“He’s always watching you.” She smirks at me and I nod.

I know because I don't have to look up to know when he’s around. I can feel his eyes on me and I can't help but wonder what he thinks when he sees me. I’m not like the other girls around here. Most of them are fit and athletic and trained to be lifeguards or hiking guides. I’m short and curvy and can eat just as much as Piper when I don’t stop myself. I can’t even stay out in the sun too long or I’ll burn to a crisp.

“He’s being nice because of what happened with Jack,” I remind her, and myself. I’m not really his girl.

“No, he’s straight up telling people you’re his girl.”

My heart flutters at being anyone's anything.

“Jack was asking Van about you last night.” Piper dips her cookie into the glass of milk and shrugs. “I guess Jack heard you say you’re not with Van the other day and wanted to see if he could hit you up.”

I scrunch my nose at that news but remember saying it. I shouted it to Van right in front of his mom, but it had only been Mr. and Mrs. Cyprus, me, Piper, and Van in the kitchen at the time.

Jack must have been close enough to hear me or something, but to be honest Jack could have been in the same room as Van and I wouldn’t have noticed. When Van is around he’s all I can think about.

“And he said I was his girl again?” I hedge.

Saying those words out loud does things to me—things I shouldn't be thinking about. I might be shy, but my mind is dirtier than anyone I’ve ever met. I think about sex all the time and what filthy things I want Van to do to me. There’s so much I could never say out loud, but my kinky books give me fantasies that have a life of their own. I can’t control them, and like I said, Van is sweet. I don’t think he’d be into doing all the dirty things I imagine he would be, but that’s okay. Being with a sweet guy who treats me nice is enough. Right?

Chapter 2


“God, I need a blowjob.”

I look over at Jack and roll my eyes as he scratches his crotch.

“Fuck you, altar boy. I bet you’ve never had one.”

He’s trying to bait me and I won’t take it. Jack’s favorite pastime is running his mouth. His second favorite is riling me up.

“Once you get your dick wet there’s no going back.” He leans back in the chair and puts his hands behind his head like he’s trying to get a tan.

I want to tell him we all know he’s never gotten past first base and the closest he came to getting his dick wet was when he peed on himself at the high dive. But telling him that would only piss him off and cause a fight. I’m in no mood for his shit today but I’m not ready to kick his ass either.

Jack is a new hire my parents picked up on the recommendation of another counselor. He’s been good with wilderness preparation and trailblazing, but mostly because he can do those in solitude. As soon as he gets around the other male counselors he’s bragging about all his sexual exploits.

He’s right that I haven’t had a blowjob. But that doesn’t make me so innocent. In fact, I keep my mouth shut about it because the things I want to do are nothing I want to speak into existence. Some of the urges I feel are better left unsaid and kept in the dark corners of my mind.

Instantly the image of Tia bent over with her hands tied behind her back fills my mind and I have to push it away. She’s so sweet and innocent that I’d have to be careful with her. She deserves a gentle touch from a kind man and I can be that for her. No matter what my urges beg me to do.

“Did you check the ropes?” I ask as I clip carabiners to the ropes course bags.

“Twice, and then had extra loaded into the truck.”

Why can’t he be good at his job and not a complete douchebag about women? I’ve already talked to Mom about him several times and she’s got someone coming to take his place. We’re just waiting on them to finish their trip out West before they can get here. I can’t get Jack off Camp Hardwood property soon enough.

As I put the packs on the truck I think about Tia and wonder what she’s doing. I check my watch and try to calculate if I’ve got time to go by the kitchen before I have to take the packs to the group rope climbing today and then remember I’ve got Jackass with me. No way am I voluntarily taking him anywhere near her.