“I can’t leave yet.”

“We won’t be gone long,” Cade assured her, opening the door and then tugging her outside.

“Where are we going?” Jane asked as they walked down the driveway to the sidewalk.

Cade felt a lump in his throat at the trust she put in him.

“Right here.” Cade led her up the walkway of a house next door to Sex Piston’s parents.

“What are we doing here? No one lives here.”

Cade took the key out of his pocket and opened the front door. “I do, or I will if you agree.” He ushered her inside the empty house.

Her eyes widened at the inside of the home. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

“It’s close to your friends and the clubhouse,” Cade said softly, his voice filling the empty rooms. “I’m going to make an offer if you agree to move in here with me.”

She turned to face him. “And if I don’t?”

“Then I’ll wait to buy a home until you are, but I can’t guarantee the house will still be around. Of course, if you don’t like this one, we can go together to find another. I just thought that—”

“Who told you?”

Cade smiled, cupping her cheek. “Sex Piston. She told me that, since you were teenagers, you planned to live in the same neighborhood. She doesn’t exactly live next door anymore, but she comes by every day to check on her parents. I figured it would be close enough for you to still see her and your friends.”

“You don’t mind my friends?” Her amazed eyes stared up into his.

“Not so much. They take a little getting used to, but they’re growing on me.”


“Really.” Cade’s mouth brushed hers.

“Are you sure about buying the house? I mean, it will mean staying in one place, growing roots—”

“Growing roots isn’t all I plan to do in this house. When you’re ready, tell me and we’ll get married and fill all the rooms upstairs with kids.”

“That’s a lot of commitment for you to take on.” She leaned against him, letting him take all her weight.

“I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

Jane reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone, handing it to him. “Call the realtor. I can’t think of a better place.”

With her standing in his arms, staring at him with love shining in her eyes, Cade thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He didn’t care about the four walls and a roof, all he needed was her.


“Allison, does this blanket come in blue?” Jane ran her fingertips over the soft pink baby blanket she had laid on the counter.

“It does, but I’m sold out of it. I can order it and have it here by the weekend.”

“Okay, go ahead and order it. I’ll pay for it and the other items.” The counter was filled with baby goodies.

She had originally come to the Bag Boutique to wait for Sex Piston and the rest of the crew—they were going to have lunch at the Sizzler next door. When she hadn’t seen their car outside, she had come inside with the intention to browse. To her surprise, Allison had designated a part of her designer store to merchandise for babies.

At first, Jane had leisurely strolled through the aisles, until a small giraffe caught her attention. From there, she had chosen several other items.

Allison began to ring up her purchases as Jane searched through her purse for her credit card. Her hand shook as she pulled her wallet out. She hadn’t eaten much this morning, which was a no, no for her. She had intended to snack on a protein bar later that morning yet had become too busy at work. Her body was beginning to show the first warning sign that her sugar was running low. She needed to hurry and go next door for lunch.

“How’s Stacy doing?”

Allison’s mouth tightened at her question. “She’s fine.”

Jane blushed, belatedly realizing that her daughter would be a sore subject. Sex Piston had quit doing Allison’s hair because Stacy had been caught bullying Meri and Sheri, Sex Piston’s stepdaughters.

Jane tried her best to keep her gaze away from Allison’s hair yet couldn’t. It was very attractive, but it was the same style Jane had seen replicated on several women in town. The Cut Shop must only be able to cut hair in one style.

Jane brushed her own hair back from her cheek, beginning to perspire and feel even sicker. She wished Allison would finish.

The door opening behind her had both women turning.

“Hey, Rock, what are you doing in here?” Jane smiled. “Trying to buy a present for one of the women?” she teased.

“No.” Rock didn’t return her smile, his eyes on the counter. “I saw your car parked out front and thought I’d see if you wanted to grab some lunch.”

“I’m already meeting Sex Piston and the rest of the crew. You’re welcome to join us. Stud and Cade are also coming.”