“Did you already find your suitors and all that? I saw the lights and heard the noise from the party. So I assume you’ve had your suitor visits.”

“I’ve had some,” I admitted. “But…”

I knew the words I wanted to say but they wouldn’t come out. “But they weren’t good enough to keep me satisfied.” That’s what I wanted to blurt out. But he made me nervous. Alé and his dark fucking stare, his intensity, it was too much.

“But…” he said, egging me on.

I couldn’t say it. Instead, I did something even more daring. I reached out and put my hand on top of his. He looked down at our hands but didn’t move his away.

“You’ve been out here a long time by yourself,” I said.

“It’s been a while,” he replied.

“I came to check on you and…and…”

These words wouldn’t come out either. My fucking vocabulary was failing me and my chicken shit nerves were shutting me down. I closed my eyes and squeezed his hand and threw the words out of my mouth.

“And to see if you needed company.”

I opened my eyes and fixed my gaze on his. He smirked and then pulled his hand away and got up from his seat. He nearly knocked his hardening cock against the table. I’d seen his dick so many times back in my peeping days that I could’ve traded mental images the way some kids traded baseball cards. I knew his stats, its size at full erection, and he was more than halfway there. He wanted me. He was thinking about it, considering it.

“For fuck’s sake, you’re just a kid,” he said as he turned away from me.

A fucking kid? Did he just call me, a Dove, a fucking kid?

Anger got the best of me and I stood up violently from the table, kicking my chair back and sending it crashing across the floor. I raced toward him. By that time he was in the small kitchenette. He banged a solid fist against the counter.

“Go home, Jessica,” he said.

I wasn’t going anywhere. I shoved my tits against his back, reached around to the front of him, and grabbed his cock in my hand. I squeezed his hard shaft, loving the way it filled my palm, and knowing the way he could drive it into me, the way I’d seen him do to Lauren.

“You want me,” I whispered into his ear. “You’re rock fucking hard right now, Alé. And you’re mad. You’ve been wronged. You have so much anger and aggression inside you. I’m going to turn, hike up my dress, and open my legs for you. I want you to fuck me, do you understand?”

A fucking kid. How do you like that?

I made sure to slide my hand up and down the length of his cock a couple of times before I gave it a final squeeze, turned, and hiked up my dress. I dropped my panties and put my elbows against the table. The cool air running through the cabin blew against me and I waited, vulnerable and eager.

With my ass up and ready, I thought about what I was doing. I was always in control. I had two husbands back home and a third waiting. Alé would never be a potential husband, but he was that one man every woman wants but never has the chance to have. He’s the actor in all the hot movie scenes, he’s the magazine model, and he’s the book character we all wish we could sit on. He’s the guy your husband jokingly says he’d give you a free pass to fuck if you ever had the chance…only because he knows you’ll never get the chance.

For all I knew, Alé could be gone the next day. He could give up on his plans to keep an eye on Lauren. He could decide to try one more time to talk to the Original Seven and work out a way to re-enter the community. Anythin

g could happen. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was in his cabin right at the moment, I’d fingered myself for years while watching him fuck another woman, and the mere thought of him made me wet. This was a moment I wasn’t passing up for anything.

I touched a hand to the grapes on the table a few inches in front of my face.

“You’re a man of action,” I said. “And we come from a community where sex is our favorite pastime. We fuck, Alé. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just what we do. Now, do what a fellow does naturally. Cause this glass won’t fill itself, these grapes won’t pick themselves, and my pussy won’t eat itself.”

My pussy was drenched and I bit my bottom lip, waiting for the moment I’d feel his cock tap against my pussy. It was his hands I felt first. His rough fingertips touched my waist on both sides. He was holding me steady, about to plunge his cock inside me. I’d done it, I’d awakened the beast, and he was about to punish me.

Hell fucking yes!

“I haven’t been with a woman in a long time,” he said.

“Yes, baby,” I said. “I know it’s been so lonely out here. Show me how lonely you’ve been.”

“I’ve dreamed about someone meeting me out here and doing exactly what you’re doing right now,” he said.

“Show me,” I said.