“Bailey doesn’t want to live here, so to make her happy, he’s moving back.” Jane was well aware that she would always come second in her father’s eyes.

“I’m surprised she stayed here as long as she has,” Crazy Bitch remarked.

“Dad’s been looking for a new property to buy. He closed on it yesterday.”

“Why doesn’t she help Daddy pack?” Sex Piston said snidely.

“Her divorce has run into a snag with Raul still in Mexico, and she’s upset.”

“I haven’t noticed it keeping her from fucking every man who catches her eye,” Sex Piston told them. “I saw her with Kevin Parker, and she was all over him. His wife should beat the shit out of her. Then Stud and I were coming out of the grocery store with the kids when we ran into Bailey. The bitch flirted with Stud like I wasn’t even there.”

“What did you do?” Killyama laughed.

“Told her I would kick her skanky ass back to Mexico if she talked to Stud again,” she said vengefully.

All the women at the table laughed except Jane. It was the truth; Bailey was chasing after anything that had a pair of pants.

“Let her pack your dad’s suitcases. You’re coming to the club. I’ll make Pike dance with you,” Sex Piston promised.

“I could help him in the morning…” Jane thought aloud.

“Good, that’s settled.” Sex Piston beamed at her.

Jane stood up.

“Where you going?”

“I’m going to get me a basket of chicken. I’m hungry.”

* * *

Jane wore her black leather leggings and styled her hair that Sex Piston had returned to her normal color of blonde after the trip to Mexico. Then she did her make-up and put on a top that Sex Piston had talked her into buying months ago. It was sexier than anything she usually wore, but she wanted to feel sexy and desirable tonight.

She had come to a decision. Tonight, she was going to get laid. She was going to drive Cade out of her mind by doing another man. The problem was in deciding which one of the brothers she was going to fuck and give her virginity to. She planned on finding one so drunk out of his mind that he wouldn’t notice the little detail that it was her first time.

Can guys tell? Jane wondered.

She had never meant to stay a virgin as long as she had. The sad truth was, no man had really put any pressure on her to give it up. They used her to get to the other bitches or her sister. The worst of them, however, were the ones who would act interested only to use her to borrow money.

She had thought a few months ago that she was finally going to lose her ancient cherry. She spent the whole day waxing, doing her hair, painting her nails, all in the effort to spark the guy’s desire. Instead, he showed up late, saying he had gotten a flat tire and needed to borrow money for another one. He took the money without even noticing she was wearing a dress and heels, leaving with a brief thanks. The next night, she was leaving the club when she heard him talking to two other brothers, who asked where he got the money for the tire. He told them he got the money from her and then laughed about how she had dressed and lit candles, waiting for him. She still remembered his words.

“Hell, I wouldn’t do her for all the money in the world.”

“I would,” another chimed in, “if I could put a bag over her head.”

The men all laughed.

Jane still remembered cringing at their words.

Giving her hair a final pat, she left her bedroom.

“About time,” Crazy Bitch said, dusting graham cracker crumbs off her lap. Grabbing one of the lint brushes sitting around the room, she rolled it over her slacks.

“Ready?” Jane asked, going to the door. Killyama was honking the car horn impatiently.

Crazy Bitch threw her a dirty look, slamming the lint brush down, and then they made their way out to Killyama.

They didn’t live far from the Destructors’ clubhouse. Where the weekend nights were usually packed with the brothers, there seemed to be even more motorcycles than usual tonight.

“Why are there so many here tonight?” Jane asked as she got out of the car.

Crazy Bitch shrugged. “Don’t know.”

Inside, the clubhouse was filled to capacity, the noise loud and the music blaring.

Killyama waved her hand toward the bar where all their friends were standing in a group with a drink in their hands. T.A. already seemed to be halfway drunk with Bear holding her steady.

“What’s going on?” Killyama asked Sex Piston after they had threatened the busy bargirl for a drink.

“The Blue Horsemen are here tonight with some new recruits wanting in. They’re going to give them a few tests tonight, so everyone wants to watch.”