She shifted and I heard it. A soft meow and then purring. There was something in bed with us.

I lifted the blanket and saw Cheeto’s orange face and green eyes peer back at me. He blinked and laid his chin back down on Paton’s arm. I almost laughed.

The whole family had been more than welcoming. Especially the furry ones.

Come to think of it, Mason was pretty furry too.

Oh no, here I go again.

I couldn’t get that kiss out of my mind. The feel of his scruffy beard against my skin. His rough hands and soft lips. Just the memory of the heat of him, the brute strength, was enough to make me weak in the knees.

The man was a sex machine and he knew it.

Jaken had told me about all the girls who threw themselves at him every night. I’d seen some of them in action.

Apparently, I was the first waitress in years who hadn’t fallen in love with him. Married, young, old, they all made fools of themselves over the boss.

Jaken and Shorty told me they were glad I was immune.

If only they knew… I was just as ridiculous as the rest of them. Maybe worse. Because I had more than a crush. I really thought I was falling in love with him and it scared the heck out of me.


I kissed her forehead.

“Good morning, buttercup. You have a little friend under the covers.”

She giggled and pulled the blanket down enough for Cheeto to blink at us.

“I thought you wouldn’t notice.”

I smiled, staring at the ceiling.

“I am very observant. For example, I can see with my peripheral vision that you are thinking about tickling me.”

She held perfectly still, her outstretched fingers frozen in place.

“Do you know what happens to attempted ticklers?”


“They… get tickled!”

I pounced and Cheeto leapt in the air, getting out of the way of the action. Paton squealed and giggled as I tickled her sides without mercy. Well, I showed a little bit of mercy. I was her mom, after all.

The door burst open and we both jumped, the tickling game instantly forgotten. Mason stood there, staring at us with panic. My eyes darted to the knife in his hand.

He saw my glance and relaxed his hand.

Cheeto meowed and he stared down at him.

“I heard screams.”

“I’m sorry. We’re fine. I was just tickling her.”

“You’re fine.”

It wasn’t a question, but it was. He was telling himself. I could see his breathing even out.

“I didn’t mean to scare you.”

He nodded.

“No. It’s my fault. I… shoot, sorry about that.”

He left and closed the door behind him.

I looked at Paton and she looked at me.

“Don’t be mad at Mason.”

“I’m not.”

“He really loves us, you know?”

I stared at her, her sweet and earnest face.

“Whoa, where did that come from?”

She shrugged and climbed out of the bed over me.

“I just thought you should know.”

Mason? Love? It sounded crazy, but deep in my heart it rang true. Lord knows I was feeling something profound in the heart department.

I sat there for the longest time, staring into space.

I sat with Paton, chewing my lip. She’d have to start school again soon or else they’d want to hold her back. We’d left the last town during summer break and now it was past time to get her enrolled again.

Unfortunately, we needed an address to do that. Mason and I had discussed it and he was adamant that we use his address. I had agreed, though I hadn’t said anything about it working long term.

That was something I couldn’t promise. Being in love with the person who saved you was a complicated, messy thing. It was a lot to put me through, even though I knew the scruffy, tatted, sexy as hell biker was the best thing that had ever happened to my kid.

She was so bright I was certain she could catch up again. And she was kind and easy going, not the sort to get picked on or make waves. I wasn’t worried about her settling into a new school without a hitch.

Another reason I definitely could not run again.

Besides, I knew I’d be leaving my heart here if I went. Mason had it in his pocket, even if he didn’t want it. Being here with him was it’s own kind of torture. But a torture I didn’t want to end.

He’d already cooked us breakfast and lunch and now he was walking the dog. The man was a saint. That was almost funny, since his last name was Saint James.

That had given me a chuckle the first time I heard it.

“Knock knock.”

A pretty brunette with twinkling eyes was standing by the doorway. I smiled tentatively.


“In the flesh. Where is that brooding, cranky old man?”

Mason grumbled behind her.


She laughed louder and gave him a big hug. His eyes met mine as he suffered through it. But I could tell he didn’t really mind.