“Anytime you need something, let me know. I’m your girl.” And in an extra cheery tone she adds, “I work on commission.”

“Am I looking at a giant box of…sex toys?” I ask, leaning over to peer inside.

Anya waves an elegant pink and gold vibrator in my direction. “Rooster sort of sparked this idea for me—”

“My boyfriend suggested you order a bunch of vibrators?” I ask slowly, dreading her response.

A quick flash of guilt ripples over her face. “No, no. Sorry. I should’ve phrased that better.”

Ya think?

“He just asked me if I’m sure I want to be doing films forever, you know? Like it might hurt my chances of finding another job one day.” She shrugs. “He was really nice about it.”

Well, shoot. That’s actually kinda sweet. And I can totally picture Rooster giving that advice. But can he get in trouble for talking her out of making movies for the club?

“Anyway,” she continues, “it got me thinking of hiring some other girls and just sitting back to produce the content.”

Trinity’s protective lioness instincts must’ve caught that last part. She lifts her head from the magazine and side-eyes Anya as if she’s worried Heidi and I are the ones Anya wants to hire.

“I might return to solo stuff.” Anya taps the box again and hesitates. “Maybe. We’ll see. Or keep going with the more romantic, catering to the female gaze stuff. I need to track some stats on my site first.”

Decisions, decisions.

Since I actually like Anya, I’m trying hard not to judge. But I’m also finding it hard to come up with anything to add to the conversation that won’t sound snarky.

“Do you honestly think you have a lot of female viewers?” Heidi asks, with what seems like genuine curiosity.

“Some. They’re not like the guys who send me creepy emails and messages, but they’re out there.”

A cold sliver of fear slices through me at the mention of creepy emails from male “admirers.” Have any of her fans ever tried to stuff her in a box? It doesn’t take a genius to realize adult films probably draw crazier fans than country music. No wonder Anya needs the support of the club to keep her safe.

“You all right, Shelby?” Trinity asks.

My tongue won’t loosen, so I nod quickly.

Heidi continues pawing through the box and when she reaches the bottom, she hums a happy noise and pulls out a long, blue rectangular package and thrusts it in my direction. “This one’s for you.”

“I…uh, what?” I stare at the box for a few seconds.

Heidi undoes the side flap and slides a long, metal cylinder out.

“Is it a science experiment?” I joke.

“Nope.” She unscrews the cap and pulls out a thick, iridescent blue wand with a black silicone head. A few other pieces slide into Heidi’s lap when she tips the container. “It’s rechargeable. And,” she flicks her gaze around the room and leans toward me to whisper, “it delivers orgasms in like twenty seconds.” A bit louder she adds. “Not the fireworks on the Fourth of July kind. More like the sparklers on your birthday cake. Still fantastic.”

My oh my. Look at Heidi all knowledgeable about different kinds of orgasms. Heat sears my face from forehead to chin. “I didn’t even realize there were different kinds until, well… recently.”

Anya chuckles and says in a low voice, “Go Rooster.”

Heidi’s gaze strays to the side. Her lips curl up and I don’t need to turn my head to know she’s thinking of Murphy. “My husband’s extremely dedicated to this subject. He missed his calling as a researcher.” She giggles and waves the wand in the air between us. “Anyway. The company sent me an extra and it’s all yours.” She thrusts it into my hands.

“What?” I take the wand, impressed by its weight. “Wow. This is serious equipment.”

“Nice extra,” Anya says. “Those are expensive.”

“There’s a red one in there for you.” Heidi gestures to the box at Anya’s feet. “But it’s a plug-in, so it’s a monster size-wise.” Heidi returns her attention to me. “Figured space might be an issue for you on the road.”


“Ooo!” Anya squeals and yanks a large rectangular red box out, clapping her hands like a little girl unwrapping a gift from an extra-dirty Santa.

This has to be the strangest event of my life.

Okay, that’s not true. Being stuffed in my trunk and kidnapped was way stranger.

My whole body shivers with the memory.

Something warm and solid lands on my shoulder. “Everything all right?” Rooster asks.

His presence chases the unwanted memories and fear away.

Pink spreads over Heidi’s cheeks. She grabs the wand out of my hand and stuffs it back into its packaging.

“What’s that?” Rooster asks. The question comes out innocent enough but by the tilt of his lips, it’s clear he knows exactly what he’s looking at.

“Heidi’s handing out presents like she’s appointed herself the naughty elf of our little group,” I explain.