Nathaniel crossed his arms and leaned back with a smug grin on his face. “Like that, is it?”

“I’m too much for her.”

“Yet we just agreed she’s looking and doing well.”

Cole shook his head. “It’s too soon for both of us. Besides, that wasn’t the plan.”

“Funny, I’m learning in my old age that the best plan isn’t necessarily the one you first decided on.”

It wasn’t that Cole hadn’t thought about asking Sasha for more, he just feared doing so wouldn’t be in the best interest of either of them. The last thing he needed after the ending of an eight-year relationship was to jump into another. Sure it had been over nine months, but didn’t he need to be by himself for a while? To be something other than Kate’s Master?

And Sasha? Who knew how long it’d be before she was ready for something serious. To ask that of her at this point in her journey would be selfish. She needed to experience other Doms, see that there were other men out there she could trust.

But the very thought of her with another man made him want to slam his fist into something.

He was saved from admitting as much by the arrival of a tall blond woman. She looked mildly shocked at seeing Nathaniel, but then her expression changed and she looked around the room. A large smile covered her face when she saw Abby.

Nathaniel had noticed the newcomer, too, and coughed loudly. At the sound, Abby’s head shot up.

“Meagan?” she asked.

“Abby,” the blonde said, moving to stand near the women. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”

As Abby and Sasha moved to make room for her to sit with them, Cole turned back to Nathaniel.

“Who is that?”

“That, my friend, is a time bomb waiting to go off.” He waved at a man walking toward them. “And here comes the match.”

• • •

“Trouble, two o’clock,” Abby said to the blond woman she’d just introduced to Sasha as her boss.

Sasha looked in that direction and saw a man making a beeline for their love seat. He wasn’t familiar to her. He was nearly as tall as Nathaniel and had wavy brown hair in desperate need of a cut.

“Damn.” Meagan just saw him, too. “I’d hoped to have a few minutes peace.”

“Normally, I’d help you, but I can’t talk to Doms in a club without Nathaniel’s approval and he just shook his head.”

Sasha glanced at Cole. “Same here,” she said at his mouthed “no.”

“No problem,” Meagan said. “I can handle this.”

“Who is it?” Sasha asked Abby in a whisper.

“Luke DeVaan. The new club owner. He has a history with Meagan. I just don’t know what.”

“Meagan, sweetheart.” Luke was all smiles standing before the tall blonde. “I thought you made it very clear you weren’t coming to opening night. Thought you said you were busy?”

“Shut it, Luke.”

“I see by your bracelet that you’re here as a submissive tonight. Might want to rethink the way you’re addressing me.”

“My humblest apologies, oh, Lord and Master.”

“There you go. Can you say it again without the sarcasm?”

“Probably not.”

“That’s okay. I’ll be patient.” He looked toward Nathaniel and Cole, then at Abby and Sasha. “Here with friends?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m meeting someone. A man. A Dom.”

“And he’s not here yet? Unworthy of you, sweetheart. Let me introduce you to real Doms.”

“Master V is a real Dom.”

It wasn’t Sasha’s imagination that Abby stiffened at Meagan’s words.

“Master V?” Luke tilted his head. “Why does that name sound familiar? Oh yes, he did try to get in tonight. He was asked to leave. He’s not welcome here.”

Meagan shot Luke a glance that would have had a lesser man on his knees. Keeping her eyes on him, she reached into her purse and took out her cell phone. She frowned at the display.

Luke didn’t seem interested in what she found or didn’t find on her phone. He simply inclined his head. “If you change your mind, I’ll be around.”

“When pigs fly.”

Luke’s expression changed in an instant. “That’s the second time, Meagan. I’ve worn out quite a few backsides for less. Next time, your ass is mine.”

Meagan wisely didn’t say anything, but sank into the love seat between Sasha and Abby. Luke nodded to Nathaniel and Cole and then turned back to the crowd and walked away.

“Seriously, Meagan,” Abby said. “What’s with you two?”

“Long, boring history no one cares about anymore.”

“From the looks of the scene I just witnessed, there are at least two people who still care,” Abby said.

Meagan waved her hand. “Nah, I don’t. Really.” She turned to Sasha. “Tell me all about that fine-looking man sitting with Nathaniel. Is he yours?”

Sasha bit back the I wish and simply said, “I’m his trainee. Right now we’re doing some twenty-four/seven.”

“I’ve never been interested in full-time service, but for him? I could probably be persuaded.”

Meagan was probably more like the women Cole normally played with. With just one look, Sasha picked up on her strength. She practically oozed it. Meagan probably never had a panic attack because someone called her the wrong name.

But something else struck Sasha about Meagan’s words. She, too, had never been interested in twenty-four/seven service before Cole. In fact, she still couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else. Did that mean she was changing herself for him?

How could she move forward if she didn’t know with 100 percent accuracy who she was and what she wanted? She needed to take off the Cole blinders. The truth was that after next week, she’d be going back to her apartment and picking up her life where it left off. She needed to remind herself this time with Cole was only temporary.

“That’s an awfully serious expression, slave,” Cole said.

Sasha jumped. She hadn’t even noticed him moving. “Sorry, Sir. I was thinking about something.”

“I came over just in time, then. Time to stop thinking and let me take over.” He held out his hand. “We’re going to the cross over in the far right corner. I’d have you crawl, but I don’t want you to mess up those black hose.”

She stood and discovered her knees were wobbly. They were going to play in front of people. She and Cole. She’d played in public numerous times before. She enjoyed it, but how different would it be to play with Cole?

“I’ll be at the cross in five minutes. I want you kneeling and waiting for me.”

She nodded and went to the empty play station he’d indicated. Because she had a collar on, no one spoke to her, though she did feel the weight of several people watching her.

As she waited on her knees for him, she wondered if he would have her take her shirt off. Surely, he’d remember she didn’t like to be topless. Especially in front of all these people. But she knew if she dwelt on it, she could inadvertently bring on a panic attack. To head off any potential fear lurking inside her, she closed her eyes and took several cleansing breaths. She could do this. She was strong. She was whole.

“Very nice, little one,” Cole said from behind her. “I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of seeing you wait for me like this.”

She didn’t think she’d ever grow tired of kneeling for him.

“Stand up and strip for me. Your back will be against the cross