He had never stayed in one place as long as he had Jamestown. He felt the burning need to put Jamestown behind him, yet he hadn’t left, placing most of the blame on a bike that had more mechanical problems than it was worth. If he was going to hit the road, he needed a new bike.

“I couldn’t talk you into doing three?”

“My bikes are expensive,” Stud warned.

Cade’s lips twitched. “I think I can afford it.”

Stud went to an old refrigerator and pulled out two beers, tossing one to Cade. “Christmas is coming up in a few months, and I have four kids and Sex Piston to buy for. I can build you one next. Rock isn’t expecting his until March.”

Cade stiffened when he heard Rock’s name. The Blue Horseman was from the West Virginia chapter, but since Pike had transferred for a new job, Rock had moved to the Jamestown chapter to replace Pike. He was a nice guy, but the beef he had with Rock was Jane. The brother was on her like flies on shit.

“I’d appreciate it,” Cade said, opening his beer and taking a drink while Stud studied him quizzically.

“You got a beef with Rock?”

Cade guessed he hadn’t hidden his reaction to Rock’s name. “No beef.”

“Sure,” Stud laughed, setting his beer down on the worktable. “Way you’ve been hitting the sheets with every bitch in the club, you can’t blame Fat Louise for getting her some, too.”

“Is she getting any?” Cade asked, despite himself.

Stud paused for a split second as a look Cade couldn’t decipher came over his face. “I don’t know, brother. You’ll have to take that up with her. I learned long ago to keep my nose out of the business of the brothers and the bitches.”

Cade nodded his head, setting his own beer down on the worktable. “Let me know how much I owe you for the bike, and I’ll get the cash for you.”

“Will do. Be careful riding that piece of shit until I can get yours built.”

“I will.”

“You going to hit the road as soon as it’s done?”

“Yeah. Hung around here too long already.”

“You don’t like Jamestown?” Stud began working on the bike again.

“I like it too much, but I travel, it’s what I do. Left home the day I turned eighteen, joined the Marines, did my time in the service, and got out. There are a lot of jobs open for a man who wants to sell his skills to the right buyer. Moved from town to town, taking the jobs I wanted, and I turned down those I didn’t. I made enough a couple of years ago to retire, and the job I took for Jane’s father was just icing on the cake.”

“Ever go back to see your parents?”

“Fuck no. My old man was a junkie who knocked me around whenever he wanted, and my ma stood back and watched. Don’t even know if they’re alive or dead; don’t care enough to find out, either.”

“Don’t guess I blame you.” Stud reached for the wrench. “Ever think the reason you’re a nomad is because you’re searching for a family that’ll have your back?”

“No. Don’t want a family. They tie you down and destroy you.”

“On the other hand, they can have your back when no one else will. The Blue Horsemen and the Destructors have your back, whether you want them to or not, so you might as well learn to live with that fact, brother.”

* * *

Cade went back to the clubhouse with Stud’s words repeating over and over in his mind. He had drawn closer to the brothers over the past months, despite himself. He refused to acknowledge Jane had any part in his staying. Even if she did, it wouldn’t have mattered. He wasn’t ready to stop roaming, and from the expression on her face that day, she had been cut hard by his actions. Wounds like that didn’t heal overnight, if ever.

He needed a fucking drink to take her image out of his mind. The other women he had found himself with since then had failed to do so. Cade didn’t think the liquor would help any better, although he was at a point where he was willing to try anything to drive the feel of her away for a few minutes.

Going to the bar, he stood next to Dozer and Bear. Both were arguing back and forth on who they were going to fuck that evening.

A little while later, the door opened, and Sex Piston and her crew came in with Stud. Cade admired the man who was able to handle being around the women constantly.

He noticed Jane wasn’t with the crew again that night. He hadn’t seen her in a couple of months. At first, when he had made an ass of himself, she had come to the club every night with one of the bitches in tow, as if to show him she didn’t give a shit, but her visits had gradually tapered off until she never showed at all anymore.