“That’s good. That’s what’s supposed to happen.”


“Jacey, get your mom’s bag. I’m going to call the doctor.”


My wife looked terrified. Beautiful but terrified. But she was hiding it well. I kissed her and took her chin, forcing her to look into my eyes.

“We got this, babe.”


I gave her a nod and made the call to the doctor.

“Looks like this baby is coming right on time. Her water just broke.”

“How far apart are the contractions?”

I looked at Kirsten and she gave me that same blank stare.

“Did you have a contraction, sweetheart?”


“When was the last one?”

“It’s happening right now.”

“Okay, when was the last one?”

“It just ended and started up again.”

“Oh, okay.”

I took a few steps away and spoke low into the phone.

“Seems like they are right on top of each other.”

“You might not have time to get to the hospital, son.”

No shit, Sherlock.

“What do I do?”

“I’ll talk you through it. You need a large table, towels, and a bowl of hot water for washing your hands.”

“I can do it right next to the kitchen. Or in the kitchen, if that works.”

“Is it clean?”

“Spic and span, Doc.”

“Even better. How is she doing now?”

“She looks scared.”

“Well, get her walking if she can manage it. That helps take some of the pressure off the lower back. Gather your supplies and call me back.”

“Will do, Doc. Thanks.”

“I’ll be here.”

I looked at my beautiful wife and smiled.

“This is good. We don’t have to go to the hospital.”

She grimaced and I realized she was hiding her pain.

“Let it out, babe. You can make noise.”

“Don’t want to… scare Jacey…”

“I’ll send her out for a walk. Or Jack and Janet can come pick her up.”


“Try and walk around a little. Come in and lean on the island. I got you, babe.”

I helped her to stand and guided her to the kitchen. Then I ran for the linen closet and started getting things ready. I dialed Jack with one hand and loaded up my other arm with towels and pillows to make her comfortable.

“The baby is coming,” I blurted as soon as he answered the phone.

“Are you at the hospital?”

“No! Coming too fast. Doc said to do it here.”

Jack cursed and shouted for Janet. I’d never heard the man shout before. He told me he’d call Callaway and Molly. She wasn’t a nurse yet but she was hard at work studying for her degree. And Janet had given birth so many times that she would come to help too.

Thankfully, every one of our friends lived a hell of a lot closer than the hospital.

By the time I got Kirsten up onto the island with a towel underneath her, there were engines rumbling outside. I helped get her propped up with pillows under her back, cute little ass and both knees.

Jacey answered the door and heavy boots clomped inside the mudroom. They took them all off, of course. We had a dust free home for Jacey’s breathing issues.

I looked up to see my crew and their wives standing there.

All of them.

I nodded as Molly and Janet washed their hands and ran over. Janet told everyone else to get out of the kitchen. Kirsten grimaced and I took her hand. I knew another contraction was coming on.

“Can someone take Jacey for a walk down to the lake?”

Sally nodded and grabbed my daughter’s hand.

“Come on, sweetheart.”

Everyone else went into the living room or outside on the deck. I took another look at Kirsten and knew she was still contracting.

“Baby, you got to make noise.”

“Is she gone?”

“Yes, Angel.”


“There you go, sweetheart.”

I tried to smile, but I was so fucking scared. The doctor had told us to call back again when the contractions got so bad she had to scream. I figured we were just about there.

“She’s dilated!” Molly looked at me. “It’s time to push!”

Oh my God is this really happening?

I looked into my beautiful wife’s eyes and nodded.

“Push, Angel.”

She pushed.

“I see it! I see the baby! It’s facing the right way!”

“Breathe. In and out. That’s good. Just like we learned, sweetheart.”

Kirsten nodded and did as I asked, breathing out with a ‘hoo’ sound.

“Breathe in now.”

She inhaled.


My Angel bore down with all her might. Her beautiful face scrunched up with the effort. Molly had her hands out like a catcher as Janet stood at Kirsten’s knee. They cheered her on with each contraction. My Angel went through the process again and again. Breathing, waiting, pushing.

After about twenty minutes we heard it.

Our baby’s first cry.

“It’s a girl!”

I squeezed my Angel’s hand and kissed her while Molly and Janet washed the baby and cut the cord. They wrapped her up in a clean towel and walked over beside us. I smiled at my beautiful, unbelievably brave wife. I was in awe of what she’d just done. She’d made a tiny human. And looked absolutely beautiful doing it.

“Are you ready to meet her?”