“I see that.” His look at Cole was filled with questions she knew he was anxious to ask. She felt like a third wheel. It was obvious the men wanted to talk, but were uncomfortable doing so in her presence.

She tilted her head up. “May I be excused, Sir? I’m feeling tired and think I’d be better if I went to lie down.”

Cole’s forehead wrinkled. “Are you sure you’re just tired? No more attack?”

“It’s long gone. I’m just a little tired now, Sir.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips across her cheek. “Go on and nap, little one. I’ll check on you soon.”

She left the men in the kitchen and went into Cole’s bedroom. At his door, she hesitated for a moment and then decided not to close it all the way. She crawled in bed and realized she could hear the men’s conversation.

“Next time you break up with your slave of eight years, how about dropping me an e-mail or sending a text, so I don’t shock the hell out of your new one?”

“Sasha’s not my slave or my submissive. She’s my trainee.”

“Horse shit.”

“What makes you say that?”

“I have eyes.”

“Well, get glasses. She’s going back to her apartment and life next week and that’s that.”

Fritz snorted. “Right.”

“She is. I’m not the one for her.”

“She know that?”

“Yes, we’ve been very clear in our expectations.”

“She’s not like anyone you’ve ever been with: way too skinny, short dark hair. Nice legs, though. Seems a bit quiet for you. Kate, that one you couldn’t get to shut up.”

“We are not having this conversation.”

“Fine then. How is Kate? Damn, I can’t believe you two broke up. I thought if anyone would be together forever, it’d be you two.”

“She’s fine, living on her own in upstate New York. Probably thrilled to be by herself for once.”

Fritz grunted. “I doubt that.”

“Doesn’t matter to me one way or another what she does. Here.” The refrigerator door opened. “Have a bitter and let me show you the house. Then you can tell me what you’re doing for Luke and Nathaniel.”

Their voices drifted away, and she stared at the ceiling a long time before drifting into an uneasy sleep.

Chapter Eleven

The Friday night following Fritz’s visit, Cole took Sasha to Linden, New Jersey, to attend the grand reopening of Luke DeVaan’s club. Normally, he didn’t go to such events, but Fritz had been the contractor for the project and had invited him, so he felt compelled to go.

Sasha fidgeted the entire drive into the city. She shifted in her seat, picked at her clothes, and drummed her fingers on the armrest. Finally he asked her why she was so nervous.

She looked out of the corner of her eye, but he was pleased she didn’t even try to say she wasn’t nervous. “A lot of reasons. It’s been at least a year since I’ve been to a club, I’ve never been to this one, I’m scared I’ll mess up, and I fear I’m not cut out to serve you like this.”

“That’s an awful lot to keep bottled up inside, little one.”

“I guess I’m still learning how to better communicate.”

“Yes, you need to tell me what you’re feeling. For instance, if I had known that was what you were worried about, I could’ve told you that I would be by your side the entire night, so it didn’t matter how long it’s been since you’ve visited a club. I’d have told you that it’s not your place to worry if you’re cut out to serve me because I think you’re doing an exceptional job. And lastly, I’d tell you that if you messed up, we’d deal with it and move on.”

She took a deep breath. “It sounds so trivial when you say it like that.”

He reached down and took her hand. “Don’t trivialize your feelings, Sasha. I didn’t say those things to make you feel badly. I just wanted you to know that if you shared them with me, I could have helped earlier.”

“I’ll try to do better,” she whispered.

He squeezed her hand, and they chatted easily the rest of the way.

They pulled up to the unassuming brick building and parked.

“You said only Abby and Nathaniel will be here from the Partners group?”

“That’s my understanding. Yes. Apparently, Nathaniel is considering opening a similar club for the Partners group. That’s why they’re here.”

They made it inside and he watched her eyes dart around, trying to take everything in. He hadn’t seen the club before, but it looked phenomenal. There were separate areas for lounging, eating, and playing, and a polished marble bar ran the length of one wall. The whole place had a crisp and contemporary feel. He took Sasha’s hand and led her in the direction of the lounge area.

Maybe they would explore the play area next. There were several new pieces of equipment up. He had his toy bag in the car, and he could always go back out to get it. Sasha wore black lingerie under the short skirt and tight shirt she had on. He would really like to see how she handled playing in public.

He looked over the benches and crosses and whipping posts, trying to decide which one he’d pick to tie Sasha to. Definitely not the whipping post. But a cross would be fun. Tie her up and bring her right to the edge and then not let her orgasm. Keep her like that until they got back home? Playing in public sounded better and better with each passing second.

“Sir,” she said as they walked past a wall with closed doors. “Can we look at these pictures?”

He hadn’t noticed the pictures before, but at her mention, he looked over them. They were black and white and mostly showed a woman in bondage. Several shots showed her profile, though most of them were of her back. He narrowed his eyes. You couldn’t see the submissive’s face, but she looked familiar.

“They’re so engrossing, don’t you think?” she asked.

“Yes, they have a very sensual and ethereal quality to them.”

They looked them over for a few more minutes, and then Cole indicated they should move on.

The sitting area was well designed with couches and love seats arranged in a way that allowed multiple groups to have conversational areas. At the moment, most guests were doing just that. But the night was early. They’d start drifting to the play areas as the evening wore on.

Cole was also impressed with the number of men walking around with Monitor T-shirts. He’d heard Abby had almost been assaulted in this club before DeVaan bought it. Hopefully nothing similar would happen again.

Nathaniel stood when they approached, but Abby was kneeling on the floor and didn’t move. Or at least she didn’t move until Nathaniel brushed her shoulder and whispered, “Feel free to talk to our friends. I know you wanted to speak to Sasha. If Master Johnson is okay with that?”

Cole nodded. “Yes, of course. Sasha, if you would like to sit with Abby at that free love seat nearby, go ahead. Nathaniel and I will be here.”

Abby stood to her feet with a smile and motioned Sasha to follow her. They’d barely sat down before they were talking with their heads together.

“She’s talked about nothing but Sasha all day. She’s been anxious to hear how she’s doing.” Nathaniel gave him a pointed look. “I would have thought you would have checked in with me by now. That was part of the agreement.”

“I knew you’d be here tonight, but I’m sorry to have caused Abby stress.”

The two women were completely wrapped up in their conversation.

“Since we’re both here now, let’s have a seat so you can tell me how it’s going.” They wandered over to an open couch nearby.

“It’s going really well. She has a teachable spirit, rarely repeats a mistake, and she’s getting her spunk back.”

Nathaniel watched the two women. “She does look really good. Not as thin and she has a peace about her.” He turned his inquisitive stare to Cole. “How are you doing?”

“Me? I’m great.”

“Will Ms. Blake be extending

her time at your house?”

It was as if the air was suddenly sucked out of the room. “What? No. I’m not. We’re not. It’s. Aw, bloody hell. No.”