“You have color in your cheeks again. I hope being here this week has shown you that they really care about you.”

“Yes.” Lily knew they were all good people, though she would never be able to understand how they were so free sexually. It was a side of Beth that she had kept hidden; that was what had hurt.

Beth and Razer got up from the table. “Let me know what Penni says.”

Lily stood up, hugging both Beth and Razer goodbye. She had to try to let her hurt feelings go. She loved Beth and Razer; she didn’t want to damage them with her actions.

Beth gave her a sad smile before leaving.

She ignored Shade as she told everyone else goodnight and then went back downstairs, anxious to call Penni.

She picked her phone up from the nightstand and hit Penni’s number. Listening, she heard it ring twice before Penni’s voice came over the line.


“Penni, this is Lily.”

“Hi, I was going to call you. I was missing your voice!” Penni said enthusiastically.

“How’s the new job going?” Lily sat down cross-legged on the bed as she talked to Penni.

“Great. I finally got my office organized and the tour set. I can hardly wait.”

“That’s good. I’m glad you’re liking your new boss.”

“Kaden is a dream to work for. He can be a bit uptight, but his wife keeps him under control.”

Lily’s smile disappeared as Shade casually walked into the room, shutting the door and locking it behind him. She barely paid attention to Penni as she talked about her boss’s wife and everyone they had introduced her to since she had arrived.

She watched as Shade straightened from the door, going to the dresser where he took off his shirt then his boots, placing them to the side. Walking barefoot, he went to the large closet that was against the wall where her clothes were kept. Lily wouldn’t be surprised if he wasn’t angry enough to pack for her. Instead, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a keychain, unlocking the other side of the closet that she had assumed had his clothes.

Her mouth dropped open at the vast array of objects in the closet that were neatly arranged. Lily began to get nervous. She had made a terrible mistake in underestimating Shade.

One after the other, he pulled out various items, testing their weight in his hands. He took out a thick ruler, which he smacked against his hand before putting it back in the closet. He then pulled out what looked like a mini-whip with several strands, which he slapped against his thigh before putting it back in the cabinet.

“Lily, are you there?”

“Yes.” Lily didn’t take her eyes off Shade.

“I thought you would be excited for me.” Penni’s disappointment sounded through the line.

Lily dragged her mind back to the conversation she was having. “About what?”

“Going to London for a mini-tour on the day after tomorrow. We’re going to be gone two weeks.”

Oh, God, she wasn’t going to be able to go with Penni; she didn’t have a passport. She was stuck here with the man who had pulled out a thin paddle that looked like it was covered in leather. He smacked it against his palm, this time seeming happy with his choice. Shutting the closet, he walked to the chair and sat down, staring directly into her eyes.

Lily felt like a predator was watching her, readying itself for an attack.

Her eyes went to the door, judging the distance. She had outrun him once today; surely, she could do it again. She tried to take in all the factors, including the time it would take her to unlock the door. She wouldn’t make it. She knew she would have to make a break for the bathroom instead.

Tensing her body, she prepared to make her getaway.

“I’ll call you when I get back.”

“Make sure you do. I’m planning on coming for a visit.”

“That would be fantastic. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.”

Lily jumped from the bed, making a run for the bathroom. She didn’t make it. Halfway there, he had her around the waist.

“Oh, no you don’t.”

“Don’t you dare touch me!” Lily yelled.

“I am going to do more than touch you. I’m going to teach you a lesson that you will never forget, Lily.”

She was about to scream, terrified, when he sat her down on her feet in her corner and took a step back.

Not understanding, she watched him as he pulled the chair to face her, taking a seat.

“I think it’s past time we straighten out a few things.”

Her hand went to the rubber band as she pressed back against the wall.

“Cut it out. You’re in your safe zone and I won’t touch you when you’re there.” Shade leaned back against his chair.

“I joined The Last Riders when I left the military. There are eight original members. When we started the club, we decided women would be members, too. Both the men and women have rules as to how they can join. The men, if they want to enter and we want them as a part of the club, pick two of the eight original members to go up against. If they can handle themselves, they become members. The women need six votes from the eight original members to join. To get the votes, the member either fucks them or has an orgasm as a result of their play.”

“I don’t want to know,” Lily moaned.

“Lily, you’re going to hear it all. No more pretending. Now, to continue, Beth and Winter earned their votes differently. They earned markers. That’s not to say they didn’t earn a few votes the normal way, just not the majority of the votes.” His dispassionate voice discussed her sister and Winter matter-of-factly.

“I really don’t want to hear this,” Lily said, feeling sick, turning her face to the wall.

“After they gain their last vote, the women can get their tat with the date they earned their last vote and became a member.”

Lily turned back to face him. “Beth doesn’t have a tattoo.”

“I believe that Beth and Winter both had their tats placed where no one would see them. I wouldn’t know. I gave them both my marker. I also have never participated in any of their fun with the club. Diamond also.”


“Because Beth is your sister, Winter is your friend, and Diamond because I could tell that, when you eventually spent more time with her, you would become close friends. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable around them.”

“I don’t understand.” Lily shook her head.

“Yes, you do. You don’t want to admit it, but you do.”

“No.” As Lily turned her face back to the wall, she heard his deep sigh.

“Lily, I’ve wanted you since the first minute I saw you coming out of the diner with Beth when we first moved to Treepoint. I took one look at you and knew you were mine.”

Lily shook her head, still not facing him.

“Razer unfortunately made his move with Beth first, and I had to lie back and let him see where it was going. I also knew you were young and wanted you to have some time to yourself. I never intended to wait this long for you, but I let Winter convince me to let you finish school. So, I waited.”

“You didn’t suffer waiting, did you, Shade? With a club full of women at your beck and call,” Lily snapped.

“I am no saint. I’ve enjoyed every woman here at the club, but they weren’t you, Lily. Never you. I would fuck them for hours trying to get me through the night so I wouldn’t get on my bike and come for you.”

“You can’t seriously believe I would have gone with you.” Lily stared at his harsh expression.

Understanding dawned on her; his clear blue eyes were telling her he wouldn’t have given her a choice. She started shaking. He wasn’t going to give her a choice now.

“I am no longer going to hide anything from you, and you are going to have to learn to deal with what you can and what you can’t. You have your safe space, and I gave you the summer to get to know me.”

“I got to know too much. That you’re bossy, you’re mean,

and you have sex with too many women.”

“I’m no cowboy,” he mocked.

“You’re no cowboy,” Lily agreed.

“It doesn’t matter what I am or not. I will be the one whose bed you will be in, who puts my ring on your finger, my baby in your belly, and you will let me, Lily.”

“No.” Lily shook her head, denying his words.

“Yes, Lily, you will. You won’t be able to help yourself. I’ll make damn sure of that. Since I want to make sure there are no more secrets between us, I’m going to tell you that Penni is my sister. Actually, my half-sister, but she says that doesn’t count.”

Lily sucked in a deep breath. Her sense of betrayal went so deep that she didn’t know if she could bear it. Beth and now Penni had kept secrets from her.

“Beth didn’t know and Penni thought I asked her to transfer colleges because of Beth. She has no idea of my interest in you.”

Lily refused to look at him.

“Lily, look at me.”