“She left an hour ago. I thought you went with her,” he said, surprise on his face.

“I must have misunderstood the time.” Jane hadn’t misunderstood. Bailey was pulling a fast one.

She told her dad goodnight before leaving.

She would go downstairs. They should still be eating. She was determined to at least have an hour of Cade’s company, if nothing else than to tell him goodbye and thank him for his help. She told herself that over and over to build up her courage as she went downstairs.

When she entered the restaurant, however, she couldn’t find them. Bailey must have talked him into taking her somewhere else to eat. She wasn’t going to leave the hotel to search for them, though. Disheartened, she decided to return to the hotel suite.

She stepped out of the elevator, walking toward her room, when a door at the end of the hall opened and her sister came out, still straightening her clothes.

“I’ll be back in a few. I’m just going to grab my suitcase,” she said before closing the door.

Jane froze as Bailey sauntered down the hallway with a triumphant smile on her face.

“I’m spending the night with him,” she gloated as she drew near.

“So I heard,” Jane replied as she opened the door to their suite.

Bailey closed the door behind them. “You don’t have anything to say?”

“Have fun,” Jane told her, walking toward her room.

Her hand was on the doorknob when Bailey said, “Don’t be such a spoilsport, Jane. He’s too much for you to handle, anyway; believe me.” She gave a tiny shiver of remembered pleasure, rubbing salt into the wounds.

“You’re right; he is.” Jane turned the knob, opening the door, but another one of her sister’s wisecracks stopped her.

“You can have him when I’m done.”

Jane turned around, her eyes frosting over. “I don’t want him. I was going to thank him for helping us, but I shouldn’t have bothered. Dad’s money is thanks enough. Enjoy your relationship while it lasts, Bailey. I’m done.”

“What do you mean?” Her sister lost her gloating demeanor.

“It means I’m done saving you. No more rescue trips to foreign countries, no more late nights where I have to bail you out of jail, no more giving you most of my allowance because you overspent yours, no more anything, Bailey. I’m done with you.” Jane went into her room, closing the door behind her.

Killyama was standing in the middle of the room with a furious expression on her face. “I’m going to beat the shit out of her.”

“Leave it alone. I’m glad I’m finally free of her. What time does our plane leave tomorrow?”

“Not until four. It’s your dad’s private jet.”

“You think you can get us out of here tonight?” Jane pleaded.

“What do you think? Don’t I always come through for you?”

Yes, you do, Jane acknowledged silently.

Killyama, Sex Piston, T.A., and Crazy Bitch were her sisters. They were all she was ever going to need.

Chapter 15

“What bug crawled up your ass?” Sex Piston slid a basket of Popeye’s chicken across the table.

“I’m not hungry.” Jane slid the basket of food back.

“Shit, I’ll eat them.” Crazy Bitch snagged the basket with a long, manicured fingernail, dragging it toward her.

“You’ve been acting depressed since you came back a month ago. Did something happen while you were gone that you didn’t tell us about?” Sex Piston’s sharp gaze narrowed on her.


“It’s what didn’t happen that has her so upset,” Killyama informed their friends. “She wanted to get laid, but her sister beat her to the dude.”

“Then forget him,” Crazy Bitch advised.

It isn’t that easy, Jane thought to herself. She had tried not to think about him, but he always ended up on her mind somehow. She kept picturing his dark eyes and dark hair and how he had kissed her. She couldn’t explain her reaction to the man whose attitude screamed loner. Hell, he hadn’t even been nice to her. The part that drew her to him was that he came across as rude and uncaring yet had done little things like calm her fears or let her lay on his legs when it had to be uncomfortable.

Jane had learned long ago that truly mean people didn’t do small kindnesses. In a way, his attitude reminded her of Killyama, who tried to come off as a mean-spirited woman, but underneath, she was protective and loyal.

“I have,” she lied.

None of her friends believed her.

“You haven’t wanted to go out since you came back.” Sex Piston slapped her hand down on the table. “Tonight, you’re going to the club. One of the brothers will take your mind off that fuck-bag.”

“I can’t tonight. I’m going to my dad’s house to help him pack. He’s moving back to New York since he decided to get a divorce.”

“What does him getting a divorce have to do with New York?” T.A. asked.