Mason, cranky? That wasn’t exactly how I would describe him. Brooding though, that fit the bill.

“You must be Pay.”

Paton smiled and nodded. No one ever called her Pay. We called her Pate, but Kelly was so friendly that neither one of us said a word.

She linked arms with Mason and I felt a flash of jealousy.

“We are a united front, dedicated to torturing my big brother, Connor.”

I glanced at Mason, startled to find his dark eyes on me already.

“Cassie’s husband?”

He nodded with a faint smile.

“So, anything on the agenda?”

“She’ll be starting school next week, we hope. So no real homework, though I’d like her to get outside a bit. She’ll spend the entire day with her nose in a book if you let her.”


“It’s true, button.”

Kelly sat at the table with us, leaning forward conspiratorially.

“I read a lot too.” She winked at me. “Romance novels, mostly, but that counts, right?”

I nodded eagerly. I loved books too. But Pate was next level.

The girl was reading stuff most kids read in high school or college. She was the smartest. I couldn’t be prouder, especially under the circumstances.

Mason cleared his throat.

“You ready?”

I nodded and pressed a kiss to Paton’s head.

“Just let me grab my bag.”

I ran down the hall and grabbed my bag and jacket. Then I ran back. Mason’s eyes caught mine and held them.

Kelly waved us off, calling out as we walked down the driveway to Mason’s truck.

“You two are coming to my party Friday, right?”


“Birthday party!” She wiggled her eyebrows at me. “I’m turning 21.”

Mason shook his head.

“Better not let Con know what you want for your birthday, young lady.”

She giggled.

“He won’t know if you don’t tell him!”

I climbed n the truck. I fasted my seatbelt and looked questioningly at Mason as he got behind the wheel.

“What does she want?”

“Something she definitely should not have.” He glanced at me, turning on the ignition. “Trouble is, it wants her too.”


He gave me a smoldering glance.

“Not it. He.”

“Oh… who?”

“Someone who is not good for her. Connor has kept him away for the most part, but it’s only a matter of time if you ask me.”

“And you know him?”

He nodded, pulling out into the street.

“He’s the Prez.”

Chapter Twenty


Long, elegant legs stretched out beside me. Shiny, sweet smelling hair. Curves that wouldn’t quit. I tried not to look, but she was right there. So close I could reach out and touch her.

My cock was hard and aching already. And this was just the ride to work. We still had a shift and a half before dinner time, and even then I’d be in constant, unbearably close contact with the woman I wanted but could not have.

It was going to be a long, hard fucking day.

Pun intended.

At the same time, I relished it. I didn’t want her out of my sight for a moment. Not just because I wanted her, or even because I feared for her safety.

I wanted my eyes on her because she was like gravity to me. She kept my world from toppling over and my insides from spilling out. Just her presence alone was enough to keep me sane.

I didn’t really want to live in a world without Michelle Buchhannon.

Not to mention, that amazing kid of hers. So sweet and smart and kind, even with everything they’d been through. I was already way too attached to them both. Hell, I’d basically forced them to move in with me.

I knew she thought she was imposing.

I knew she wanted to move out.

I knew she even thought I’d rejected her back there at the Jar.

None of those things were true. In fact, it was the opposite. And she sure as shit was not leaving me. So, the boot stayed on her car and she stayed under my roof.

Sure, it wasn’t ideal.

If it was an ideal world, she’d be in my bed every damn night.


As it was, I had to keep her safe and alive. Give Paton a chance to thrive. Legally, they were living with me now and that was exactly what I would tell the school when we signed Pate up.

I would pick her up and drop her off every damn day. Probably drive past the school a couple times to watch for trouble too.

I smiled a little at the thought. I had Michelle almost right where I wanted her. Once Pate started school, she was mine. They couldn’t up and disappear on me then.

Not that it would change a damn thing.

I’d find them, wherever they went.

I just didn’t want to risk that happening. Michelle was mine, even if it wasn’t true in the biblical sense of the word. She was mine where it counted.

We pulled in and she popped out of the truck, those long legs of hers a thing of beauty as they slid to the ground.

“Thanks, Mason.”

“You don’t have to thank me.” I smiled. “I’m the one who locked down your car.”