“But you’re not the girl I’ve been dreaming about,” he said as I felt my panties yanked up to my thighs. “Fix your fucking dress and go home,” he said.

I wasn’t finished with him yet. I turned around and slapped him, hard.

“How dare you speak to me like that?” I yelled. “I am a Dove and you will respect me as one.”

I reached for his zipper and yanked it down. I reached into his pants and felt the cool skin of his hard cock against my grip. He closed his eyes, savoring the moment, and took a deep breath. I lifted a leg and tried to aim him at my pussy, but he grabbed me by the throat and pushed me away.

“You are a Dove, but you are not MY Dove. That title belongs to Lauren and it always will. Get out and go home before I march you back to the fence myself.”

I was a child in his eyes. That was clear now. He had threatened to walk me back to the gate himself. The realization hit me harder than any physical backhand could and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. That was it. I had no chance with Alé. He was smitten with Lauren, like everyone else. The bitch.

“This was a mistake,” I said, searching for better words…words to really show him, to make him feel low, but realizing I was the low one. I was the tramp throwing myself at a dirty mountain man.

I fixed my clothes and stormed out of the cabin.

The walk back to the Dove border seemed to take forever. Thoughts whizzed by me as quickly as the trees. Alé, Lauren, Pike, Dominic…Gwenneth and her barbarian-like lover. I saw them all and I felt like each was laughing at me. It was getting dark and as the sun began to drop behind the mountains, I felt my heart plummet with it. Adrenaline coursed through my veins and I wanted somebody to pay for my sadness, frustration, and anger.

I wanted to hurt someone. I wanted to be hurt. I wanted pain one way or the other.

I wanted to turn back around, burst through Alé’s cabin door, and hit him with one of his frying pans.

I wanted to attack Gwenneth again, maybe jam a finger into the bullet wound in Roscoe’s chest, while I climbed on top of his cock and rode him. All while spitting curses at Gwenneth curled up in the fetal position on the floor.

Was I evil? What was wrong with me? This couldn’t be logical behavior of a Dove, a goddess, a woman to be worshiped and cared for. But I didn’t fucking care.

I reached the Dove boundaries and went straight to the home where I hoped I’d find a good outlet for my anger and disappointment. I wanted to fight, to blame, to accuse someone of something. Gwenneth and Roscoe would be the perfect martyrs. I went to my usual spot, outside their window. The sun was going down quickly, leaving the Dove community bathed in a pale blue hue. The usual sound of kids playing and neighbors gossiping had died down already. Instead, I heard the loud moans of a sexual romp in full swing on the other side of the glass.

I peered through the open slot in the blinds and watched as Roscoe lay back in bed, his muscular thighs resting against the mattress, his sock covered feet facing me. Squatting down over him, preparing to sit on his cock, was Gwenneth. Her long brown hair hung tumbled down over her shoulders and the cherry red highlights framed her jaw and formed perfect wisps that danced around her bare nipples, almost looking like tattoos. Her body glistened with sweat, running down her smooth stomach and into her recently trimmed mound.

Then she was on him, taking his full length in, and moaning as her ass slapped down hard against his pelvis. She fucked him hard and fast like time was of the essence. I was there to catch them doing something wrong, yet all I could find was everything right. For the second time, it appeared they were truly in love and he was just a fellow fucking his Dove the way he was supposed to.

I was drawn to her face, where she had her mouth open, but her eyes closed. One hand touched her lips and at first I thought it was hers. I was sure it was hers until I noticed the skin tone. Dark brown, much darker than Gwenneth’s or Roscoe’s hands.

Then Gwenneth leaned all the way forward between Roscoe’s legs, fucking him reverse cowgirl style, but with her elbows on the mattress.

That’s when I saw her.

Her name was Violet, one of the single Doves, who could’ve easily been married by now but had remained single for some reason. Violet’s ebony skin was as sweaty as Gwenneth’s and her hair was stuck to the side of her face. She was crying out in ecstasy, with her eyes closed, as she sat on Roscoe’s face, riding his mouth.

I was in awe. A threesome in action. I’d never seen one. I’d always hoped to find Lauren with two of her men but it never happened. It was all strictly one-on-one with her. One hand had slipped down to my thighs and up into my dress. I rubbed at the cleft in my panties, where the fabric crept up into my pussy. As I rolled my finger around, my pussy soaked through and my finger was damp.

My other hand reached out to touch the window unwittingly and my fingernails accidentally tapped the glass.

Gwenneth, who’d been staring down at the mattress, suddenly lifted her head and stared at me. Right at me. I had no doubt that she saw me. She smiled as she backed into Roscoe’s cock. She sat upright on him and pushed her hair back from her face. I hated admitting to myself how beautiful she was. Hot in a trashy way.

Sitting upright, it was even clearer that she saw me. I knew I should duck or run away or something, but I was afraid to move. If, by some chance, she hadn’t seen me, she definitely would notice movement outside the window.

With her stare still fully focused on me, she taunted me. She leaned back and grabbed Violet’s head, pulling her into her shoulder. Then she turned her face, stuck out her tongue, and licked Violet’s mouth. Violet opened up and they kissed passionately. I couldn’t turn away. Roscoe lifted up and as his face drove into Violet, her mouth opened in a gasp, but Gwenneth was right there to stifle her cry with her mouth.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I was so fucked up. So mixed up. Anger, jealousy, concern…horniness.

I marched into the courtyard when the sun was only a faint splash going down behind the mountains. It would be full dark before I reached my front door. I found Kent where I knew I would. He was at the town center with many of the other folks, watching a horseshoe toss competition. Lauren was there too, doing some kind of funky dance with Bentley. I glared at her and hoped she noticed.

Kent was with his buddies, lined up for his toss, when I grabbed him by the arm.

“Hey, Jess. I’m about to toss, you wanna watch?”

“No, you’re coming with me,” I said.