“I thought we would—”

“Fuck?” Drake finished for her. “No. Like I tried to tell you inside the diner before you put words in my mouth, I don’t fuck on the first date. How would I know what you like in bed if I don’t know anything about you?” He molded his palm around the curve of her breast. “I’m tempted to forget that rule for you, but I won’t.” His thumb delved under her top to brush against her sensitive areola. “Women are to be savored like a fine wine, not guzzled like beer.”

Bliss felt her knees weaken as her pussy clenched in need. His teasing touch had her hands going to his belt. She was sure she could tempt him enough to forget about that stupid rule.

Drake took a step forward, pinning her hands between their bodies. His hard cock nestled against her had her pussy weeping in misery. She tried to grind herself against him, but he caught her hips in a tight grip.

His amber gaze held her speechless as he lowered his head, the tip of his tongue licking the tender flesh under her earlobe. Her head fell back against the car.

“I don’t fuck without a glove, either. If we decide to take this further, both of us will get tested.”

Bliss opened her mouth to remind him she didn’t want a relationship, but he cut her off.

“About you not wanting to be serious, I can’t make any promises. I’ve wanted your pretty face on my pillow for a while, and I plan to be pretty serious when I’m pounding you into my mattress. If you can manage to crawl out of my bed to go home when I’m done with you, go for it.”

He bit down on her earlobe, the flash of pain nearly making her come. “I’ll take you up on the texting part. I’m not a dumbass. Except, when I text you that I want you, your ass better be there unless you have a good excuse, like being at work or having an accident and being in ICU.”

Bliss liked a domineering man, and Drake was lighting her pussy up like a firecracker. If he turned out to be a dud in bed, she was afraid she would die of disappointment.

“I’ve already told you I don’t do threesomes … the two- or four-legged kind. Let me think a minute on the other bullshit you were spouting off. Oh, yeah, I don’t hit. If I want to punish you, I have a more effective way than one that will put my ass in jail.” He rubbed his thumb over her nipple for a brief second again before removing his hand and straightening her top back in place. He took a step back from her, placing a small space between them. “Give me your cell phone.”

Bliss reached into her jacket, taking out her cell and handing it to him. Within seconds, he had keyed in his number. Then she heard his phone ring from his pocket. He handed hers back after disconnecting the call.

“You doing anything tomorrow night?”

Bliss barely managed to squeak out a no.

“Want to go out?”

She nodded.

“Good. I’ll pick you up around seven. We’ll go dancing at the Pink Slipper.” He reached around her, opening her car door. He then placed a chaste kiss against the corner of her mouth before going to his own car.

Bliss stood still, unable to calm her rioting body. She wasn’t used to her body’s needs not being taken care of. She didn’t know if she could take it twice.

“Can I ask you a question?” she called out to him.

“Go ahead,” he answered, turning back toward her.

“Do you fuck on the second date?”

Chapter 5

“What are your plans for tonight?” Bliss blew on her hot coffee as she waited for Ginny’s answer.

“The same as last night, dinner and television. Why?”

“I invited Drake over for dinner.” Bliss knew it was rude as hell to have asked Drake before talking it over with Ginny, but she was a woman in need, dammit.

She had expected him to fuck her the night they went out dancing, but he had left her at her door with another chaste kiss, which was beginning to irritate the shit out of her. It had only been a week and a half since they had started seeing each other, and to most women, that would seem too soon to fuck a man. To her, it was a week and a half too long.

“So, you want me to disappear for a few hours?”

“Preferably the whole night. It wouldn’t bother me if you’re in the house, but I thought it might bother you.” Bliss took a sip of her coffee, trying not to feel guilty for putting her roommate on the spot.

Wait, since when did she care about another woman’s feelings? Only one woman had managed to touch a spot in her heart, and that was Lily.