
Drake wasn’t the only one who wasn’t shy.

“I’m always hungry,” she replied suggestively.

His gaze dropped to her lips. “Let’s feed you, then.” He motioned for the waitress to take their order.

“What can I get for you?” the waitress asked.

“I’ll take a cheeseburger and fries. No onion.”

“I’ll take the same.” Drake’s amber-colored eyes stared intently into hers.

She was used to taking a backseat to what men wanted, like how she loved onions but never allowed herself to eat them because the men at the clubhouse would complain about the odor on her breath.

It was cute that he hadn’t ordered onions on his burger. He was becoming more interesting than she had expected.

When the waitress left, Drake turned to face her in the booth, sliding his arm along the back until the pad of his thumb brushed her nape.

“I am going to be upfront with you before anything happens between us.”

Here it comes, the ‘I’m not going to get serious so don’t expect a ring’ speech.

“Let me save you the trouble,” Bliss interrupted before he could begin. “I’m clean. I might have belonged to The Last Riders for a while, but I’ve always practiced safe sex.” Well, she had once she had been rescued by The Last Riders. Then she had been tested because Stark never cared to use protection with her. “I expect you to use a condom each and every time. If you don’t have any or run out, let me know, because I carry them in my purse. If we both run out, then you’re shit out of luck. I don’t fuck without a glove.

“Believe it or not, I’m not looking for a serious relationship, so we won’t be doing sleepovers. If you’re in the mood to fuck, send me a text. If I’m in the mood, I’ll show. If not, I’m sure you have someone else who can.

“Anything pretty much goes with me concerning sex. I don’t do bestiality, but if you’ve got another chick who turns me on and she’s willing, I might give her a whirl, too. Let me think a second to make sure I’ve covered all the bases… Oh, yeah. If you ever lay a hand on me when you’re mad, playtime is over.”

Bliss forced herself to look up from the tabletop after she gave her speech, only to see the waitress gaping at her. It took a couple of seconds before she set the plates down in front of them then hurriedly escaped.

“Well, if I wasn’t classified as a slut in this town before, I am now.”

Drake’s mouth twitched. “As she’s one of the women I do occasionally, I’m sure she was stunned by your gracious offer to have a threesome.”

Bliss picked up her burger and took a bite. “Not with her. She’s not my type.”

“Really. What type of women are you attracted to?”

“Preferably one who doesn’t look at me like I’m Freddy Krueger.”

Drake burst out laughing. “Finish your burger. Don’t worry, I won’t be asking Deb to join us. When I fuck, I like to devote my attention to one woman. I’m not sixteen anymore, I’m more interested in quality instead of quantity.”

“Physical activity decreases the effects of aging.”

“I’ll keep that in mind when I drag my lazy ass out of bed to go to the gym in the mornings.” As Drake took a bite of his own burger, his gleaming teeth had Bliss wishing he would bite down on something of hers.

They were almost finished with their meal when she looked up to see The Last Riders entering. She managed to swallow her bite of food and keep her gaze away from Jewell, Raci, Rider, Crash, and Train as they goofed around at a table not far from them.

Whereas Raci waved at her enthusiastically, Jewell was too busy studying Drake with appreciation to pay any attention to her. The men ignored her.

Bliss pushed her plate away.


“Yes.” She had suddenly lost her appetite.

“Good. Let’s go.” Drake picked up the check as he slid out of the booth. He took her arm and led her to the register. The weird thing was it didn’t feel as if Drake was escaping the presence of the bikers, which was something she had come to expect from most of the townspeople.

He kept her close as he unhurriedly paid, casually waving at their waitress as he left while keeping one hand firmly on her arm as they went outside the door.

“Where are you parked?”

“Over there.” Bliss nodded to her new blue Camry.

“Figured you for something flashier.”

“What, a Porsche?”

“No, a Harley.”

Bliss smiled. “I’m better at hanging on than driving a motorcycle myself.”

They came to a stop beside her car and Drake placed a hand on the roof, pinning her against the door.

“Am I following you to your house?” she asked.

“No, I’m going to follow you to make sure you make it home safe.”