Page 19 of Unravel Me

He couldn’t resist goading her. “Am I?”

Cassie gave a nonchalant lift of her shoulders. “I plead the fifth.”

The lilt of her voice teased, but the light in her eyes held the same burn of appreciation that sucked him in at the bar. His gut laced into knots. Aw, hell. He was torturing himself. If he possessed a lick of sense he’d ask her where the fax machine was and get the hell out of this enclosed office.

Instead, he shrugged. “She’s too assertive for my taste.” He waited a beat, then deliberately added, “I like my women a bit more…obedient.”

When Cassie surprised him with a blush, satisfaction thrummed through him. He flashed her a grin. At least her eyes weren’t shooting daggers anymore. Though the bright gleam in those chestnut depths only thrust him down a dangerous path he didn’t dare consider.

He stifled a chuckle and gestured at her file folder. “Shall we go over the standard inclusions now?”

With an unintelligible mutter, Cassie began to sort through the documents.

Chapter Eight

At twelve-thirty, Brad strolled into Cassie’s office with Chinese takeout in tow. She watched the confident way he crossed the beige carpeting, the unhesitating way he took possession of her leather chair. Even the simple act of opening their lunch held the undercurrent of command. No wonder Stephanie simpered every time he flashed her that devastating grin.

No wonder her own nerve-endings stood at attention every time his vibrant blue eyes looked her over a heartbeat too long.

He passed her the box of beef and broccoli. “As you requested.”

As she took the steaming box, her fingertips brushed his. Tingles raced up her arm. His gaze snapped to hers as if he too had felt the uncomfortable charge. Shoot, it wouldn’t surprise her if he’d waited too long to let go on purpose. Regardless, the slow burn that crept into those vivid blues eroded logic. She ached to feel those strong hands slide over her body. Hiking her skirt up as they explored her thighs. Pushing aside the panels of her blouse to expose her breasts for his masterful mouth.

Cassie choked down a groan.

All she was doing was torturing herself. He was her opposing counsel, the man who had given her more headaches than she’d had in all her years of practicing law. He was smart, talented, and wouldn’t hesitate to go in for the kill if she let her guard down. And if she lost, she’d be stuck in traffic court until she retired. Worse, she suspected he was avoiding the proposed custody arrangement for a reason. Jennifer Cooper would be here shortly, and Miles had yet to approve the email Brad had sent listing the standard inclusions on the parenting plan. They needed to insure both sides were in agreement. Otherwise, Jennifer’s appointment would be wasted.

“Yoo-hoo? Cassie?” He cocked an eyebrow.

Crap—he’d been talking to her. “Hm?” she asked with a touch of chagrin.

One corner of his mouth turned up in a lazy knowing grin. Damn him, he was fully aware of the effect he had on her.

“Where are you, sweetheart?”

“I’m not your sweetheart.” She forked a sprig of broccoli and stuffed it in her mouth. Things would be so much easier if he’d stop using the endearment. All that word did was create whispered echoes in her mind of the night before.

God, she needed fresh air. Just a little breathing space before she had to spend the rest of her afternoon locked up with him. Why did life have to be so unfair, so infinitely bound in rules? Why did the one man who freed her from an emotional prison and inspired blissful spontaneity have to be someone she couldn’t indulge in?

She pushed the thoughts away and steered her focus to the work at hand. “We need to discuss this, Brad, before Jennifer arrives.”

“Did that email come yet?” he asked, gesturing to her computer.

Because her office network wouldn’t let Brad’s laptop connect, she’d ended up emailing Miles while Brad looked-on over her shoulder. Cassie set her lunch down and swiveled her chair to the computer. Two clicks brought her email program to the front, and she scanned her inbox for Miles Cooper’s name. It had arrived thirteen minutes ago. “It’s here.” Thankfully, just in time.