Stud left the women sitting at a table and came to the bar. “June, give me drinks for the girls, and I’ll take a whiskey. I need it.” Stud winked at the brunette, whose tits were showing through the white T-shirt she was wearing.

The clubhouse door opened, and Jane’s father came inside looking like he had the first time Cade had met him, like he was so scared he was about to shit himself.

“What’s he doing here?” Cade asked Stud, who gave him another weird look that he couldn’t decipher. Cade was beginning to get the feeling that something was going on he didn’t know about.

He watched as Montgomery approached Sex Piston’s table.

“Sex Piston, I’ve been looking for Jane. Where is she?”

“Why do you give a shit?”

Montgomery was obviously startled by her harsh question. “She’s my daughter, and I haven’t seen or heard from her in over two months.”

“And you’re just now getting worried? Fuck off!” Sex Piston snarled.

“I’ll call the police and report her missing!”

“Call them. I’ll tell them she’s working at Popeye’s, on top of her hospital job.”

“What? Why is she working there?”

“Because she’s trying to keep a roof over her sorry mother’s head.”

“But I succeeded in getting my money back, and I made sure her allowance was restarted.”

“Look in the account, and you’ll see she doesn’t touch it. She doesn’t want a dime of your money, never has. That’s why she’s always given it to her mom and that bitch daughter of yours.”

“Why wouldn’t she…? I don’t understand.”

“Because, what did you do when you got your money back two months ago? You and Bailey went running back to New York. Who the fuck do you think got that money back for you?”

“The banks—”

“Bullshit. Those banks didn’t give a fuck whether you recovered your money or not. Jane went to The Last Riders and asked for their help. Knox is a computer engineer, and Crash is a computer nerd. They stole the money back for you.”

“I didn’t know.”

“Jesus! You’re so fucking stupid. How did you make that money in the first place?”

“I need to go see her…” Montgomery turned yet was stopped by Sex Piston’s harsh words.

“Stay the fuck away from her. She doesn’t want to see you right now or anyone else who’s hurt her. She wants to be left alone. You go near her, and I’ll kick your ass.”

“Is she in trouble? I can help—”

“You can’t help her now. It’s too fucking late.” Sex Piston’s voice grew tight. Cade had a feeling he wasn’t going to like what came out of her mouth next. “You’ve never been a father to her. You left her behind then flaunted that blond bitch in front of her as the daughter you loved and cared about more. When she was a teenager, you let her stepmother and Bailey both torment her about her looks until she started calling herself the name they would call her when you weren’t around. Only when Bailey took off did you remember you have another daughter.

“When Bailey disappeared, you made sure to let Jane know how upset you were that she was in danger, leaving no doubt in Jane’s mind that you wished it was her instead of Bailey. She even knows that, when Cade asked you who to save if it came down to the two of them, he was to leave Jane to die and save Bailey!” Sex Piston’s voice rose until she was yelling at the ashen man.

“How does she know that?”

“Because you told your wife, and she relayed it to Bailey, who threw it up to Jane, you fucking asshole! If someone asked me that fucking question, I would have shot them then found someone else to do the job. Get out of my face before I beat the shit out of you.”

Montgomery grabbed onto the back of a chair. Cade wasn’t sure if it was more to hold himself up or to use in self-defense if Sex Piston decided to attack.

“I have to go see her to make things right.”

“You’re never going to make things right for her. Right now, dealing with you is the last thing she needs or wants. She had a miscarriage and needs peace right now, and I’m going to see she gets it. Go back to New York and wait a few months. Maybe then she’ll be more able to deal with your guilty conscience.”

“She was pregnant? Who…?”

“It doesn’t matter who the father was. He didn’t care about her any more than you do. Get out!” Sex Piston lunged to her feet, and both Killyama and Crazy Bitch held her back as Montgomery fled the club.

Cade stood as still as if someone had punched him in the gut. “It was mine, wasn’t it?” he asked Stud hoarsely.

“Yeah, brother, it was your kid.”

Chapter 22

Jane filled the large cup with soda then snapped on the lid. Looking at her watch, she saw she had thirty minutes left on her shift. She had already finished her clean up, so she would only have to clock out when her shift was over.