Heidi shrugs. “I was worried about you. We all were.”

“Where’s Alexa?” I can’t imagine it’s easy for a young mom to just take off at a moment’s notice.

“With Rock and Hope.” Her lips curl into a softer, warmer smile. “We lived with them for a while, so she’s comfortable there. Still has her own room at their house. And she loves them to pieces. My brother will look after her if they need a break.”


“Yeah, the little ones get spoiled rotten in the LOKI family.” She raises her eyebrows as if that’s a perk I should be excited about.

Someone knocks softly on the door and pushes it open. Trinity’s pretty face appears in the crack. “Hey, Shelby. Mind if I join you?”

I scoot up a little. “You came too?”

“Sure did. How are you feeling?” She closes the door behind her, long blonde and blue ponytail swishing over her back.

“Almost human again.” I still haven’t sorted through all of my feelings but I feel safe for the moment, and that’s a start.

Trinity approaches the bed and my gaze drops to the bag in her hand.

“I brought you something. I, uh…” She hesitates and glances down. “I was going to send it to you for your birthday but with everything, I thought maybe you should have it now. I hope you don’t mind.”

Now I’m curious and don’t understand why Trinity seems so nervous and hesitant. “Thank you. That was sweet.”

She sets the bag on my lap. I peel it open and pull out a mint-green T-shirt. The faint scent of vinegar wafts up as I unfold the soft cotton.

“Oh my God!” An excited squeal bursts out of me. “My flocking fabulous flamingo!” A sassy pink flamingo with a teal guitar and teal cowgirl boots is front and center on the shirt. I couldn’t have come up with something more perfect if I’d tried.

“You like it?” Trinity asks.

“I love it,” I whisper, too shocked to look away from the gift. “Did you…did you make it?”

“Well, I created the design but had it printed up. There’s a blanket and tote bag too.” She flashes a quick smile. “But I didn’t have a lot of room or time to pack.”

“I can’t believe it.”

“Don’t feel like you have to use it or I’m stealing your idea or anything…” Trinity hesitates like she’s waiting for me to yell at her or something.

“Are you kidding? I love it! I can’t believe you remembered and designed it for me. It’s perfect. Thank you.” I reach for her and pull her down for a hug.

“Oh!” She hugs me back gently. “You’re welcome.”

She gives me an easier smile and holds up her right hand. “I promise I won’t be one of those people giving you flamingo knick-knacks every holiday for the rest of your life. I just…wanted you to have this.”

“I love it. Really.”

“Rooster said you’re into yoga.” Heidi pats Trinity’s shoulder. “Trin drew up this super-cute, like, totally Zen flamingo meditating too.” She closes her eyes, tips her head back and holds up her hands, touching her middle finger and thumb together to demonstrate.

“Zero flocks given.” Trinity winks at me.

I squeal and clap my hands together. “I love it!”

Heidi grins at us. “It’s so cute.”

The door opens and Rooster pokes his head inside. “Everything all right?”

I hold up the shirt. “Look what Trinity made me!”

He smiles and lifts his chin at Trinity. “It came out nice.”


They share a look that resembles conspiring siblings.

“Where’s my mom?” I ask.

“Talking to Greg.” He glances down the hallway. “You want me to grab her?”

“That depends. Is she in a more sane and reasonable mood?”

He shrugs and bites his lip like he doesn’t want to say anything bad so it’s wiser to say nothing.

“Murphy’s looking for you, Heidi.” Rooster lifts his chin at me. “I’ll be right back.”

“Everything okay?” Trinity asks once we’re alone.

“My mom…she thinks she’s looking out for me but…she doesn’t approve of Rooster…of our relationship.”

“Because of the club?” she asks gently. “I understand why that might make some mothers uncomfortable.”

“No. Well, at least she hasn’t used that as a reason yet.” I sigh and fiddle with my chipped nail polish. “She’s worried I’m going to repeat her history. Get knocked up, quit singing. I don’t know what she’s thinking.”

“I realize we don’t know each other that well yet.” Trinity gives me a hesitant smile. “But you seem pretty smart and determined to me.”

“Thanks. I keep trying to explain, you can’t help when you fall in love.”

“Nope. For what it’s worth, Rooster’s a pretty smart and determined guy himself. You’re a good match for each other.”

A brief smile flickers over my lips. “I think so too.”

“Maybe she just misses you because now you’re out on the road?”

“Maybe.” Although I don’t think that explains all Momma’s crazy.

Trinity’s quiet for a few minutes, watching me. Not in a creepy way. More thoughtful or maybe protective. “I don’t know everything that happened to you, Shelby. But if you need or…want to talk about it, I’m here.”