It’s a while later as I’m lying on my back playing with her hair that I feel Tia’s stomach growl. I laugh and think about how little I have here in my cabin because I’m always in the main kitchen with her.

“I should feed you,” I say, and she sits up on top of me and looks down.

We both stare at the ring I slipped on her finger after the last time we made love. It’s a simple gold band with a round diamond in the middle. I got it the first day I saw her and I knew I wouldn’t stop until I made her mine.

“I think you want to go show this off to the camp.”

I try to hide my smug smile but it’s no use. “It would be an added bonus to feeding you. But we’re only going long enough to stock up on food and then we’re coming straight back to bed.”

“Deal,” she agrees as we jump up and quickly put on whatever clothes are nearby.

We hold hands as we walk out of the cabin and I can’t help but play with her ring. I love having it there and knowing that she’s mine. I can’t wait to get one of my own too. Do men wear engagement rings?

“You’ve got a few weeks before school starts,” Tia reminds me and I squeeze her hand. “What are we going to do until then?”

I look over at her and raise an eyebrow. “I think we can come up with something.”

She smacks my chest playfully as we reach the kitchen. “You know what I mean.”

“Luckily my first few classes are all online and then when I have to do my labs and clinicals I get to go into town. We could get an apartment there if you’d rather live away from the camp.”

I would hate to leave Camp Hardwood because it’s my home, but I’ll go anywhere as long as Tia is with me.

“Van.” She tugs my arm and I come up short. “We don’t have to leave here, do we?”

Dread fills her eyes and I step closer to her to cup her cheek.

“We don’t have to go anywhere, darling girl. I just wanted you to know we can if you ever want to.”

“I don’t,” she says firmly and I nod in agreement.

“Then this is home.”

“Home,” she repeats and I lean down to kiss her.

I hear a throat clearing nearby and I look up to see Piper standing on the porch of the kitchen. Tia blushes as she cuddles into my chest and I take her by the hand again and we make our way over to Piper.

“Good morning, you two love birds,” she says as we all enter the kitchen. “You’re late.”

“She’s off today.” I jump in before Tia can comment.

“I made you breakfast burritos yesterday, they’re in the fridge,” Tia says, walking over and grabbing the handle.

Just as her hand goes up, Piper lets out a squeal and rushes over next to her. “Tia, what the—” She turns to look at me with wide eyes and Tia’s face turns about ten shades of crimson. “Did you get engaged?”

“She did,” I confirm, and I can feel my smile stretching from ear to ear.

Piper whistles as she looks down at the ring. “I knew it.”

“You knew it?” Tia asks when her friend pulls her in for a hug.

“The way he looks at you? Are you kidding me? It was only a matter of days.” Piper looks over at me and beams. “Congratulations. Just make sure you take care of her.”

“I plan on it,” I agree.

“Good. Or I’ll have to kick your ass.”

I don’t mention that she couldn’t hurt a fly, and decide to just nod and bite my lip to keep from laughing.

“This is the best news. We should eat to celebrate,” she says, but as she turns to take a step I see a slash of pain in her eyes.

“Piper?” I call out, rushing forward just as she tries to make a grab for the chair next to her and nearly falls over.

I catch her just before she hits the ground and she clutches her stomach. Her face goes completely white and her eyes roll back.

“Call 911!” I yell as I pick Piper up and run to the emergency Jeep parked next to the office.

I feel Tia right behind me and when we get to the Jeep she jumps in the back seat with Piper.

“It’s going to be okay,” Tia says. I stomp on the gas and glance back to her in the rearview mirror.

“Tia?” I hear softly from the back, and I see Piper open her eyes and a bit of color reappears on her cheeks.

I breathe a quick sigh of relief but don’t slow down as I make my way to the hospital.

“I’m here. Just relax and we’ll be at the hospital in a second.”