“Settle the fuck down. Anya’s off-limits.” Pants glances at Ice who doesn’t respond one way or another. “She’s not free ass. End of story.” As SAA Pants’ word is law and no one else so much as breathes Anya’s name again.

“We should do two patches,” Raze says. “Black cat if it’s a different girl every night. White cat if it’s the same chick.”

“Don’t feel like explaining to the Mrs. where your tongue’s been?” T-Bone asks.

“Eat my ass.”

“That’s good. Maybe black cats with different color eyes.” Boots is fully immersed in this idea now. He rubs his hands together and reaches for a notepad and pencil from the center of the table. “We’ll pass out punch cards.” He lifts his hand in the air, opening and closing it a few times. “I’ll hand out heart-shaped hole punchers to the girls.” He glances up and sweeps his stern stare over everyone in the room. “No fucking cheating. No honorable brother wears a patch he didn’t earn.”

That’s it. I can’t take it anymore. I cover my face with my hands and fucking lose it. “Virginia is for lovers, all right,” I spit out through my laughter.

“Anyone planning to warn the local ladies what’s about to go down?” Murphy snickers at his little pun.

I hold out my fist for a bump. “Nice one.”

Wrath’s squinting at the ceiling like he’s trying to do some quick calculations. “Make me up a lion patch.” He holds his hands out a few feet apart. “Got at least fourteen hundred days stacked up.”

“Yeahhhhh.” Wings draws out the word slowly, adding in a dirty eyebrow wiggle. “If my girl looked like yours, I’d never let her out of bed.”

Wrath’s glacial stare lands on the Virginia charter’s road captain. “Careful.” His low, rumbling voice holds a world of threat.

Wings swallows hard and drops his pervy attitude. “Just payin’ your ol’ lady a compliment.”

I lean over and whisper in Murphy’s ear. “You have to earn that patch, bro. Teller’s head’ll explode every time he sees it.”

Nodding at my suggestion, Murphy covers his mouth with his hand and chuckles.

Should I be stirring the shit? Probably not. Can’t seem to help myself, though. I love Teller, but his brotherly-love-hate-rivalry thing with his little sister’s husband is one of my favorite things about hanging out with the upstate charter.

“Wives shouldn’t count,” T-Bone says. “They’ll punch those cards no matter what.”

Raze leans forward. “Have you met Allison? She’ll hold my feet to the fire on this.”

“Or your tongue on her clit,” Hustler adds from somewhere way at the end of the table.

“That too.” Raze lifts a middle finger at Hustler.

T-Bone holds out his arms like the gracious host he is. “New York, you’re all obviously invited to participate. You can mail your cards in when the thirty days are up.”

“Hard pass,” Dex says. “But thanks.”

Pants lifts his chin my way. “I’ll be on the road with you guys for a lil’ while. Shelby got lots of female fans hanging around?”

“Yeah,” I growl, pissed he’s asking. “Most of ’em are little kids.”

Pants curls his lip in disgust.

“The headliner—Dawson—has tons of chicks hanging around. Don’t worry, bro,” Jigsaw assures him.

“Jesus Christ,” I mumble. “Really?”

“What?” Jigsaw shrugs. “Dawson can’t handle that much tail. There’s bound to be spillover.”

Murphy’s laughing so hard, his arm knocks into mine. He swipes his cheeks. “This is gonna be so much fun. I’m sorry we can’t stay for the whole tour.”

Ice hasn’t uttered a single word since his enforcer laid down the law about Anya. I glance over at him and he’s rubbing his forehead like he’s ready for an aspirin—or a shooting spree. Hard to tell which.

A fucking pussy patch.

I can’t wait to call Z and let him know what our charter’s been missing out on.

Chapter Thirty


“Hey, there’s a Fed Ex truck in the parking lot. Guy says he has a package for you, Heidi.” Griff scowls at the front door. “Are you expecting something?”

Heidi jumps off the couch and eagerly rubs her hands together. “I sure am!”

Trinity watches her for a minute, then shakes her head and returns to her magazine.

“I wonder if it’s the stuff I asked Heidi to order for me.” Anya watches the front door. “I should probably help them out.”

Before she has a chance to move off the couch, the door swings open again. Griff follows Heidi inside carrying a large, square cardboard box.

“It’s all the goodies we ordered.” Heidi rubs her hands together and hurries over to us.

Well, now I’m curious.

As Heidi pulls out a small pocketknife, flips it open, and neatly slices through the tape sealing the box shut, I remember Rooster telling me Heidi has a side hustle. Selling sex toys.

“Let me see what’s in here.” Heidi carefully checks each package inside against the invoice. “I ordered a few extra things.”

“Thank you so much for this, Heidi.” Anya dives in, pulling out various boxes after Heidi’s checked them off her list. “Especially for getting it all delivered on short notice.”