“You need one of your own,” Calista pointed out. “As much as you love babies, Summer, you’d make a wonderful mother.”

She wanted that. She’d always wanted to be a mother, she’d just always imagined a father in there somewhere. Fathers. For years, she realized, she’d imagined Raeg and Falcon as the fathers her children would have.

“Just one?” Summer laughed. “I want a houseful. At least five and every one of them driving me crazy with their wild ways.”

Calista’s eyes widened. “Lord help you, you’re as crazy as your momma,” her cousin informed her. “I want one more, maybe in a few years. I want time with this one first.” She laid a gentle kiss against Dawn’s downy head before grinning back at Summer. “Maybe you’ll find the love of your life at one of these parties. I know our mommas have invited every man they believe would suit you from three states. You could be married and ready to have one of your own before this time next year.”

Not this time next year, but maybe, in a few years, she thought.

“It might take a little longer than that,” she assured her cousin quietly. “But it won’t hurt to know my options, right?”

Calista stared down at her somberly. “Are you okay, Summer? Are you reconsidering the parties? You’re not committed to choosin’ a husband at all if you don’t want to, you know that.”

Summer nodded. “I know, Calista, but I am committed to getting my butt out of this chair since you stole that baby right out of my arms.”

Rising from the chair, Summer looked at the baby fondly, hoping she’d get a chance to steal away with her again before Calista and her mother left.

“Does Momma need help in the kitchen?” she asked, reaching out and opening the back door for the new mother.

Calista snorted at the question. “Your momma needs her head examined, is what she needs. You will not believe what popped out her mouth about those bodyguards of yours. Do you know she’s quite convinced those two would just share your favors forever and ever amen?”

Heat flooded her face. Geeze, her momma was determined to completely mortify her. Her mother’s habit of mentioning risqué things lately had to be Aunjenue’s fault, she decided. Her younger sister was just being a bad influence on their parents.

“She’s getting weird in her old age,” Summer muttered. “Just ignore her.”

“I don’t know,” Calista laughed. “I saw those hunky devils standing in the tree line together while we were on the porch and you were holdin’ Dawn earlier.” Wicked amusement filled her eyes. “Personally, I’m convinced your momma might be right.”

“I’m convinced you’re both insane.”

She was going to have to have a talk with her momma about these things. Later. God only knew what would pop out of her mouth if her daughter tried to lecture her about her impure thoughts. Summer was far too amused at that possible scenario.

Her mother had a wicked sense of humor after all.



Falcon could feel the pure, raw fury gathering in his gut, threatening to explode and erupt in a way he’d never experienced in his life. Fists clenching, his muscles tightening painfully, it was all he could do to hold onto his control. He could feel the fiery tempter that went hand in hand with his Spanish nature threatening to overwhelm him.

He couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.

He couldn’t believe Summer would even consider such a thing. He knew she’d been dissatisfied with life, that she was searching for more than she’d had in the past, but he’d never imagined she’d consider marriage and children.

She’d once said that if she wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, she’d put shoes on her cat. And she’d sounded incredibly serious at the time.


Turning on his heel he stalked back the way he’d come, returning to the office in the barn where Summer’s father and brothers were still going over security for both houses with Raeg.

Of course, the male members of the Calhoun family knew exactly what the hell was going on, just as they knew about the damned parties Summer and her cousin were discussing. There was no way they could not know.

This was why the guesthouses were being prepared, why Summer’s hairdresser was being flown in from New York. This was why his agents had such a hard time finding a fucking hotel room in town. Summer’s potential suitors were taking up all the rooms, no doubt.

Damn her.

Gripping the doorknob, he pushed open the door with a bit more force than he intended—okay, a lot more force. The panel crashed against the wall behind it.

Raeg, Cal and his sons, the farm’s foreman, and one of the men who had served with Caleb in Special Forces all stared back at him in shock.