“Falcon?” Raeg straightened from where he’d been leaning over the long table going over a map of the Calhoun property. “Is everything okay?”

“What is it Summer says?” he snarled furiously. “Everything’s just peachy?”

Cal’s brows lifted as Caleb glanced at his brother worriedly, wariness filling his expression.

“Yeah well, it’s never a good thing when Summer says that either,” Raeg snorted. “So why are you so pissed?”

His brother frowned back him as he crossed his arms over his chest, watching him warily.

Falcon’s gaze turned to Summer’s father. “You couldn’t tell us about these parties beginning this weekend? Did you think we wouldn’t notice Summer preparing to leave? That we wouldn’t object to such exposure. Especially”—he sn

apped, his fury growing to the point that he only barely realized how the words were coming out, each sentence a different language, and he didn’t give a damn—“considering these fucking parties are no more than a venue to find a willing stud to father her children on. Have all of you lost your fucking minds?”

“English, Falcon,” Raeg growled, though Falcon knew he understood every damned word of it. No matter how many different languages he used.

“Oh, I understood him.” Cal’s smile was tight and hard as he leaned back in his chair, his dark blue gaze assessing. “Spanish, Italian, and I’m certain that was some near-perfect Hebrew,” he mused before turning to Raeg. “Your brother seems a mite upset, Raeg.”

Falcon saw the darkening of his brother’s eyes as well as the flash of resignation, and he knew Raeg had no intentions of fighting this.

“Parties are too dangerous right now, Cal,” Raeg said then, his tone a hell of a lot milder than Falcon’s was. “You know this is the wrong time for that kind of exposure.”

Cal’s lips quirked, whether in mockery or acknowledgement Falcon wasn’t certain. “It had been too late to cancel them even back when you showed up to inform Caleb of the danger stalking Summer. These have been in the works for nearly six months, Raeg, and the women involved would have our heads if we even try to cancel them.”

Raeg actually seemed to be considering the argument. How could he even consider such fucking insanity? Stepping forward, Falcon’s lips parted to tell the old bastard just what he thought of it when he caught the subtle warning in his brother’s sharp look.

“Stand down, Falcon,” Raeg suggested mildly. “We’re just here to protect her. Remember?” He turned back to Cal and Summer’s brothers as they watched him broodingly now. “I’ll need a full briefing on the venues, guest lists, caterers, et cetera,” he told them. “If the parties begin Friday, then I’ll need all that immediately.”

Caleb gave a mocking snort of amusement while his two brothers chuckled, obviously amused for some reason.

“Summer has everything you need.” Cal shrugged. “She’s worked on every step of the parties with her momma and her aunts. Just ask her for whatever you need.”

Summer had it all?

This was what she spent so many hours doing on her tablet? Planning these parties to find a stud for her babies?

“This is ridiculous,” Falcon snapped, pushing his fingers through his hair before glaring at all of them in amazement. “Since when does a woman such as Summer need to do such a thing to find a husband?”

Since when had Summer decided she even wanted a husband, let alone children?

“Since the woman is a highly trained agent capable of killing a man with a toothpick, and needs to meet men just as strong as she is,” Caleb informed both of them caustically. “She doesn’t want to leave the area to do that though and hasn’t been home during the social season enough to know the men available who would suit her temperament and her skill sets. That’s what the parties are for, to introduce her to the gene pool, so to speak.” He chuckled, obviously amused by his lack of wit.

“Like hell—” Falcon began.

“Falcon, enough already,” Raeg ordered, that cool, assessing expression the same one he used to face down senators and the DC elite he dealt with on a daily basis as Senator Davis Allen Hampstead’s chief of staff.

“Invitations were sent out?” Raeg turned back to Cal.

“Six months ago.” Cal nodded, lacing his fingers and propping his hands on his abdomen as he leaned back in his chair. “Everyone has sent in their RSVP and they’ve already begun arriving in town for Friday’s and Saturday night’s parties. A new crowd will begin arriving next week, then another group the week after that.”

“You receive an invitation, Falcon?” Raeg asked.

“I did not.” He glared at Cal now.

The other man chuckled lightly. “Leasa did add you to the invitation list, but Summer marked your names off. Seems she didn’t want either of you to be invited for some reason.” He tipped his head to the side and watched them curiously. “Wonder why that was.”

She had marked their names off the invitation list? Not that they could have been in the running as husbands, but still, to not invite them, period? Even worse, to not inform them now that they were there, sharing her bed?

“I’m wondering why the two of you would even think you would get an invitation,” Brody interjected, his tone far too amused as he tucked his hands in the back pockets of his jeans and watched Falcon with smug satisfaction. “If either of you were considered husband and father material by her, then she would already know it, wouldn’t she?”