I was pleasantly contemplating waking up my wife as I turned the corner. A figure was slumped in the open doorway. My heart stopped, then resumed beating at a rapid pace.

“Angel? Angel!”

I ran faster than I’d ever ran before. I was kneeling by her side in an instant, pulling her into my arms, checking her pulse, touching her face.

She was alive.

Thank you God, she’s alive.

I pressed my palm to her cheek, trying to wake her. Her pulse fluttered in her throat and her eyes opened. I stared down at her, still terrified out of my wits.

“What happened? Are you alright?”

“I must have… fainted.”

Kirsten looked around in confusion as I helped her sit up.

“Can you stand?”

“I think so.”

I guided her to her feet and into the house. I deposited her on the couch and ran my hands over her carefully. Then I got her a glass of water and sat there, staring at her, while she drank it.

“What happened? Do you remember?”

She tilted her head to the side. Then her eyes got wide. She tried to stand and I wouldn’t let her.

“The basket! There was an envelope.”

“I’ll get it.”

I grabbed the huge basket from the porch and carried it over to her.

“Who’s it from, sweetheart?”

She just shook her head.

“You better open the card, Lucky.”

I grabbed the thick envelope and looked at her. Then I looked inside.

Money. Lots of money.

I ran my thumb over it. All hundreds. It was thousands and thousands of dollars.

But not crisp bills from the bank. These were bills that had worked. Bills that had paid for drinks and dinners and fancy clothes. Or, more likely, gambling debts.

“Those motherfuckers.”

I was smiling when I said it.

“Did you read the card?”

I pulled out a very nice, very classy wedding card printed on heavy paper. There was an ornate cross on the front. I read the inscription and burst out laughing.

“I told you everything would be okay.”

“How did they find us here, Lucky?”

I shook my head.

“That’s a good fucking question.”

Then I shook my head again.

“Doesn’t matter. They never meant you any harm.”

“I guess you were right.”

I pulled her into my arms.

“We are far enough away that no one is gonna come looking. Nobody knows what happened except Paulie, and he’s loyal to Vincent and Antonio. Only the other girls who worked there even know you were there at all.”

“You’re right. I know you are right.” She looked at me in wonder, the color starting to return to her cheeks. “Could it really be over? Just like that?”

“Yes. It could. I’ll keep you safe, Angel. I promise.”

I pulled her into my arms again, just holding her. I was afraid to let go. When I saw her lying there… I’d never been so scared in my life.

“I love you, Angel. Don’t ever do that to me again.”



“Okay, Lucky. I’ll do my best.”

I kissed her softly.

“So what do you want first?”

She smiled at me softly.

“What are my options?”

“Eggs. Sausage. Or… my sausage.”

She blushed bright red and murmured, “I’ll take option three, please.”

She was so sweet and shy. My heart swelled up with love for her. It was too much love. I couldn’t possibly contain it. I had to tell her how I felt.

Better yet, I was going to show her.

“Good girl.”

I lifted her up and carried her up the stairs.

Nine months later


“And the capital of Wyoming is?”

Jacey had her little head tilted to the side as she considered her options. We were all out on the sun porch that overlooked the lake. It was almost entirely glass, so it was warm and bright even in winter. We were out here a lot, and it’s where Kirsten gave Jacey her home school classes.

Next year, our little girl was starting a new school. But for now, she was getting caught up and then some by my brilliant and beautiful wife.

My Angel rested her hand on her swelling belly and smiled.

“Find it on the map.”

“Okay, Mom.”

Jacey hopped up and got the oversized almanac out, searching for the map of the United States. Before she could find it, my Angel let out a surprised shout.

I ran in from the kitchen where I’d been preparing lunch.

“What is it?”

Kirsten looked at me, surprise written all over her beautiful face.

“I think… My water broke.”

I smiled calmly, even though my stomach did a flip-flop. I was ready for this baby. I wasn’t ready to watch my wife hurting for however long labor took, but I knew we would get through it together. We had to. She had to be okay and our baby did too. All the old worries starting running through my head again, just like they had since we found out she was pregnant. So yeah, I was pretty keyed up. But no matter how scared I was, staying calm was my job. I was going to do my job, dammit.