“I prefer the turkey—”

“See, Skulls, not everyone likes ham for Christmas.” A good-looking older woman dressed in a low cut glitter top that bared half her breasts stood up, hefting the untouched turkey closer to him. “Enjoy. I cooked it all by myself without any help from Sex Piston,” she boasted.

“You’re Sex Piston’s mom?” At her nod, Cade turned to Jane. “Pass the ham.”

Chapter 27

Jane couldn’t help the tears that fell down her cheeks as she watched her father’s casket lowered into the ground. Then, minutes later, her sister’s casket was also lowered.

Cade stood at her back, his arm around her waist, his warmth a buffer against the strong winds carrying flurries.

“Ready?” Cade asked.

“Yes.” Jane turned away as the dirt was being shoveled onto their caskets.

They rode Cade’s new motorcycle to the home of Sex Piston’s parents, where Jane stood numbly as friends all offered their condolences.

She was surprised when her stepmother stepped hesitantly through the doorway. Jane took a step forward, hugging her usually standoffish stepmother. Her typically immaculately beautiful face was a mask of grief.

“I’m truly sorry, Delphi.”

“Thank you, Jane. I wasn’t sure I would be welcome, but I couldn’t bear to be alone right now.”

“I’m glad you came,” Jane said sincerely. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”

Cade was amazed at Jane’s loving concern for her stepmother. Before now, he was sure Delphi hadn’t had the time of day for her stepdaughter.

Cade’s eyes narrowed on Jane’s mother, who moved away from the food-laden table when she saw who was with Jane, ugly jealousy marring her lined face.

Cade strolled casually across the room and came to a stop beside her. “Wipe that look from your face before Jane sees it. I’m not going to have her worrying about your shit today.”

Jane’s mother opened her mouth to reply.

“Shut it. I don’t want to listen. Your days of having Jane jump are over. From now on, you’re going to deal with me first. Your lazy ass is going to get a job, too. Popeye’s is hiring, and the manager is expecting a call from you. Jane won’t be funneling you any more money, which I’m sure you’re counting on when her dad’s house sells. Not going to happen. If there are any drugs in your house, you better get rid of them when you get home. Every day, I’m going to stop by, and if I find any of that shit in your house, I’m calling the cops. Unlike them, I don’t give a fuck about search warrants.”

“You can’t—” she protested, nearly choking on her sandwich.

“Watch me. You’re on probation. You get caught with drugs, and your ass will be back in jail and out of Jane’s hair. That’s a win-win for me. You’re going to get clean whether you want to or not. You’re going to piss in a cup for me once a week, and if it comes back positive, I’ll call the cops. I’m going to be your worst fucking nightmare.” Cade turned to leave the woman who was glaring a hole through him then turned back around. “Oh, and you better pray Jane’s new car doesn’t so much as get a scratch on it. Touch it, and I’ll break every bone in that useless body of yours, and then I’ll pick one of these big mountains surrounding us to bury you on.”

Cade turned, nearly knocking down an eavesdropping Killyama.

“Let me know if you need any help after you do that bitch in. I’ll dig the hole for you.”

Cade’s lips twitched. “I’d be afraid to go into those mountains with you alone after the way I treated Jane.”

Killyama actually grinned at him. “You ain’t in my sights, Cade. A week ago, I wouldn’t have said that, but Fat Louise explained to us all that you had left a note. Any idea what happened to it?”

Cade searched her eyes, wondering if she was trying to see if he had lied to Jane. “No,” Cade answered, lying as he watched Rock give Jane a cup of coffee. The fucking bastard was still chasing after his woman. He had no doubts who had taken his note.

“It’s my fault, I should have called her and told her what was going on, I’m used to doing things on my own. It’s a habit I intend to break.”

“Ummhmm.” Killyama’s eyes followed his. “Still not happy with the way you treated my bitch at first, but she’s forgiven you, and I don’t want to see her hurt if I kill you, so that leaves me—”

“With giving me a friendly warning?”

“Seems to be the day for it, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, it does,” Cade agreed before escaping the overpowering woman’s presence.

Jane was still talking to Rock when he came to her side, taking the coffee cup out of her hands and ignoring Rock’s angry glare. “Come on. There’s something I want to show you.” Taking her hand, he led her to the coat closet where he handed Jane her coat.