My phone vibrates and I see it’s an email about my online classes. Last week after I talked to my parents I signed up for the online vet program. I got lucky and was accepted right away because I can do my clinical and lab hours in town. I’m excited to be able to not only help out at Camp Hardwood but do something that I love.

I’ve always been the one to take care of the horses and other animals we keep on property. We’ve got a couple dozen chickens we keep for eggs, and a few falcons we use for training with the kids. Every now and again we’ll have a few stray dogs or cats show up and we welcome them to the family. But on one rare occasion we had a mountain lion get a little too close to camp. Moose helped us out with that and he hasn’t been back since, but I wondered what it would be like to treat one if it came in injured.

“Take these up to Rocky Ridge. I’m going to run by the stables,” I say to Jack as I close the back of the truck.

“Tell Tia hi for me,” he drops casually as he walks by me and gets in the cab.

I want to reach in and pull him out by his neck for uttering her name, but he’s kicking up dirt and tearing down the path before I can stop him.

I’m pissed not only because he’s thinking about her, but because he’s right. Yes, I’m using the trip to the stables as an excuse to see her, but why wouldn’t I? I know she thinks I’m kidding when I tell everyone she’s mine, but it’s not a joke.

The first time I saw those dark eyes, I knew I never wanted to look anywhere else for as long as I lived. Then the thoughts of what I’d do to her began to spiral, to a place inside me I didn’t know existed.

I get on the Gator and take the path to the stables. On the way I pass the employee kitchen, and without telling my arms to do it, they make the turn into the parking area. I jump out and take the steps two at a time like I’m rushing into a burning building to save Tia. There’s always this urgency to get back to her whenever I have to be away and I wonder if that will ever stop over time. If my parents are any indication then it’s not likely.

I stop when I get to the door and see her. She’s alone, which is rare, because Piper is usually in there with her, eating. But I think that’s what pregnant women do, so I’m surprised she isn’t here now.

I take a moment to look at Tia and watch her work. I lean against the doorframe and cross my arms over my chest. She’s got a big mixing bowl in front of her with a wooden spoon and something that looks like chocolate batter inside of it.

“See something you like?” Tia asks without looking up.

“You bet I do.” I see her cheeks deepen to a shade of scarlet and I wonder if her ass would be the same pretty color after I spanked it.

She looks up at me and I swear to God it’s like she’s seeing straight to my soul. I clear my throat and push those thoughts from me as I walk into the kitchen.

“Where’s Piper?” I ask as I move up behind her and look down in the bowl. “And what are you making?”

I hear the smile in her voice as she stirs and looks back at me. “She went to take a nap, and these are brownies for tonight.”

“It smells so good already.” I lean in close as I brace my hands on the counter on either side of her. I breathe deep and catch the scent of vanilla and chocolate and wonder if Tia tastes like it too.

“Thanks.” Her breath catches when I dip my finger into the batter before I bring it up to my lips.

I make a meal out of licking it clean while never taking my eyes off of hers. For a moment we’re locked in on one another and I can feel the sexual tension between us about to snap. But before I can say a word she blinks and then pushes past me.

She grabs a pan off a nearby shelf and turns her back to me while she pours the brownie mix into it. “You really shouldn’t eat raw batter, it can make you sick.”

“I’ll take my chances for a taste of that any day of the week.” When she looks over her shoulder I shrug and smile. “And twice on Sunday.”

I grab the water bottle she had sitting next to her and take a drink as she walks back over next to me.