“I had some spotting this morning. The baby book said it was normal.”

Baby book? Holy shit, Piper really was pregnant? Thoughts race through my mind and I don’t know what to do other than drive.

“Shh. Just relax and breathe. It’s all going to be okay.”

Tia looks up in the rearview mirror at the same time I do and our eyes lock in a question we’re both too afraid to ask.

Will it be okay?



Five years later…

“You really do everything with love,” Honey says to me as she airplane feeds our daughter. She’s too old to be fed like that, but I keep that comment to myself. It’s adorable and our youngest always giggles when she does it.

Honey and Ford are the grandparents of the century. They can’t get enough of our little girls. It warms me that our daughters have a family that fights over who gets to spend more time with them. It’s something so foreign to me, growing up the way I did. I’ve made my roots here and this is my forever home and family.

“What?” I say as I tie a perfect bow on the basket I’ve made. I packed up a late lunch for me to take out to Van in the barn. He didn’t eat enough when he stopped by for lunch and eating me doesn't count. I don’t care what he says. He’s too worried about hanging out with us and playing with our girls to eat a proper meal. He’s been busy out in the barn this week and now he’s dealing with someone who needs him to tend to their horse. Van normally only tends to our own animals, but the next closest veterinarian clinic is over two hours away so it isn't uncommon for people to stop in and ask a question or have him take a look. It’s hard for Van to say no when he thinks an animal might need help. Even if he’s as busy as he is.

“The basket looks like it belongs on a display. I can only imagine what’s inside of it.”

Thankfully everyone is used to me blushing. They think it’s the norm, but really I’m blushing because this basket isn't only stuffed with food for my husband—it might have a few other things for us to play with too. Van and I have been married for almost five years and there’s never a dull moment when it comes to our lovemaking. I know there never will be because he’s always finding new inner desires I didn't know were there. He really is the other half of my soul. How else could he read me so well and know things about me I didn’t?

“You know I’ll make you one anytime you want,” I tell Honey.

Sometimes I do it for her and Ford as a thank you. They’re always so eager to watch our girls when Van and I need a night with just the two of us. Like the nights when he wants to make me scream his name and it’s better if no one is within a mile of our place. I just don’t put the little extras in theirs like I do with the ones Vans and I use.

“I know, sweetheart.” She comes over and gives me a kiss. “Tell my son I said hi and I’m ready for another baby around here.” I roll my eyes.

“So, the usual.”

“Yep.” She winks at me before sitting back down with our girls again.

I give them both a kiss and think that I wouldn’t mind a third either. The girls are getting more independent and Van’s finished school. We have the time and he’s brought it up a few times himself. I just always have this small fear if I have too many kids that one might not get the attention it deserves. I know that’s my inner battle at play because it really is a village around here. It might be called Camp Hardwood, but everyone is family and this is home.

I take my basket out to the Gator for the short ride over to the barn. When I get there I see a truck I don’t recognize parked outside. This must be the person who called, but I wonder why they don’t have a trailer hitched up if they wanted Van to take a look at their horse. For some reason the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Not because I’m scared but because of something else I can’t place.

I step out of the Gator and grab my basket. The barn doors are open wide for me to enter and I freeze when I see my husband standing with a woman who is maybe ten years older than me. Not that it matters because she’s all legs with long blond hair. Without having seen much of her or knowing her, I can already tell she’s a professional show horse rider. What has me taking a step back is the fact that my husband has her by the wrist. Her hand is suspended between the two of them and I can’t see his face. I can only see her blue eyes widen in shock.