She recoils as if I’d slapped her. Maybe later I’ll feel bad about that. Right now, I’m glad she’s so stunned she keeps her mouth shut.

“I’m not saying there aren’t a lot of assholes out there,” I continue, “but I’m not one of them. I love your daughter.”

She drops her gaze and kicks the toe of her boot against the metal bedframe. “She’s enamored of you. I’m sure it seems exciting to be with an experienced older man. But she has to focus on her career. She won’t have a second chance.”

“You don’t give her enough credit. Shelby’s got no problem expressing herself around me.”

“She’s too young to know what she’s doing.”

Wait a second. Is that Lynn’s problem? “You realize I’m only six years older than her, right?”

She squints up at me. “I assumed you were older.”

“Yeah, you assume a lot of things about me that aren’t true.” I stroke my hand over my beard. “Is it the beard? Does it give me a dirty old man vibe, or something?”

My attempt at a joke doesn’t penetrate her attitude of steel. “No, it’s your VP patch. Figured you had to be a lot older to earn one of those.”

I glance down, taking in the patch that still looks pretty clean even though I stitched it on a few months ago. She might have a point. Some clubs probably have age requirements for officeholders. Mine isn’t one of them. Merit and the vote of our fellow brothers are all we need.

Now I’m curious. “How many bikers have you known, Lynn?”

She glares at me. “Enough.”

“Was Shelby’s dad a biker?”

“Lordy, no.”

“So what’s your problem with me?”

“It’s not you, specifically.” She tilts her head to the side. “I like you fine, Rooster. Now just isn’t the right time for her. If you two still feel this way in a few years when Shelby’s more established, then give it a shot.” She raises her eyebrows hopefully, as if she thinks she’s come up with a perfect solution. “You know…if ya love her, set her free. And if she comes back…”

My entire body recoils at the suggestion.

Miss out on years with Shelby for some imaginary reason Lynn’s concocted in her warped mind? Hell fucking no.

“That’s not gonna happen.”

“You don’t understand. She’s wanted this since she was a little girl—”

“I know that.”

She plows ahead as if I hadn’t spoken. “I don’t want her giving it all up for a man.”

The suggestion that I’m disposable or interchangeable with any random guy who might pop into Shelby’s life at some point pisses me off, but I keep my tone level. “I don’t want her to give anything up.”

“That right? You’ll be okay with her on the road all the time? Won’t find someone else to warm your bed while she’s gone?”

Somehow, I don’t think informing Lynn that I plan to travel with Shelby is going to ease her mind.

“What about those award shows?” she presses. “That’s a big deal for Shelby. She needs a man on her arm who enhances her career.”

Well, that’s something I can’t do for her. Fuck, if anything, my club ties could fuck up Shelby’s career. Strange how that’s not Lynn’s go-to argument.

She flashes a triumphant smile when I hesitate.

No. Fuck that. “Stop worrying about shit that’s none of your business. And stop making her miserable, Lynn.”

The hurt on her face almost makes me wish I’d chosen my words more carefully. Almost.

“She said I make her miserable?” she asks in a small voice.

“Shelby doesn’t have to say it. I can see it with my own two eyes every time she talks to you. Stop harassing her. And while you’re at it, stop calling Greg. He’s not going to toss me off the tour. Especially now.”

She swallows hard and averts her eyes. “He told you that?”


“He told you I wanted you off the tour…” She stumbles over the words. “But you still paid for me to fly out here?”

I didn’t want to rub that in Lynn’s face but it’s nice to have her finally acknowledge it.

“Whatever beef you think you have with me”—I tap my chest—“doesn’t change the fact that Shelby needed her mom here.”

“Thank you,” she whispers.

I think that’s as close to a truce as I’m going to get with Lynn.

Still, I can’t help being a bit of an asshole about the situation. “And trust me, your daughter’s not so twitterpated over me she forgets about birth control.”

Her cheeks turn red.

I probably enjoy the shock on her face a little too much. Good. I hope I made her as uncomfortable as she makes Shelby.

This better be the last time Lynn and I need to have this conversation.

But somehow, I doubt it.

Chapter Sixteen


Heidi’s stories about the ride down here do the trick and pull me out of my funk.

“Thank you for coming all that way. I can’t believe…you must have enough to do at home.”