’ll stay with Mrs. Langley? No one will think to look for me there,” Lily devised quickly.

“Maybe when she’s better, but she needs skilled care after just having surgery.”

Darn. Every time she came up with an idea, they shot her down.

“I’m glad you showed up. I have another idea. Since we don’t know who was watching me, it makes sense for me to leave Kentucky. I can contact Penni and stay with her until the band she’s working for goes on tour.”

“I think that’s a great idea. I know you would be safe with Penni and I can understand that it’s not comfortable for you to stay here.” Her sister’s eyes went to Shade as he excused himself to go take a shower.

“I’ll call her after dinner then let you know her answer.”

“I can get Razer to drive you to the airport,” Beth said. Lily still felt the barrier of her own making between them, but she was so relieved at having her problem solved that she gave her a genuine smile for the first time in weeks.

Lily fixed herself a plate of food and then sat down at the table next to Beth.

“Any more panic attacks?” Beth questioned as they ate.

Lily had to stop and think. “No.” She hadn’t had one all week and she had infrequently felt the need to snap the rubber band against her wrist, as well. Shade might not be the nicest person she had ever known, but he did make her feel safe.

He came back upstairs from showering and changing and fixed himself something to eat while Beth kept telling her how good she looked.